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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Bi-polar!? Get out! Get out now! (...I should have bought one of these.)
  2. Even with the few issues it's still pretty sweet to see this thing coming to life and actually functioning now.
  3. You're both wrong about Jack Archer. He was a Character they made up for the Robotech: Battlecry video game for the Gamecube, PS2 and XBox. Those were the default colors for the Veritech in the game and Toynami made a special toy for it.
  4. $120 from Amiami isn't a bad price. I had to take the plunge.
  5. It does appear a little wider. The legs seem spread apart just a little bit further.
  6. I'm still waiting on QC issues from the 29 but it appears Bandai have finally convinced me to buy some Frontier Valks. Especially a Luca if only for the reason that I like the color and there haven't been green on Valk's since the original series/movie.
  7. I'm surprised nobody has a hang up on the fact he keeps calling those of us who display our Valks on their landing gears "pussies." If he thinks there should be missile bays and not landing gears he can state why, but don't call me a pussy again.
  8. I'd rather fill September and October with a 19 Blazer of some variety but the Gamlin and 11C are both good purchases too.
  9. Wow, look at those side-by-sides. The 29 makes the 25 and even the 27 look awful by comparison.
  10. Why would they be detailed? They're never really exposed in the show. The VF-25/29 have exposed, detailed ankles in the show so it would make sense for Bandai to match the lineart. The VF-19 has no such detail exposed.
  11. The thing I just noticed about this thing is with the wings swept out it very much looks like a VF-19A, but a lot of people have been taking pictures with the wings folded in in fighter mode and it suddenly looks like a Blazer or one of the later VF-19 models.
  12. It doesn't look like it sits close enough to the body in fighter mode.
  13. Well, depending on how the reviews go for these 29's I might just end up with a V2 25.
  14. All of the models you guys are whipping up here on the forums are better looking than the Master File versions by leaps and bounds.
  15. I'm really excited to see how this thing turns out.
  16. So in the VF-17 thread Graham said they're shooting for end of 2011 but likely Q1 2012. Any rumblings on when some of the 19 variants will emerge Graham?
  17. How do you guys get the lighting so good in your photos?
  18. I find that sort of a weird take. My attitude has always been, "If it looks cool, I want one." I don't care who flew it, how much screen time it might have had or if it's at all unique.
  19. The T isn't a radical departure from the other 17 variants so there might be a slight chance of seeing that. I'll bet the MAXL has a snowballs chance in hell. That one is a complete redesign.
  20. To be honest I've never had a broken shoulder, not even with my first release DYRL Hikaru 1A. That being said, the pins in my VF-X are smooth and it was released well after the shoulder break fiasco so you should be safe. That being said, be careful with the arm/shoulder joints on yours. Mine were INCREDIBLY stiff. I had to be sure I wasn't putting any excessive pressure on them while trying to transform.
  21. Those are decals, not paint!? WOW. I'm not a model builder or else I'd go in for one of these but I highly support anybody else on this board getting these kits, painting (or decaling) them up and taking photos so that I can live vicariously.
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