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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. A must have for me. It has everything I love in a mecha toy: Great design, fun to play with, sturdy construction and cheap to collect
  2. I voted the Monster, since I'm pretty sure the VF-17 is already covered. I have my new AT-AT sit next to me right now BTW, and I don't see why Yamato couldn't produce a 1/60 Destroid Monster. Granted Hasbro produces hundreds of thousands of AT-AT's, but the construction is cheap and sturdy and I doubt the Monster would be as tall.
  3. I know we'll see a mass produced version of this one day, I just know it. It might take a while, but I'm saving my money for the day that happens. Edit: Meanwhile keep those pics coming!
  4. Aw, look at that. You ordered one set and those bastids sent you two and probably even charged you for the second one. Not to worry, I'll take the second set off your hands and I'll even give you some money for it
  5. I know most people here are all about Fighter, but I'd like to know how the VF-19ACTIVE looks in Battroid mode before voting for it. As it stands, the Mac Plus 19 is at the top of my list since the S and the F are a given.
  6. So, what's the best way of getting one of these? Despite the high price "The Big Escape" was one of my favorite episodes. Then I'll have to get EXO's figure set, of course.
  7. Cool, thanks Kyp. Sounds like the 1/500 is the way to go.
  8. So when is the YF-21 coming out? I've been waiting for that for ages now. Specially since I don't care for Yamato's ugly battroid mode.
  9. Hey everybody. I'm a newbie at Yamato collecting and been wanting to get a good Yamato toy/kit from a few years now, so I have two questions: I love the GX-57, but it lacks folding wings, rights? You have to put them in and out unlike the BPX? And which kit is better overall? The 2007 1/350 of the New 1/500? Thanks a million!
  10. I love the Yamato Regult, really, but for some reason the lack of a pilot was an absolute deal breaker for me. If I ever decide to get one, however, I think I'll paint it as toyish as possible. Maybe some panel lining but that's it. No weathering whatsoever. I wouldn't want that such a pricey piece would stand out of the rest of the 1/60 line as a mere model kit. Just my two cents.
  11. I thought that was the whole point of being a MW member Seriously tho', I hope the overpricing of the mass produced SDF-1 is not Yamato's clever way of getting us used to the new price range: November 2010:"Sure the price it's a bit steep, but c'mon, It's the SDF-1!" February 2011:"So what if the Kai costs 300 bucks? it's still way cheaper than the SDF-1!"
  12. Yeah. Actually, I'm hoping that Yamato revises the YF-19 eventually with these proportions and engineering. That'd be the definitive 19 for me.
  13. I always thought that getting the whole suitcase just for the little spinner wasn't worth it, so I'm so getting this. Which would be a good place to buy it from shipped to LA price-wise? Also if the whole licensing nightmare is finally sorted out, maybe we'll be seeing the ultimate 1/6 version soon. Shivers!
  14. Which I don't own. I guess that makes it a deal braker for me.
  15. Me neither. Yamato's Chirico Cuvie has to be one of my all time favorite action figures.
  16. Agreed. As long as Yamato is in business and there's interested in the various Macross licenses, we'll keep seeing new/improved versions of whatever sells well. Right now the YF-19 seems to be the most obvious candidate to get the V.2 treatment. And I'm sure the 21 will follow tho' we'll probably have to wait a few years to see it, but I'm a patient guy.
  17. Any word on the pilot being included or being as tall as a VF-1 yet?
  18. I'm more of a Battroid guy, so the pics of the upcoming Kai really blew my mind. I've never been such a fan of the current YF-19's Battroid stand and proportions, so providing Yamato can give it the tightness of the V.2 VF-1 and the proportions of the new Kai, I'm so in! Repaints and everything.
  19. That's another thing: this is a Yamato first release, which means it's very likely to have a design flaw or two (The 1/2000 kit is made of HDP and it's not painted nor assembled, so it doesn't count as Ver.1.0). As for the price, this is THE Macross we're talking about. Not some obscure mecha, so there's no reason for Yamato to tag it with a ridiculous $400 MSRP. Plus, Yamato WILL find the way to milk this mold too, either they'll make a "Movie Colour Version" or a "Low Vis Version" or a "Battle Damaged" or "Weathered" versions, not to mention the periodical re-releases (let's not forget this isn't an exclusive item like the 1/2000 kit). That said, I think I'll do myself a favor by waiting for this to go to the clearance bins and by doing so, show Yamato that there is a line. And this comes from a guy who is considering on getting their über exclusive Regult kit.
  20. A Snap Fit system probably, easier to assemble for us with no modeling skills whatsoever.
  21. I can't believe how many people are jumping on this despite the price tag. Maybe it's because I was expecting this to be around the 200+ mark, but in the Regult thread I got stoned for considering getting a $500 model. How is the Regult more an antic than this little and poorly finished sucker?
  22. A new Jabba? Cool! Do you have a link to that? Edit: Nevermind, I've just found a nice gallery here. Overall a great set. The color app on Jabba is lacking, from the side it looks as if a mud pie just blew up on its face.
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