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electric indigo

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Posts posted by electric indigo

  1. I largely agree with @technoblue that it was an entertaining ride, but fell a bit short from it's potential. Voller's and Archimedes' true plans should have had a larger role and the various chase scenes wasted time that could have been better used to build suspense. I expected a little more from Indy's banter with Helena, and lastly, while it's been a long time I saw Raiders or TLC, I think Spielberg had the golden touch back then considering the timing & beat of the actions scences as well as the dialogue. DoD is solid craft, but nothing more in that regard.

  2. 21 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    I'm wondering if all the artwork is based on a script?? If so, I'd love to read whats in it!

    The kotako article mentions a script.

    "Most illustrations focus on the SDF-1, Macross Island (whose vibes Price absolutely nails here) and redesigned Veritech fighters, though there are also some works showcasing original plot elements (like the oil rigs) that would have been new for this particular film. "

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