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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. I do have to admit that the VF-17 is one kick ass valk. As far as design goes, it's not as flashy or outstandingly striking as any of the other Valks such as the 19, 22 or even 25. I attribute this to its very compact and angular 'stealth' design. It doesn't stand out, but that's exactly why it's unique and in line with its intended purpose.

    However, as great as it, I don't think I'll be picking one up (unless I suddenly win the lottery or something) as I base my collection on 'main character' Valks that are more 'one of a kind'. Not usually a fan of the grunt 'military' Valks as they don't really have any defining characteristics that differentiate them from one another. Not to mention, other than Gamlin, the other characters don't really get much screentime or development in the series, another reason as to why I'm not terribly excited for a Blazer. But that's just me. (^.^;)

    I find that sort of a weird take. My attitude has always been, "If it looks cool, I want one." I don't care who flew it, how much screen time it might have had or if it's at all unique.

  2. I do like the visor and chin on that one, but I could do without the five-head. :p

    Definitely want to see them do both versions, but I don't know which one I'd like better honestly.

    Plus, I'm holding out a stupid hope they'll make the VF-17T, just because I want to see a MAXL, even if it is really unlikely.

    The T isn't a radical departure from the other 17 variants so there might be a slight chance of seeing that. I'll bet the MAXL has a snowballs chance in hell. That one is a complete redesign.

  3. Well, I just paid for the VF-X. It has been a long time since I bought a Yamato Valkyrie. I think this one has good potential of being a truly collectible toy like the 1/48 low vis.

    One qustion though, is this free of the broken shoulder syndrome?

    To be honest I've never had a broken shoulder, not even with my first release DYRL Hikaru 1A. That being said, the pins in my VF-X are smooth and it was released well after the shoulder break fiasco so you should be safe. That being said, be careful with the arm/shoulder joints on yours. Mine were INCREDIBLY stiff. I had to be sure I wasn't putting any excessive pressure on them while trying to transform.

  4. Hi Mommar, you might find this thread useful, as it also documents the build up of the kit advertised above:


    I should really get another one. I had another, but I sold it, and I have an idea for a new colour scheme I'd really like to do....

    Those are decals, not paint!? WOW. I'm not a model builder or else I'd go in for one of these but I highly support anybody else on this board getting these kits, painting (or decaling) them up and taking photos so that I can live vicariously.

  5. It's still an exclusive -- apparently Yamato are bending the rules for the overseas fans and allowing HLJ to distribute it outside Japan. The same deal with the web-exclusive 1/3000 kit-version of the SDF-1. People IN Japan still can't get any of these unless they buy from resellers.

    Eh, if they were bending rules with HLJ then how come lots of other resellers besides just HLJ are selling these things as well? Hong Kong distributors, like where I got mine, are selling them too. I think it's more likely they're clearing out the left-over stock because most people didn't see the need to jump through hoops (or couldn't) to get them and Yamato decided to just sell off the rest in a manner fans could get hold of them.

  6. There's also a scene in Mac Plus where Isamu sees his reflection in the hull of Alpha One as clearly as if he's looking at himself in a mirror. I don't think that means the YF-19 should have a chrome finish.

    I'm not saying you're wrong either, just that you can't use art from some specific scene in a show as absolute evidence for how something should look in toy form.

    I agree, just because there's a bit of stylization on the hull during the animation doesn't mean they're bright and shiny.

  7. My VF-X and Angel Bird shipped Saturday and arrived today. Man, I REALLY love how the Angle Bird looks in fighter mode. The blue is a nice deep, dark color and it goes well with the red. Looks fantastic. I was interested in the relatively low-vis looking VF-X as well just because it's a more muted tone but so far I'm not nearly as excited about it as I am the Angle Bird.

  8. I am totally down with the P providing the speaker shoulder clips are detachable. I don't mind the integrated ones on the Kai, but find the ones on the P to ruin the effect. The ventral stabilizer fins being added back into the design really make the fighter mode "pop" with the classic Valkyrie flying towards/away profile.

    Not particularly interested in the VF-19S "test". Being somewhat of a completionist I would probably buy, but it is kind of a dull scheme (P looks similar but better) and is shown doing very little.

    If we could remove the shoulder fins I would be all over a P version as well.

  9. The big problem I can see is just from the sheer amount of stuff that's supposed to be in the legs.

    1. The gunpod itself, which in the recent screenshots is longer than the leg itself

    2. The landing gear

    3. The missile bays

    4. The actual joints and such to make the leg even work to begin with

    Even ignoring the fact that there's supposed to be a full sized engine in those legs, I don't see how they can cram that much in there.

    On another subject though, how does the gunpod get removed from the leg to begin with? I don't remember how the compartment opens, or how that huge gunpod folds up to fit in there. The entire inside of the leg seems like it will be taken up by the missile bay and gear, and I seem to remember the gunpod ejecting from the outside of that leg. But considering the outside of the leg becomes the top in fighter mode, and the gunpod barrel protrudes from the bottom.. I'm going to have to puzzle this out later I think. :wacko:

    The spot for the beam adapter doesn't seem too fancy compared with the other leg, and I can actually imagine some sort of spring-loaded or sliding mechanism working there, just to help minimize the space it takes up.

    The one saving grace to the design is that the feet don't really fold up into the leg all that much so most of the room inside the leg can be use for something things. Though I hadn't even considered the necessary room for joints/etc. Geez.

  10. I believe we may have to sacrifice the missle bays if we want a gunpod. I don't mind really if they can get the gunpod gimmick to work. Can't wail till the end of the year or early next year to see some prototypes.

    My feeling is in order to get the fighter mode sufficiently compact yet allow for a more bulky leg in Battroid that all internal leg stuff (minus the landing gear) may have to be abandoned.

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