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Everything posted by arbit

  1. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Dont forget my favorite, the Phalanx. And cant wait for VF-2SS.
  2. You guys can borrow my Nerf Gun repaint. Nice card board work. In my house we call it Old Man Skills. But imagine if 4-yr olds had the skills of adults to make their arts and crafts. I guarantee they would blow us away. Man, the dreams I had as a kid, with no abilities to match.
  3. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Ewwww....That looks like the OP. But the in-anime version(s) look more "normal".
  4. Its really cool that you focus on rare mecha.
  5. They could have planned to fund it all along, but reached out to fans to reduce their investment as much as possible. But do those fans share in the profits from the ancillary toy, music and video sales?
  6. Oh yeah, I spend coutless hours in prep. But once the primer on, there shouldnt be a problem with paint staying on, right? Very nice scribing! I never get those edges clean, and over scribe.
  7. Winners never quit, and quitters never win
  8. Someone by the name of Jenius also kind of disappeared... I am getting old and all, but did they forget the story lines of most of the main characters? Something to look forward to in the movie.
  9. I've finally picked up my brushes again after a huge set back with my resin kits. As a first timer, I have to say painting resin figures is so much harder than model kits. Needs a lot more control with masking and airbrush, because the parts are not easily separated for you. Stripping and repriming is such a bummer....
  10. Caught up on Shin Godzilla recently. Should have seen it sooner since I enjoy Hideki Anno's style. I knew Anno was directing, but I didnt realize all the Gainax connections with Shinji Higuchi, Shiro Sagisu, and others on board. You should definitely check it out if you are into all that. As a "Western" viewer, I have to say that a lot of it went over my head. It is well done, but be warned that there are exactly three action scenes, and the rest is government talking heads. Anno has a unique style and there is never any doubt when he is helming a project. While I didnt get all the political stuff, which led this to be the highest grossing movie in Japan that year, I did catch A LOT of stuff that Anno fans will like. On a related note, I recently started watching a J-Drama called Blue Blazes which is based on a manga about original Gainax founder's and their time starting out in animation and film in Art School. Fun so far, if it seems appealing to you.
  11. That's true. I mean, SDF Macross wasn't a giant robot show. I think we can all agree to that. It was a drama balancing character development and the sci-fi war setting. But I have to say that Delta, and Macross 7, do have that giant robot feeling to them, where the valk battles are by the numbers, as you guys have mentioned. The difference with Delta as a giant robot show, is that the valks are heavily detailed, unlike 7. But the action scenes themselves are still by the numbers. Kawamori had mentioned that Delta was to be a cross between Plus and 7. I thought this meant combining drama and kitch. But it seems he just meant that the valks would be well-designed, not necessarily in a dramatic or sci-fi heavy sense. So I dont think it would work for the movie to be so different from the series in that sense. It is what it is. But I do think that the girl group concept can be executed at a more consistent standard, just as the double divas where executed extraordinarily well in Frontier. If all of Delta was as consistent as the first two episodes, Delta would have brought the anime world to a stand still (even though dancing valks and magical girls are not exactly my thing.)
  12. Looks like a cross between a Glaug, Tomohawk, Regult and a Gnerl's nose.
  13. I dont think its intentional. Somehow just seems that all of Bandai's learned knowledge does not pass form one valk to the next. Same thing with their Gunpla and Gokin in general; it seems that as soon as they find a solution with one figure, they go back and screw it up on the next one.
  14. arbit

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Its just a marketing gimmick. And as inexplicable as making HMR Roy a web exclusive with no new art work. Look at the ruckus and interest they created. I think its funny.
  15. That's cool Mechtech. Like all these hobbies, I assumed machining starts with a small, simple need, then grows and grows...
  16. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    How big would that be in HMR scale? Huge I think.
  17. That's the problem with the internet in general. But I think that this forum has improved drastically with banning bullies. Your opinion is valuable, don't be afraid to express yourself. Certainly that discussion would be for another page, but with the new Delta movie, I am hoping that we can all learn to express our opinions without personal attacks. I REALLY enjoy hearing opposite well-thought out opinions from fans, its actually fun.
  18. Where do we get original launch vehicle and rail, launch arm and Breetai's flagship? I haven't seen them at starshipmodelers, if that's where you mean. I have heard there is a second smaller 30cm Breetai Flagship that I would love to get too. I prefer 100% to support the original casters. But if something is completely out of production, I don't see the harm in getting a recast. None of it is licensed anyway.
  19. Good to know. I would definitely do the full line.
  20. That's cool. Its important that we can all say whether we loved it or hated it without getting flamed. If you can describe WHY you loved it, you might actually win some people over. Personally, I can appreciate any style, but the story and character development didn't capture me from one episode to the next. And that's my hope for improvement in the movie. The basics of long-form, plotted story development is why I got into anime in the first place in the 80's, as compared to episodic American TV. And I think that's what's lacking in current anime.
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