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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. question how do you get the intake covers off? I tried using my nails to get it off, but they won't budge.

    In one of the past discussions somebody said it turns out because of how much room the hip mechanism/transformation takes the intake covers are built in and can't be removed. The designer even apologized for it apparently.

  2. Just got mine and transformed from F to G. As odd as it may sound (maybe this is somewhere in the thread but I couldn't find it) rotating the upper thigh about 10 - 15 deg away from the body made it REALLY easy to rotate the hip joint down for G mode.

    That was actually one of the major examples in that video Yamato made highlighting some of the transformation trouble spots.

  3. Let's all follow the bouncing ball... see you asked here if there was evidence of spots to attach fast packs OR fold boosters.

    I think it's pretty clear that Renato wasn't refering to the FAST packs as they don't mount on the BACK. But whatever works for you.

    I don't appreciate the smart-ass response. I asked about fast packs and fold boosters, and was told there are spots on the "back" which was never specified what that meant, though I think most of us, unless we're the type to be bent out of shape by not using correct aeronautical terms, would also say the fast packs on the VF-1 go on the "back" in fighter, gerwalk and battroid. So that wasn't terribly clear. Also, Graham didn't say "no, they weren't designed with them in mind" he gave us a quote that was rather vague after which somebody speculated maybe they would be too heavy and considered a way to make them lighter. There's plenty of gray area there. So I asked Graham what that meant... and I don't recall you being Graham. Thank you.

  4. that was for the sound booster. The vf-19 FPs have these shoulder mounted boosters that are the size of the vf-1 back boosters but they hang off the very tips of the shoulder pauldrons.

    I specifically asked if it looked like there were spots for things like fast packs and fold boosters and was told yes. I didn't ask, nor did anybody mention, the sound boosters. I'm aware of the silly, over-sized shoulder pads. The YF-19 had smaller versions. I was curious if they had places to attach something like the fast packs anyway.

  5. I'd also love them, I think they look great in fighter mode. However, I've been told we probably won't get them, as there are issues with integrating them on both the leg and shoulders.


    What sort of issues would there be? Haven't others here already said there's places where it looks like packs could be attached?

  6. Not sure yet, the preliminery CAD drawings I've been lucky enough to be shown are only partial and don't show the legs yet.

    I hope they can achieve a chunky battroid, but keep a skinny fighter, but that may be asking too much of even Yamato's genius designers.


    You know despite Yamato's best efforts with the VF-19 to look chunky in battroid (and it DOES look pretty chunky compared to the old YF-19) when you look at the pic in battroid versus the line-art that Jenius posted at anymoon it still looks like a scrawny bastard in toy form. I have no doubt Yamato will reach as far as they can for accuracy but don't count on it being quite the brute we would like it to be.

  7. Yep, three spots on the back.

    I'm hoping one of the more talented/adventurous amongst us takes one of these (or a variant if we are so blessed) and attempts something akin to the fully-loaded VF-19 from the Master File with the two back mounted fast packs, leg boosters and double Fold-Boosters. I suppose we can't have all of the wing-mounted Reaction Warheads but damn would this thing look ripped will of that extra hardware hanging off of it.

  8. I'm sure with the tech that they put into the VF-19 Kai, this will be on par with that, which is a good thing. The 17 was always that Valk that needed to be done, but never got the love. I'm surprised they waited this long, as they did he 11C before it, but, as we can see, it's in the works now. Great job, Yamato.

    The 11-C was an easy repaint though. It was a reuse of the Mac Plus version.

  9. I think I would have realized by now if I couldn't see in 3D. Everything else has always seemed to work fine--red/blue, polarized, "Magic Eye", whatever Disney does at "Philharmagic," etc. But the 3DS---yeah, it's 3D, sorta, but more by shifting your focus than anything else really, versus altering depth.

    Other than there being a small spot where the images line up so you can see the 3D it's.... 3D. Completely and totally. The shifting your focus concept makes zero sense to me in relation to the 3DS. Look at the screen and it's 3D. Now you're free to look around the screen and focus on everything out to the edges, as opposed to a 3D movie where they force your perspective and everything else blurs which to me sounds more like a forced focus than the 3DS requires.

  10. Thanks! Yeah, this one is certainly taking a lot of time. I've mostly made progress in spurts when I've had free time, and I'm busy again at the office these days.

    Ah man, that's a bummer. I'm already super impatient to see your work as it is. Every time you make a post I get pumped. I'm really fascinated by your design decisions.

  11. A bit OT, but to me that's all the Nintendo 3DS is. I don't get a sense of "3D" from it---it mainly makes the background blurry. (I go for the 2D version of a movie whenever possible)

    Heck, a lot of people can get that effect for free---just take off your glasses.

    It's quite possible you aren't able to view 3D then. I have a 3DS and the backgrounds aren't at all blurry in any game I own.

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