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Posts posted by Tking22

  1. 3 hours ago, Mog said:

    Or here’s a novel idea:  why not hire the folks who did the Netflix series, and let them do what they were planning for Season 4 (with Bullseye coming back)?

    The hubris Disney had to call it “Born Again,” when Season 3 practically did that story, was annoying.

    This as well. The Netflix crew had, from what I've read, basically everything ready to start production on season 4 then the plug got pulled. I know Disney wants this to be a light reboot, but why not just continue things, and for those that didn't watch the Netflix stuff just give us a summary or some dialogue to quickly cover things. And yes, season 3 was the Netflix crew adapting "Born Again", even though Disney swears they aren't adapting that the name doesn't help and even taking cues from that will probably end up coming closer to DD Netflix season 3 then they wanted or were expecting. 

    Either way I'm nervous, Netflix DD was , overall, pretty fantastic, and I was hyped to see a "proper" Bullseye in season 4, D+ knows they have a lot to live up to so scrapping things if they were terrible is at least a small first step in the right direction. 

  2. On 10/13/2023 at 4:40 PM, Big s said:

    The big talk in the news has been the mess with Daredevil. When your show is so bad they decide to scrap most of what was filmed and fire the show runners it really makes me wish they had just not bothered with it. Hopefully they can rescue the show and not just pump out another secret invasion mess, but it’s not sounding hopeful at the moment 

    Yeah if they ruin my boy after three seasons on Netflix, two of which were really good, I'll be highly disappointed. At least they realized what they were doing was crap and scrapped it early enough, I've also read the series is going to be dialed back to half the promised episodes, which is fine, the Netflix shows had too many episodes and those were all still better written then any of the D+ MCU shows, so yeah, less is probably more in this case. 

  3. Yeah the Terminator game was great, the "Infiltrator" mode, which was added for free and let you play as an actual Terminator, was pretty awesome. Robocop looks fun enough, nothing remarkable, but it's Robocop, there's not a ton you can do besides get the shooting and action right. Looks appropriately gory and over the top, I'm definitely in. 

  4. Really liked the finale but it's clearly bait for a season 2, which is fine, but still, it wasn't a very good, satisfying self-contained ending. If we were only getting one season it would've been downright disappointing, but alas, we are clearly getting a second season. 

  5. Just now, twich said:

    It says October for release.


    I know, I was joking because BBTS is famous for getting everything in late, super late, import or domestic stuff, they seem to always get their stock dead last no matter what it is. 

  6. These all look good but they're soooooo damn expensive, more-so considering the tremendous lack of accessories and the size, except Cloud of course, which comes with that absolutely useless garbage-ready NFT nonsense. I remember when Play Arts were this price, and much bigger, now Play Arts prices rival Hot Toys, frakking crazy. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Apparently they're going to start charging for Robin soon.


    Of course they charged me for Solomon Kane weeks ago and haven't shipped a thing yet...

    Did you order from Mezco, because same, they seem to have zero hustle for getting orders out even well after charging for them. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Big s said:

    I’m getting confused on how much of a reboot it really will be. From my understanding the plan was to keep Blue Beetle and they were flip flopping on Wonder Woman and Aquaman, while for sure dumping Superman and Batman and I didn’t pay enough attention about the other characters to know where they stand. I have a feeling they may end up dumping more characters when the big reboot or whatever does happen due to poor box office ticket sales 

    That's the big problem a lot of people have with this new reboot universe, there's still very few details on what will and won't make the "cut" into the new Gunnverse. I also read BB might be safe, but apparently Gadot misspoke and she isn't involved with Wonder Woman anymore, but I also read Momoa might be safe as Aquaman, which, I guess? Why keep only him from the Snyderverse? Why BB even though, as far as I've read, not one other character from the Snyderverse or other DCEU movies makes an appearance. Apparently Peacemaker is safe, which is great because that was a ton of fun, and kind of Gunn's follow-up to The Suicide Squad. We'll see, who knows, it's all up in the air. 

  9. I really liked this episode, pretty fantastic.


    Seeing live action Clone Wars was awesome, but also got me thinking how great a grounded, gritty Clone Wars mini-series could be, showing the brutality of the war on the ground. This episode did a great job of showing the suffering and loss the clones faced, the battles were always brutal, usually incredibly large scale, peace keepers became generals, there could be something there for a show, I'd watch it. 


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