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Everything posted by Vepariga

  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Tengu milk,handicap gun.. OMG I have tears in my eyes from laughing,this trailer made my night, seriously. probably buy it one day too.
  2. i think thats the old paint job on that car, thought i read somewhere that they got told to remove the ranka 'hard on' cuz it was deemed 'kiddie' and nude dont mix. so they had alto an michael hold hands instead.
  3. Im not sure if these have been posted before but here we go again if they were lulz And this thread is lacking some mylene so... ^ wish i could find a better pic of this one.
  4. well i did a search and theres a what anime are people watching thread so i came to wonder,what music is everyone listening to at the moment? right now,im rockin the apartment out to various Fire Bomber and guns an roses hits Explosion!
  5. this game is gonna be epic,hopefully they will put out a trailer for it soon, I want to place misa in my cockpit
  6. wierd but awesome! ranka-rei is smokin,so is grace....alto is not right,i mean i know hes an actor,but i think its pushing the envelope with the asuka get-up lol
  7. ooo lookin at pics just gets me excited , im happy to hear they are doing 2 movies,man,i love me some more frontier,but i would love even more so if they had a run in with the megaroad, catch up with misa,hikaru and minmay all in glorious 21st century HD animation.
  8. it was a good movie,but could have been shortened easily, like take out the whole college scene,it was pathetic and pulled every cliche' in the book. aside from that it was really all about primes and bumblebee's fight scenes. 3.5/5
  9. yeah Yesasia or Playasia are the best places to get it from,i got mine from playasia,pretty quick shipping too so its good times. im gonna try an get a valk ready for the the custom paintjob contest,i have a good idea.
  10. theres something deeply disturbing about ozma in a carrot costume and alto in ranka's clothes...and dont tell me the captian has a miss macross sash and swimsuit on.
  11. a good shot indeed! lulz, minmay is hawt tho,too bad we dont have any misa work like that lol,hikaru was a pimp.
  12. should be alright,hopefully it will be good,he has alot to work with here.
  13. loved this movie, no where as good 'story-wise' as the first, ong bak 2's story is pretty forgettable,but the fight scenes are what this movie is really about, excellent martial arts fights and technique,especially the last 20 mins when he goes to the village. insane.
  14. haha true,hikaru was too oblivious to everything misa threw at him, not to mention the time she waited for him ALL DAY at that cafe while he had a trip to see minmay,and the envelope of photos she gave him,i mean how much do you need??
  15. I was imagining the other day what if i my car was covered with macross decals from sdf to frontier and i drove it down for the con lol ,would be cool , GC still seems to be the place so far imo. and with the MAF battles maybe by the time the con is on Macross Ultimate frontier will be out so more action to be had! i still reckon having a projector or something in the background showing a movie or flashback 2012 would be sweet,minmay songs playing in the background as peeps check out the collections and so forth.
  16. that game pad thing is cool,no one can disagree that what ever ranka or sheryl do,minmay does it better. and that new Ultimate Frontier game looks awesome!! dammit tho,why dont they make one for 360 or Ps3??
  17. I try to watch what i can,that Fedor Emelianenko is a pure animal.
  18. nah, I liked kamjin he was one of the most entertaining zentradi and gave the aftermath episodes some amusing flare, the love triangle with misa ,hikaru and minmay was very well done,and realistic,i was always curious what would happen next between them all when i first saw those episodes,i recall myself saying 'well hikaru,you messed that one up again' a few times lol.
  19. haha,that pic of millia putting the gasoline on the stove is great,poor max,but he did get quite the catch.. alto in a nyan nyan dress is...bit..well,he better have been drunk off his shoes in sake to do that lol
  20. nice collection dude, ill post some pics of mine when ive re-orginized and cleaned it up.
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