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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Finally I got mine!!! Thanks to a fellow board member on a different forum I got this YF-29 for basically retail. He knew of its value but he was still kind enough to sell it to me at that price. Anyway The hip joints and arm joints on mine were pretty loose so i took apart and threw some super glue on there and now they're good. Im so happy with this!
  2. Yeah I knew of HKcollectibles but are there any other ones?
  3. Any online HK shops you can recommend?
  4. This is why i missed on the 29, it restocked at a much higher price and passed and now im kicking my self for it
  5. Thanks for the info! Yea mine is loose at the shoulder joint as well but only that one. As you can see in the last pic it holds its position but at the slightest touch it'll move, since its on display right now I might leave it alone for a little bit and fix it later.
  6. Did you have to take the arm apart?
  7. Anyone else experience loose arm joints? My left arm is kinda loose Aside from that this thing looks great!
  8. Regardless of how badass it is in the movie I refuse to pay the crazy prices. Either Bandai reissues it or im SOL.
  9. Am I doing something wrong with my 25F 2.0.... In battroid mode the damn neck plate likes to pop back down at the slightest touch. I try to move the arms and it pops down. Is it supposed to lock somewhere?
  10. Anyone not interested in their 29 pm me. I have a MISB Grace VF-27 that I could trade for.
  11. Yup mine are here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35237
  12. People in the US who want to buy one can use BBTS they have it in stock for $159.99. They initially had it for pre-order for $145 but jacked up the price. i got mine for 145 http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=YAM10555&mode=retail
  13. I would gladly take the kit if its much cheaper. I have no problem putting it together
  14. Im actually hoping for this, im not looking to spend more than $300 on the SDF-1
  15. I hosted a group buy so I definitely own one
  16. I have a completed line of the Macross Frontier 1/60 Valks. I also completed Macross Zero.
  17. Im in for a TV version of the SDF-1. Im not too fond of the DYRL version, since its all plain.
  18. I used to work at FedEx, I used to bang on people's doors because sometimes their doorbells didn't work. Some divisions of Fedex operate differently (Express, Ground, Home Delivery). I used to get paid by the package I delivered so it was my best interest in getting every package delivered so I made sure when I got to someones house they heard my "knocks" on the door .
  19. My only complaint about my Ivanov which I got second hand from Japan is the foggy cockpit. Everything else is just fine.
  20. Only time was when this guy took my pics of a tranformer and he used them in his ebay description. He wasnt even selling the exact same item, it was something similar. I was hoping that he was just linking to them so i could change them to a porn image or something but when I looked at the code he had them saved in his photobucket account.
  21. The re-issues?? What broke??
  22. Give this man an award! Im with you man, Rick Hunter FTW!!
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