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Everything posted by JCSaves

  1. Okay, what's with the Zentradi drummer and not speaking. I've seen a mic in front of her when she is drumming...but she has yet to speak? I was just about to ask if there's some new songs coming...but Mylene just started singing this new one when here and Basara are closed off while at the beach in Episode 7. And Basara's a tool towards Mylene, and then he saves her all lovingly. What a jerk. So...are there more songs coming from Fire Bomber??? Please say yes. And who the hell is this blonde girl that is always just about to approach Basara and then get's cockblocked?
  2. Dang. I'm screwed on getting one for a good price then.
  3. I'm currently watching Macross 7. It's not too bad. I don't know why people "hate" it. It has more singing than anything, but I like it so far. Not a bad story line.
  4. I will have to check this out before the prices skyrocket because they are not making anymore. They did decide to quit making them if I understood correctly...right?
  5. Amazing work. The technique you used really brings the valk to life. GREAT JOB!
  6. That's too bad. And you're rude. I still think the pre-production version looks much better. I just don't care for the stripe down the middle of the wing. I want to say this will keep me from buying it. But it probably won't.
  7. Is that a good deal? That sounds like a good deal. I wish I would have been there or contacted someone with $125 so I could of gotten one too.
  8. Hmmmmm....I guess so. Darn. Oh yes, here's one then, "Boondock Saints".
  9. OY!!! I've never loved Pikachu more than I do at this moment.
  10. I feel DYRL? is better than the comic book series. That counts...right?
  11. I just looked back and saw the same thing on page 13. I'm amazed that no one else has said anything until now.
  12. WOW. That's interesting. I like the one from the website personally. I am certain others here will now post pics of theirs to see what matches up. Maybe you got a special one. Doubt it. But just maybe.
  13. Kirik, I agree with Ron. I too will make next years Con and be more than happy to help out. Just PM or email me. You work hard. So you should play hard next year.
  14. Welcome to the boards. I hope to meet you next Con. You made a lot of people very happy. LOL.
  15. That's funny. I just started watching Macross 7 last night. I must have been tired, cause I only made it through the first 3 episodes and then crashed. I will watch the rest of them so I know what it's all about. I guess to answer the question of this thread. I would still buy Mac7 valks if Yamato made some. The valks made back in the day to represent the Mac7 series sucked. That's my personal opinion.
  16. thanks for the link. I had already been there hoping to shine more light on those mystery parts. But I had no luck.
  17. Not sure about the piece below the feet covers but the NW corner piece I think is the part that goes behind the "neck" are. With the ladder and whatnot for the pilot. The piece that used to come with the 1/48 valks w/GBP and w/Super & Strike Parts. Do you know what I mean?
  18. I agree and cannot wait for the Macross Frontier version, should they release one.
  19. I believe that based on what I have heard from everyone here. It is just that I do not have money to put up front. Too bad for me.
  20. I don't have the 1J. I am going to be getting it soon. And the TV Super Parts as well. But I agree with ron. Although, now that I think about it. When the original VF-1 1/60 line came out, did they release the GBP set stand alone first or bundled w/1J first? I know I had seen it w/1J.
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