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Everything posted by EXO

  1. I don't regret buying the first release 1/48s. But I do feel that the ones that waited are proven wiser. Gentlemen and ladies, buy at your own will and enjoy.
  2. You'd have to be nuts to start a topic like this here, no matter what the rules states. Look at the beating Halle Berry is taking, you're expecting the people to make nice? As far as I know there's no rules against a snowball in hell, it doesn't mean I'm gonna invite the devil to a snowball fight.
  3. What's your take on the original version, Js? I havent seen it, but I like old movies and I've seen a few Howard Hawks movies which were pretty good. Have you seen it yet?
  4. I don't have the Minmay sharpener. The original isn't even mine. It was lent to me by Solscud, which was originally given to him by Seichii... I don't have a price because I'm not the one doing the recasting. I gave the piece to Rohby because I didn't want to screw it up. I'll ask him when I see him again or shoot him a PM.
  5. Are those copies going to be the "as is" pencil sharpener or are they gonna be modified to sit in the 1/48? Just the figure by itself, standing up. No base. Not sitting down.
  6. M-66, while not innovative nor original, has pretty good action sequences. It's just straight out fun, IMHO. But don't expect any more than that.
  7. "The name ish wayne, broosh wayne." Actually, catwoman ethnicity and hair color has always varied. Following Julie Newmar was Eartha Kitt in the old 60's series. (60s, right?) And Ashley Judd was originally oficially in line for this role, somewhere down the line she must've dropped out. Now Charlize Theron, that's a good pick. Hell, I'd watch if they made Charlize Theron Bruce Wayne...
  8. Which brings me to my second point, kids. Don't do crack.
  9. um... yeah... good to know... Yeah, Shirow definitely has a sick side that most people don't need to see. But are we here to concentrate on that?
  10. Dark Horse was also getting a lot of pressure from the bigger chain book stores to put out their graphic novels to match Tokyo Pops format. They can display more and would confuse their costumer's less. This came from a talk I had with Tim Ervin-Gore, one of DH's manga editors. I'm used to the Studio Proteus's format but wouldn't mind switching over to the flipped. For some reason, I read magazines from back cover to the front. I'd take any SP manga over TP anytime though, flipped or not. At least they get translators that actually understand their original material.
  11. I was having such a hard time finding the stupid thing that I had to get it recasted. Knight26 also put one in his 1/48. Looked great.
  12. I'll take capitalism as a partial reason, maybe even a big reason. But they could have made money in many ways with the franchise. A sequel, a side story or maybe even prequel. But I think they made it a retelling to redeem themselves from the sometimes shoddy production of the series. To show the anime world what Macross could've been given enough time and a bigger budget. And no I don't have any quotes, articles or anything to support that. That was solely my opinion. I consider myself a fanboy. I'm just not that good at being one.
  13. I don't mind hentai and stuff. Who are we to choose his audience? It's the Horsemen thing that scares me. Bestiality? WTF is that about? I wonder if his publishers are even worried about the sales on that kind of style? I mean who wants that crap?
  14. Tarantino sucks!!! hehe, just kidding... I'm just waiting for all the Taratino bashers to appear. There will be anime sequences, maybe flash backs or just to flesh out the characters. Check out the website... http://www.kill-bill.com/ can't wait for this one...
  15. The translation thing is pretty cool and I'm looking forward to it. I just realized early on that one person who chooses his pride over common sense is not worth the time. Good luck.
  16. Well, HE started it... No I didn't did too did not did too did not uh huh uh uh uh huh uh uh...
  17. I had the Lionbot as a kid...that thing was pretty solid. The Matchbox version was good also. But paying $30 for the TM was a fair deal. I wish i would taken better care of the old Lionbot though, and the vehicle version too... oh well...
  18. Hey Chris... I think that the level of detail lies on the weathering/painting of the piece. You'd be surprised at the amount of detail that the Yamato has with the FaST Packs on, if you haven't seen it for yourself. I'm not trying to deny you the beauty of your custom. I have seen it for myself and was pretty much in awe. But given the same treatment, I'd say the Yamato toy will be able to hold up. The only thing it doesn't really (my guess) is the removeable panels on the valk itself. But like you said... it does transform. I don't want to be a Yamato cheerleader (I'm not, I'm not a big fan of the 1/60s, I rather get 1/55s) but I can't keep my eyes off my 1/48 . Hey mlz22, how about another pic taken in daylight?
  19. Shirow tried using assistans before. One of them ended up putting out Pixie Junket. Very Shirowesque type style. Must have been around the first Dominion comics, because it had a character like the one that didn't need a gas mask when the world was polluted. As far as that Appleseed OVA. I think I ended up enjoying displaying it on my shelf more than watching it. There's a new CG series coming out, looked like crap on the DVD that came with the toys, but looked awesome at the SD Con... something to look forward to. I had no problem with the GitS movie design, it's the pacing that killed me. SAC is a much better interpretation. Not a big Mamoru Oshii fan... Where's physioguy(formerly briareos)... he's the expert around here... lol.
  20. LOL, hey Sean. If you're a big Shirow fan and would want to compare I'll lend them to you... just don't return it like all Colonel Sanders and crap...
  21. I also agree that his evolution as an artist is not quite what I was expecting. The height of his talent, as far as I'm concerned is the last two Appleseed books. But even at his worst you can't compare most of the manga artists to him.
  22. I don't know if anyone has ever seen a hentai manga by an artist named Newmen. It's also published by Studio Proteus (hehe, almost typed 'Nue'). The style is remarkably close to that of Shirow. Not just the linework but the screentone. One of the main girls even has Major Kusinagi's hairstyle. It makes me suspect that it's more than coincidence. If it wasn't for the explicit material in GitS, I would have doubted it more. But that hentai book has some of the best manga art I've ever seen.
  23. Thanks Jess... glad to be of fanservice...
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