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Everything posted by atomicscissors

  1. I've seen a lot of people dress up as Finn, Fionna, PB, and Jake for Halloween this year. I would too, but I've always felt silly in costume. The two places that I know of where you can get a Finn hat is etsy.com or amazon.com.
  2. I've seen them. But that doesn't mean I think they go hand in had. Just found out there's a shop that sells a licensed Scorpion jacket (it adds +10 to your driving skill), but their 1st and 2nd run are already sold out. No word on a 3rd run. http://steadyclothin...AGES/drive.html
  3. One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble! Gooble gobble! Fun fact: The voice actors that play "Marceline the Vampire Queen" and "Marceline's dad/Lord of Evil" are father and daughter in real life. Martin Olson and Olivia Olson
  4. The infographic cracks me up. http://hirschkraft.com/explotor/
  5. I think what he meant was that people aren't buying books like they were in the past -- not that publishers are printing books in lesser numbers. Though that is what I think will eventually happen: My guess is that we will see books meant for the masses -- books such as those on the NY Times Best Sellers List -- will eventually stop being printed; they'll all end up as e-books on the "Kindle 9" or the "iPad 7S". And eventually the world of publishing will return to being more intimate/private, with only a handful of publishing houses around the world printing books in extremely limited numbers (think runs in the tens, hundreds at the most). Eh, that's what I envison anyways.
  6. Awesome fig! lol the whole "old man voice" was a big turnoff for me as well. The "good old-fashioned action-adventure show" is what initially drew me in, but the unexplained phenomena, and the innuendos that have popped up in the course of the series is what has kept me around. To me, the simple lines and bright colors of the art direction mask a dark and macabre layer of the show. And then there are moments like this: Huzzah!
  7. Ditto. I had a nerdgasm the first time I saw the episode of the "New Batman Adventures" with the "Dark Knigh Returns" scene. Can't wait for TDKR. And if DC does do "The Killing Joke"? sploosh
  8. I only watched "Invader Zim" a couple of times, but I liked what I saw. I didn't watch any more of it because I kept missing it on TV (back before the invention of the DVR). I hate Hot Topic, period.
  9. Didn't want to start a topic just for this, but Mark Hamill has said he'd reprise his role as the Joker if DC made "The Killing Joke". https://twitter.com/#!/HamillHimself/status/128336011200708608
  10. Just caught this. It was okay. If I want a fairy-tale drama though, I'll just read "Fables". I wonder if there's anything more to the "Lost" references, or if they were just fan service? It kind of felt like cheap pandering to me, honestly. I felt kind of dirty afterwards.
  11. Ha, that was a great ep. "And you're walking along..." Another thing I love about "Adventure Time" is its Superflat aesthetic.
  12. ZOMG! Strawberries protect the stomach from alcohol! http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-10-strawberries-stomach-alcohol.html
  13. I don't follow that kind of stuff. Who owns who?
  14. If I may plagiarize Dynaman: "everything about it". I didn't like the animation, I didn't like the voice acting, I didn't like any of the characters, I didn't like the stories. I watched more than a few episodes, but ended up thinking to myself, "Why am I watching this? This is terrible." I disliked the fact that the characters took what they were doing so seriously as well. And the prop design; I get it, they're kids and they build things out of found objects, but still - yuck. The era you mentioned is definitely the Golden Age of CN, so much good stuff there. I don't know what's on CN other than "Adventure Time", mainly because I mostly don't watch TV anymore (I just download shows and watch them at my convenience). All the shows you mentioned are definitely original in their own way, and I would put "Adventure Time" up there with them.
  15. Hmmm, from a historical perspective you might be right about the concept of the summer blockbuster originating in the 80's. And I suppose the studios throwing money at a sci-fi production, in hopes of making it "good", is a natural reaction given the genre itself. But I wonder, was it done as often, and at the scale (taking into account inflation) with which we are seeing today?
  16. Wow, KND? We definitely have completely different tastes. Anyways, just watched last night's episode and geeked out at the references to "Dawn of the Dead" and "I am Legend".
  17. I think the writing is pretty good; it has that subtle (and sometimes, not-so-subtle) adult humour that Spongebob had in the first few seasons while Hillenburg was still around; even more so. The plot? Well for 10~ minute short subjects, I think they do pretty well. What kind of experience are you expecting? Inception? Does Finn scream and yell? Of course, he's a kid. Does Finn end up doing stupid things? Sure, again he's a kid. For me, I find it somewhat quaint to watch Finn happily trying to solve a problem that sometimes does not exist. On the other hand, Spongebob and Patrick have recently started acting like (excuse my phrasing) retards for the sake of being retarded. And I'm sorry, but Ren and Stimpy were terrible. To this day, for the life of me, I can't understand why people like it. I cringe whenever I hear someone say, "You EEEDIOT!" That's supposed to be funny? Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.
  18. DICE has said the lighting, shadows, and grass textures have already been sorted out. Can't wait for the beta.
  19. Oh man, I forgot about "Jaws 3-D" and "Friday 3-D". Truly, everything old is new again.
  20. Haha, you're probably not wrong. But I just can't think of a movie, from a major studio, from that decade that I can accuse of trying to overcompensate for a paper-thin plot with massive SFX.
  21. I'd just like to see Nick Fury try to recruit Wolverine and Spiderman in this movie.
  22. Yup, this is exactly what's wrong with 99% of movies today. It's almost as if the studios have forgotten how to tell a compelling story. Today it seems Hollywood believes by throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into SFX, it can trick audiences into thinking a movie is good. Of course, it never works but people still buy the tickets. :/
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