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Posts posted by Mommar

  1. I was under the impression they were manufactured in China. Graham could sort that detail out for us likely.

    Those appear to be final production copies don't they? They could be finalizing how to put the together or something since there's several parts lists laying around but look at plastic trays it appears they were stored in. You can see the Gun Pod in one of the plastic trays too.

    I sure hope that's the final plastic color. It will likely make the Battroid mode very boring looking but that Fighter looks nice in that deep black.

  2. I used to think paying $100 for a toy was certifiably insane...

    Then the 1/48 VF-1s came out and I was like, "okay that is awesome, I'll just get one, just this one time."

    Then the VF-1S came out and I thought "Gah, the VF-1S is what I really want." and so on.

    It's that boiled frog syndrome.

    Yeah, that was me too. I worked my way up to paying $200 for the 11C and armored Valk after being freaked out paying $100 to $120 for the regular VF-1's with and without Fast Packs. I just ordered the VF-19S and VF-17S without batting an eye...

  3. Hey Graham, are you aware of the color choices Yamato are going to make for this thing? I realize it's probably the most accurate to have a dark grey with blue undertones but we've seen three different shades in all of these various prototype pics. One, the same dark grey/blue I mentioned, one that's more of a lighter grey with no blue and the last being a much darker charcoal grey/black (which is my personal favorite of what we've seen.)

  4. Likely the 17 won't sell as well simply because it was never a hero Valk (which still makes no sense to me, if it looks cool buy the damn thing.) However, did the 19S really pre-order that well prior to Yamato finally releasing all of the extra images of it? Maybe pre-orders will increase once there are some final production images coming out like for the 19S. Plenty of people here were sold on the 19S once the trickle of images picked up.

  5. Exactly. I'm not looking for extra parts or stand additions, but rather, really minute details and features put into the valkyrie itself, much like the battroid hatch for the VF-19, which, I think many of you would agree, is ingeniously designed.

    I like the VF, but I wouldn't buy it if all it was was just a solid plane with no actual "refinement" as Uxi mentioned. The thing costs just off $300, I hope I'm not asking for too much lol :p

    My feeling is that a "feature" like the hatch on the 19 is completely worthless to me. It was extra time/money/etc... (likely not helping the cost) that is completely wasted because I'm not going to use it. To me it's $300 plus a useless aside. I'd rather it came with a "marketing/accessory" like a stand instead.

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