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Posts posted by seti88

  1. I'd bet money that we'll see the 30 in Macross Delta.

    As for the many possible pods/packs for the 30, I think there will be a recon pod, missile pod (YF-30 ), beam cannons pod, loud speakers pod, fold booster pod, fast pod, armor pod, and giant reaction missiles pod.

    That's about all I could think of. Feel free to add more.

    Perhaps a shield Lod ala gundam style? Or drone pod? Or something like an old school r-type weapon system where a seperate pod hangs around the ship...

    Though am more interested in the delta wing valk tho...

  2. Just remember that Kawamori said before that he designed the 30 to have the exchangeable pods in mind. ;) But yeah, it looks like the 30 profile.

    Very likely an updated 30, but what will be the mount? cannons similar to the tornado pack or turrets to shoot backwards ala the new tie fighter! :rolleyes:

    It has the Delta logo, so either the grey/blue valk has a very similar yf-30 battroid mode, or the 30 made it to Delta. Or maybe Bandai is just trolling us with the Delta logo

    Am hoping its not the exact copy of the 30 but perhaps with slight deviations to warrant a new call-number...

  3. one thing i have learned in collecting over the past decade is that most of the time, patience instead of paying inflated secondary market prices pays off :)

    long shot, but hope they'd redo the SDF1 too...never say never!

    I hear ya....its generally the case... though there is one which has been rare to catch which i hope they will re-release...virgin road.... ;):(

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