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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. In fact, No :)


    Looking at this chart, being very sligthly taller than VF-19 in battroid mode is not big issue

    "The top of the VF-17-S's head (excluding head lasers), comes to the top of The Fire Valks head fin."

    Except in that chart the VF-17's head doesn't stand as high as the tip of the Fire Valks head fin. They're pretty much exactly the same here, as was the assumption. But being as tall as the head fin is adding quite a bit more height.

  2. @David Hingtgen

    I always appreciate your immense knowledge about planes and I totally agree about the facts that you mentioned.


    The problem is that I don't think Bandai has the same delicate reasoning like yours about curling up wings when it comes to producing plastic toys.

    It also didn't appear like that in the animation either.

  3. :lol: I agree.

    There’s something I’ve noticed as well: the nose cone in fighter mode seems to be longer than in previous CADs and the only grainy pic of the prototype we’ve seen before, though it’s possibly only due to the forced perspective of the drawing.

    It’s not that I don’t like it but it makes it look closer to a VF-171… :huh:

    Really? I'm not seeing that the nose looks much longer at all. I do think the fighter mode here looks magnificent. I think the Battroid is not represented well at all though.

  4. I'm one of those boring people who hardly transforms them. Maybe every six months or so. Mostly I tend to keep each Toy in their own configuration and only play with different poses/angles/etc... I do usually keep one around I mess with more than the others. Max being my favorite I tend to keep in one pose or another so there is less chance to breakage, but maybe the CF I'll fidget with a lot more because there's less loss if that breaks. I also have a weird tendency to keep one of each type of valk in one of the three configurations. So I've got a clean VF-1 in Fighter, one in Battroid, one in Gerwalk. Then another set with Fast Packs in Fighter, one in Battroid, on in Gerwalk. Everything is usually balanced like that, so if I want to play with a fighter, I pick up the one in fighter mode. Gerwalk, grab one in Gerwalk. It's odd and I have no honest reason why I do it but it works for me. Back when I only had my VF-1 DYRL Hikky (first edition) I used to transform it more but now I have the option to not do that and I figure it saves me many broken shoulders/tabs/etc that way. The 19S/F/P will be easy for me (not my Wallet!) because I can pull the same sort of triple configuration scheme there though I do really like the longer wings in both Fighter and Gerwalk.

  5. So what do you think guys about the new CAD? Now we can see colours, head sculpt, general proportions... The fighter mode does look nice, doesn't it?


    Source: http://blog.yahoo.com/cybergundam/articles/49953/index

    Compared to the old wireframe CAD I think this colored one in Battroid looks horrible. The VF-19S next to it on Yamato's blog also looks horrible and we've already pretty much seen how good the actual sculpt is on the VF-19 Kai. Why bother releasing these images, they don't do the VF-19 any favors so I'm assuming (hoping) the 17 also isn't represented well here.

  6. If Graham says it's around late October to early November, I would be expecting photos to pop up around the start of October, which means it's around two weeks away.

    This is just my big hunch, though.

    If it's around late October/early November then HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY TO ME. V.2 VF-25 and VF-19S at the same time!

  7. That's great for you (and Yamato) if that makes it a must buy for you. More power to you.

    I can and was only speaking for myself.

    With exchange rates as they are (and still getting worse) and the general upward trend of the MSRP of the new releases, I'm getting much choosier with what I get. I think I would be content with getting a couple VF-19 variants. I'm not opposed to a version 3 YF-19 coming out. I might even get one if the price dropped low enough at some point if one were to come out eventually, but with how things are trending, by the time it comes out I'm thinking it would cost close to $300 after shipping just to acquire one at release. Thus putting it low on my "to buy" list since I already have a couple YF-19s and would rather get other VFs that I don't have yet first.

    While it's an unfortunate reality we have to be much more careful with our money that doesn't necessarily discount what Eugimon has said either. I think the other improvements to a YF-19 would be a HUGE deal. It's pretty much my least favorite of the valks I own because it's so unstable/floppy in Gerwalk/Battroid.

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