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Everything posted by close313

  1. ^ Wait, I need to get my popcorn first..
  2. The date error happened last year to the Arcadia Roy VF-1S too, so I guess it's alright.
  3. I love those wavy lines at the legs
  4. It also hasn't popped out at Anime Export yet - another place to look out for.
  5. I have found some alternative sources if you are still looking for one. DISCLAIMER I have no idea how pre-orders work for proxies! If you click the item, you can also head to the original site it is being sold on. I have not tried it myself but these are places when I try to look for a deal. There's some rakuten shops that have them. Fromjapan - http://itemsearch.fromjapan.co.jp/search/list?lang=en&word=dx+vf-25s&category=All&auction=1&shopping=1&auction_site=yahoo&shopping_site=yahoo%2Crakuten&sort_order=price_asc&in_stock_shopping_yahoo=1
  6. I got another one, I ordered at HS right after i posted the link to give people a chance
  7. But when it came to Frontier, it's like f*ck sophistication and go crazy. Unless that is also considered sophisticated?
  8. It's easy to paint it anyway so it's no problem for me.
  9. I'm gonna break my "be patient and SAL it" rule and gonna EMS this baby up when Amiami shoots me with the payment request.Then I will have a delta wing to fiddle with till the release of the 0D. In my history of collecting Macross, this will be my first valk mold that is the first of it's kind, so to speak. So I'm very excited even with the envisaged problems.
  10. I remember Mandarake accidentally shipped my package to another address once. It was then retrieved after a few days ( not sure how! ) and sent back to me. Hope yours end up the same! The 1D is really a great valk.
  11. I think Arcadia figured out that they shouldn't make destroids.
  12. The word "yet" is all it took to make me happy. That and the VT-1 needs to be re released
  13. I wanted that VF-4, but my pockets were empty at the time....
  14. One way is, just google Japan's time now and figure out what time will their 4pm be to your time.4pm on 1 Aug in JPN
  15. OMG I want this! Where can I get those?
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