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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Please please go back to rachets for the ankles, no more ball joints that look weird in gerwalk. That's all I need
  2. Proto Zero is the original wing zero concept right? Not the one quattro actually builds based off that design?
  3. Its not hard once you get the hang of it, trust me. I died a lot when starting out, but easily fit better. The best thing you can do is mentally accept that this isn't yluncharted, and the fewer you fight, the better. Honestly, Hunan enemies with arsenals of their own were more challenging. I found the best way to deal with a large group is to throw an empty bottle in an open area. Once all the infectedcrush toward it, chuck molotovs like nobody's business. I've been toned to the point where any equipment that identifies me as a source of sound is a no no when dealing with large groups. If you have to fire, move after you do, or else the infected will rush you and humans will work to flank you. And yeah, there is an easy mode
  4. I know people have said that based on superficial comparisons, but as a game, it's just so much fun.... I don't think squaring it away as an interactive "The Road" would do justice to the game as a whole. I know it looks similar on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts
  5. I just finished the last of us. That was the best game I've ever played....ever. I've never experienced something so emotionally powerful like this before in a game. BIG SPOILER I know zombie stuff is popular right now, but the last of us really throws you in and makes it more believable an any media before it. Honestly, this game is worth a full ps3 purchase alone. I don't care if the next gen is landing soon, I seriously think this is a VERY strong competitor for game of the year. If you can't tell, wow, I'm impressed.
  6. Let's not be so mean guys, I think your flaming the poor guy (DuelGundam) too much, and for no good reason beyond mismatched tastes. Everyone can be happy if everyone is considerate
  7. After an explosive introduction, the anime has really slowed down. I'm thinking, as marzan said, that this will pan out into 2 seasons, as there is no way at the current pace that they are catching up to the manga. Chapter 46 of Titan delivered a lot of interesting hints by the way.
  8. Not really anime, but for guys reading the manga, I think attack on Titan chapter 46 is out. Haven't read it yet though, so I could be wrong
  9. I'm not super familiar with GPUs. What's the disparity between the box's ddr3 and the playstation's gddr5? Will multiplatform development hold back what can run on ps4?
  10. I have mixed feelings now about xbone vs ps4. Xbox seems to have the better interface, but i wonder how advantageous the GDDR5 in the ps4 will be in the future. Gah, indecision
  11. I don't know if this was posted yet or not, but I thought it was cool if actually out into production, although it still needs a ton of work on takara's part: http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/additional-details-on-takara-tomys-remote-control-transformers-line-concept/27570/ Thoughts? Looks awkward, but I think the fact that they are trying is cool
  12. So, now that Sony has confirmed that all ps4 games that don't require camera peripheral will function via remote play on the vita, anyone else a bit more happy they bought this thing. I've had a vita since launch, and excluding the one off game like persona 4, there really hasn't been much to keep me interested. I took it out for the first time after a few months to get blublaze free from ps plus. I'm so happy it's becoming a great 250 dollar accessory now Sarcasm aside, I'm excited it will have some use, and people might actually go buy it, and thus, people might even go make games for it!
  13. Thanks for that. Just canceled my best buy pre order and bought the launch day watch dogs bundle for ps4
  14. I'm hoping Sony realizes the demand it has and gets enough ps4s out on the street. Do you guys remember the gunfights the broke out over the ps3 on launch day?
  15. I looked into those before pre ordering at best buy. I don't think you actually save any money right? You're still paying full price for the added controller and game? I guess it may be worth it to secure an extra controller though
  16. Amazon has it listed as a December 31st release date, but I'm sure that's tentative at this point. I'm in it for square enix, infamous, and watch dogs at this point. Hope mgs5 makes it over as well. I'm surprised Sony so explicitly mentioned counter arguments to microsofts policies, point for point, though Edit: as for the growing up on kingdom hearts thing, I thought I told you guys I'm not even 20 yet. Kingdom hearts came out when I was 8ish, and kh2 was out at about 13. So I've been waiting a while for this, as kh really made my childhood.
  17. Yo anime52k8, where you stand on this now bro? Haha, I'm teasing. But yeah, 399, no cruddy used game system, and awesome games. Ff15 trailer looked cool, albeit breaking from tradition. I think Sony just won the next generation with a crushing victory. Any release date information?
  18. Ps4 and square enix, take all my money!!! I grew up with kingdom hearts. I'm literally crying right now. Eat your heart out xbox
  19. I can't wait. I get out of lab at 4 on Friday. Going straight to GameStop with some friends to pick it up, and that whole weekend will be reserved for the last of us.
  20. I wonder if that final fantasy they list will finally be versus 13, even if rebranded. Also, good overview of xbot1 policies broken down. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/06/microsoft-details-xbox-one-used-games-always-online
  21. Xbox One, lolwut. I have solid Internet, but I can clearly see where people could get pissed. I go to other friends' houses all the time with games of my own to play over there and visa versa, and this really makes that unfeasible nor comfortable. What was Microsoft thinking? As long as Sony doesn't pull this kind of garbage..... Xbox1, for the TV obsessed, friendless, and blind consumer in all of us. Even apple doesn't do this kind of stuff...
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