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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. I'm really happy with the new The Prodigy album that came out last week, borrowed it from a friend because I wasn't sure if they still had any gas in the tank, my copy should be at the house tonight. The new Isis record is out in a week, I'm looking forward to that and the new record by Big Business the week after. Slayer is in the studio as well
  2. They've been pretty good about shootnig the shows they way they want, editting for TV and then releasing the full episodes on DVD with BSG, I expect the same from Caprica. I was pleasantly surprised by the pilot/movie and I look forward to tuning into the show.
  3. I'll tell you why I was, because the initial teaser that they showed for Caprica, had no sciene fictiony elements to it at all, it showed Eric Stultz(Spelling sorry) wading through a teen night club and he was asking questions about a missing daughter and something about teen sex party. The end. It looked like CSI- meets 90210 on what we are told is Caprica, there just wasn't a hook in the teaser that looked a little interesting. Now with the actual trailer commercial available I was corrected and will give it a try, but with the Sci Fi Channel bluntly denouncing the Sci Fi Genre as being too limitting, I expected the worst at the time.
  4. Thanks for the review, I had seen this thread last year and was anxious to see a painted verion of The Maxx I'll have to look around, I missed out on the MacFarlane version and need something to go with my comic collection
  5. I got shipping confirmation from Amazon last Friday that they had mailed my copy of Caprica, I've got a half dozen people lined up to watch it with me / borrow it, I'm a little surprised how many of my friends are anxious to watch it, a lot of people, myself included were poo-pooing it when we saw the first teaser.
  6. It was either the Chicago tribune articles series or on the Sci Fi Boards where Moore was responding, but I believe I read that they were waiting to air it on television until shortly before the first season is prepared to air, because they didn't want to repeat the mistake of airing the pilot/movie months before the series and allowing people to forget / disregar the show because of the big break. I'd suspect the early DVD release is just intended to cash in on the acclaim for BSG and the fact that the fanbase was left wanting more and will likley snatch it up When is The Plan supposed to air?
  7. I completely misread your post, sorry I was taking a jab at myself on the "standard" units of measure.
  8. I suspect you've got the heathen thing backwards I was going to post both standard and metric but since I was guessing there wasn't any reason to be that specific. "A foot" is pretty universally understood right? I'd like to think that most Americans can tell you the rough equivalent of a Meter, at least in terms of a few of the generic measurements.. It will be interesting to see if this is just dipping a toe into the pool or if Hasgawa has plans to jump into the 1/48th scale market, they may be willing to tackle the VF-1 Two Seaters where Yamato did not, that would be kinda nice. I might consider ditching some of my Yammies if Hasegawa did some great model representations.
  9. I picked up a copy of the 1/48 resin kit that was around several years ago, it's actually on my art desk now partially assembled. I am at the office but I would guess that th 1/48 is a little over a foot long. it is a pretty nice size, not tooooooo big, but definitely not a little thing
  10. I intend to read up on the display / contest end of things, I have never been to the con, most of the ones i have been to in recent yeas have had no real model contests so i don't have any idead what the process or competitions look like. I was really just planning to be a spectator this year and scope it out. I have finished a couple Moscato kits this year though so I might change my mind. And it's in Loisville kentucky may 16 and 17, here's a link to their site http://www.wonderfest.com/flyer.html
  11. I've seen discussions in the past about Wonderfest, I'm shying away from the big cons this year and thoughts I'd check this one out. Anyone else going this year? I don't really know what to expect, this seems to be a much more focussed con than the ones I have gone to over the past few decades, like Dragon Con, which is awesome but it is just total chaos. Anyone got any tidbits of advice to share? My vacation is blocked off and my room is booked, I just received my 2 of my Bandai Frontier kits in the mail this week too Hooray!
  12. This seems like as good a thread as any. Has there been any rumor or serious discussion of "Perfect Grade" style Macross Frontier Kits? I would be extremely excited about a PG version of any of these kits.
  13. Thanks, I'll have to check it out!
  14. Do you have a link to "MMC" or the contest, I'm not familiar with it and you've piqued my curiousity.
  15. My pilots arrived yesterday, lickety split considering they came from the opposite side of the planet. Thanks for the smooth transaction!
  16. I desperately want a studio scale Tie Interceptor and B-Wing. Some day
  17. Not a spoiler, but for those planning to Tivo / record the show tonight remember it's 2 hours and 11 minutes, it is supposed to run over several minutes beyond most standard DVR overlap caches.
  18. Well just speculation here, but I'd guess, the Five had a scientific prototype sort of set up, the Hub was a large scale, mass production / server farm type factory facility.
  19. I kind of read the ressurection ships as being like a wireless router, their consciousness had to be in range of a hotspot so they could transfer their information into an available conduit, the ressurection hub was the machine that actually processed and reformatted their information and installed it on a cleanly formatted machine.
  20. Also, while they may not be able to crank out a bunch of fresh ressurrected skin jobs, there's nothing to say that they can't start up the old production line cranking out old school robot cylons to fight their war for them.
  21. Placed order for a couple sets just a few minutes ago. Thanks for the offer. If you do Destroid pilots you'll see my business again. -Zach
  22. Was it the Japanese or Korean Spiderman that had a uzi and was not afraid to use it?
  23. Awesome build, painting and weathering. And I have to say that parade picture puts a smile on my face every time I look at it Thanks for posting!
  24. I agree to some extent, and when you look at these things they have to have wide enough appeal, to the collectors who would buy them for the Captain to cover his time and expenses to make the things, but if people don't go through the books and pull out new ideas who knows what might get overlooked. I want to think correct me if I'm wrong) he's usually looking to make at least 30 to 50 kits to justify making a master and molds. if you know what the kits run, you can basically see the low end of the ballpark you would be in if you wanted to commission him to do a private run (I'd suspect, if whe was even open to the idea), so something that only a half dozen people want isn't going to get made unless you have deep pockets. I am enamoured with the Zent designs in Macross, I'd absolutely be into a kit of the first design, probably not so much on the second
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