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Posts posted by seti88

  1. Indeed. It is a difference of 616 JPY with the posted price. Is Japan sales tax still around 8%? That would put the actual Tamashii retail price around 8744 JPY and the no tax difference at about 1376 JPY. Even then, it's still not bad if N-Y can secure the orders. If you have a contact or family overseas, then it may be worthwhile to seek out another

    hmmm not sure if the stand is worth the extra eagerness to order now... If its a nicer customised sculpted stand then maybe ...

    If am not mistaken preorders effectively start on the 29th right? So There may be a chance to get the regular roy at cheaper prices? Is There a Non tamashii exclusive version?

  2. Probably but be aware that you now have to pay for Tamashii Web Shop items upfront.

    I didnt know that!



    cr: taghobby

    So i take it pre-orders open end of this month from what i can see there...

  3. One more week till we hear abt it....... :D^_^ am getting restless already!

    Watching this did not help!


    somehow am getting more excited about the 'antagonist?' ....i do hope bandai doesnt screw it up....

    already trying to dissect from any exisiting draken/eurofighter pictures where might the arms go, feet etc in transformation....

    p.s. its probable the first annoucement would be for the vf-30? rather than the adversary but nevertheless am still getting myself pumped up as been a fan of the delta wing..

  4. Am hoping that hi-metal will release the other scout, missile version of the reguld...that would certainly make me want to army build.

    ah well one can hope..

  5. Probably due to various bandai/arcadia/yamato valks' releases, evo toys had already a mountain of expectations to meet.

    I certainly think if this preview was in the early days, the toy would be more welcoming.

    That being said, the M2 designs were more radical in design and probably perfect transformation had to have lots of accomadations.

    At the very least i would think most folks would buy it anyway if it looked great in fighter mode!

  6. If only it were a bit bigger , sigh..

    Bandai or whoever if you are ...pls update the Q-rau sized correctly and have it with opening missle doors..insta buy!

    always liked the organic design of the suit...

    thank you for listening to your fans... :D

  7. man these regults have slowly become the release i'm looking forward to most (that i currently have preordered anyway).

    Its also calling out for more army building! what to do....

  8. I've often thought that given the incredible fan love and popularity for the original VF-1 Valkyrie that similar designed VFs would be the obvious choices once the major stuff had been exhausted. Because the VF-1 is the major economic draw, anything like it would likely sell better? I would think stuff like the VF-3000 Crusader or the VF-2SS Valkyrie II would be the safest choices given how VF-1-like they are.

    hmm hard to say as it is still a legacy valk, and bandai is also releasing the hi-metal line which offers an alternative (altho not in 1/60 scale).

    I would say its hard to judge the demand for it. The other main point is that would you have an attractive enough release to steal the thunder off the newer DELTA valks released by bandai's DX lines which would also be cheaper?

    hmmm, i'm pretty sure the vf-1 arcadia reissues (not the 1j clown deco one) sold out fairly quickly. they are going for quite premium in the after market it seems too. i am regretting selling my fast pack sets though as i thought arcadia would have reissued them by now (the reason i sold them). if arcadia does reissue though i will be super happy. they should do both tv and sdfm versions. they should throw in a strike cannon with the tv version too even if its not canon. also i think the coloring should be slightly different for the tv vs dyrl.

    Yea those add onn packs do spice up ur valk a fair bit. With so much competition for the $$ though, often it gets relegated to a buy when I have the spare cash......

  9. The question is if there are any Valkyries out there that have enough demand to legitimate a 1/60th PT high-end toy that hasn't been done by Yamato/Arcadia. If you look at Arcadia releases they are all Valkyries that have been done previously by Yamato (even if the VF-0D was first it is a variant of the of the VF-0A/S). I would say no.

    The only one that has the potential would be a VF-5000 due to its appearance in the Macross Dynamite 7. Than again it wasn't the heroes vehicle so who knows.

    Releasing a V3 VF-1 might be a risk because the collectors are decked out with the V2 which is a strong representation of the original Valkyrie. Maybe the sales for the VF-1 reissues from Arcadia weren't that strong to warrant even the release of the rest of Skull Squadron let alone a complete new VF-1 mold.

    A overhaul of the YF-21 seems also risky because the only repaint potential are the VF-22S that shelf-warmed massively with the last iteration of the toy.

    I think a release of the SDF-1 TV-Version would be possible because it is likely that Arcadia has the Yamato molds and designing two ships doesn't seem that hard. A very limited made to order run of the VF-11B/C might also be possible given the after market value of the VF-11C but I don't see enough potential buyers for a full production run.

    What would be cool would be a VF-11MAXL (might sell because of Mylene) that result in a new VF-11B/C as a remold similar to the VF-0D -> VF-0A/S.

    Maybe Arcadia is hoping that Bandai let go the Frontier license.

    It does seems perplexing and not clear cut what would like be arcadia's next move.

    They would need to do something radical i feel. A bit like releasing the reactive armour(which has never been done b4 in 1/60 and is a obvious extension of the 0s).

    Else does arcadia have sufficient clout to maintain their pricing at this level for a longer term?

    The only other clear fan fav i see that hasnt been done b4 is the destroid mk3...but destroids seem to be an acquired taste in 1/60 scale, or i would say not an immediate insta-buy amongst the general toy collector base. Not to mention the amount of plastic would mean it costing even higher.

    Since we know the next 4 releases that would likely fill the gaps for the next 6 - 8 months...most likely what's being discussed here, would be end 2016/2017 arcadia releases and If so, it boggles the mind that what else would arcadia pull from their hat...

  10. yeah, i know what you mean. It felt like for the amount of hours I put into building gunpla, I could have use the time to do something more productive. Even if I finish my backlog I wouldn't have space to display them anyway. lol I pretty much boxed up ALL of my HGUC stuff (like 60 of them) to make room for my Macross stuff.

    The only thing i'm looking forward to in Gunpla are MG Altron and V2.

    Iron Blood Orphans look really good. I hope they keep the gritty and iron-blooded approach to this new series. No more pacifists inside a weapon of mass destruction please, got really tired of that Jesus Yamato crap.

    I'm feeling that financial fatigued regarding Macross stuff too, that's why I complain about Arcadia all the time lol. I really wanted to support them, but I just feel like they're asking too much.

    I hope Bandai stay in that 150-200 dollar price range for their Macross Delta stuff, and not follow in Arcadia footstep into the 250-300+ range. Otherwise, I'll be out of collecting Macross toys.

    The MG Altron does look wicked with those double extension claws! If only i had started the MG EW collection which i said i would but didnt! :p

    The only reason pacifists are needed in gundam, is to fill in the void of animating long battle scenes....cos pilots need to talk abt deep philosophical stuff in the midst of beating the crap out of each other in battle! :lol:

    I wouldnt be too worried abt Bandai going Arcadia's route. Bandai's size allows them to maintain a decent price range, and i dont thk they would want to cut demand by pricing their toys too high either. Plus they are the king's of recolors! What they lack in price, they more than make up in milking the same mold! :p

  11. I take it that Bandai is bankrolling Delta like Frontier, so I'm pretty sure Bandai will have exclusive license for any transforming toys.

    I do hope that Arcadia may be able to eventually pick up the Frontier license. I'd love to see an Arcadia VF-25 though I know I won't like the price tag.

    On the hobby front there is a macross modellers brand, encompassing various companies like aoshime, bandai, wave etc...

    It would be good if a similar brand strategy applid to the toymakers, to generate demand and interest more than a single company can do on their own.

    On the frontier side, if arcadia does pick up the license, i think they will have a hard time differentiating themselves from bandai's cheaper and tampo filled releases. As such am not sure if its a good strategy for them to do that.

    Should the Delta series be quite good, its reasonable to expect that demand for older series toys would drop, whilst the new toys are still being spinned-off. And with arcadia's pricing, it may be quite a challenge for them to maintain demand...

    I'm down for a YF-21 and a VF-11B with added improvements of course. Though, I hope Delta do more cameo of older valks like the 21/22 and 11 so they can pull a VF-19A in Frontier. :lol:

    Anyway, Do they even have M7 licence anymore?

    As for Delta, I doubt they would get the rights to release (or Frontier for that matter) any toys from that series. I'm pretty sure Bandai got that on lock down.

    Hey, I hope Bandai keep doing what they've been doing right now, and be successful with Macross Delta stuff.

    I'm really liking their Tempo and adding details to their valks. Some people find the Yamato/Arcadia valk more desirable in appearance, I'm the other way around. I really like those decals that Bandai put on their valks, they look like a really fine display piece with it. While Yamato and Arcadia looks like a cheap toy in comparison.

    I got out of Macross toy collecting because of Yamato QC problems, and got back into it because of Bandai renewal stuffs. So, I'm pro Bandai all the way. :lol:

    Am not sure abt M7 license, maybe someone can enlighten....

  12. Man, those PG Unicorns look really good when it lights up like that.

    It's too bad that I'm so burned out on gunpla, not to mention my mountain of backlog kits. :ph34r:

    Otherwise, I would've grabbed one.

    i got burnt out of gunpla a year ago after 3 straight years of populating my bookshelf and also have a load of kits unassembled...now its admiration and the odd one here and there...iron blood orphans does look good tho...am hoping i wont get burnt out of macross, although it would be more of a financial issue rather than trying to keep up with many releases.. ^_^

  13. So, Dec 2016 could be the month for a YF-21.

    I think we might start to see the SV-51s lines in 2017. I mean they do have the Macross Zero licence.

    And then maybe back to VF-1 lines in 2018, with some Plus stuff throw in there (YF-19 arm cannon, fold boosters, VF-11B) ?

    Its more of a wish list but looking at their scope of releases i would hope they re-do the 21 just like they "re-did" the 19.

    I dont know, vf-1, M+ and M0 are older series with multiple toy releases already, and i am wondering how much more milk they would have...

    but i would gladly also welcome an updated VF-11....and also they prob still have options for a VF-0B,C :p though with the DELTA hype coming up i wonder if that would be part of their strategy to release less obvious designations from older series to compete for sales.....now that would really be ...NICHE!

    unless arcadia gets a bite out of the delta license as well of course... :wacko:

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