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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. What is this Veritech everyone keeps talking about? Everyone says its some sort of jet, but its no where to be found on my Official Aircraft Identification Chart: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2510/th...ygovernment.jpg. Whatever this Veritech is it sounds pretty gay, especially after riding with sexy Valkayries to Valhalla. Too bad the one way flight tickets were ridiculously expensive though.
  2. Regret what, Seto? Your absolutely right people should forget worrying if their government has ever lied about crashed UFOs, assianating Kennedy in broad daylight, or going to war with nations solely for materieal gain. Issues like who created and owns the rights to an entertaining 1980s cartoon is so much more important. Answer: The guys at HG would never consider sueing over their favorite toys borrowing the Robotech name.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if it is still true. Every anime company would rather make two mediocre dubs in the same time as a single dub and unfortunately being a factory of mediocrity is a necessity in profiting in America's Anime market. All those Robotech fans desperate to lose their virginity .
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like that. ADV used that kind of logic when they added phases like "Jee Whiz" to their Gatchaman dub citing that is how people supposedly talked back in the 70s. I honestly think ADV didn't honestly care how Macross was pronouced in their dub at the end of the day and just wanted to add an english dub so they could sell what is more or less repackaged Animeigos DVDs. It their goal was to make an absoluty loyal Macross dub they would brought back the original Robotech VAs including Reba West, but with Mari Ijiama's songs. Of course then there would be little incentive for Robotech Macross Saga fans to buy the whole Robotech boxset when a Macross dub voiced by all the familiar voices is available. So natrually they cast the most recogizable names in the VA biz today like Vic Mignogna and Tiffany Grant to appeal to today's generatation of anime fans and make the dub sound unique to Harmony Gold's original 1985 Macross Saga dub.
  5. I think its more like ADV just borrowed and edited HG's Macross Saga script and decided to market the the English dub as another DVD set for Robotech fans to buy. As Terry The Lone mentioned a few pages back the ADV dub was done in pretty much the same "spirit" of the Robotech dub with mostly cosmetic revisions.
  6. They most likely didn't care as they weren't concerened about the fact that Mari Iijima was the only one pronoucing names like Macross and Hikaru Icichiijo correctly. As for Manga's MacPlus and II dubs, every studio does their projects differently to make their dub unique. I don't think it was a consirpacy to ruin the Macross dub though. Time is money and ADV wasn' going to sweat over their VAs mispronouncing Macross and the Japanese names for an english dub that was marketed to RT fans and dub anime fans while diehard Macross Purists and Otaku would only be satisfied with the Sub anyway.
  7. How could I ever forget that casting call list! Best Robotech cast list ever, not even the Koreans could make a sexier looking Robotech movie! Don't forget that Harmony Gold HQ is located right in LA, the porn studio capital of the world. They wouldn't have to travel far to find such a cast for a Robotech porno . Exactly! The guys at ADV didn't pronounce pronouce Macross EXACTLY as the Japanese do and completely screwed up the whole ADV set. Now I am going to flush those DVDs down my Robotech OST toilet and enjoy watching "Remember the Tee-tans" and playing "Baha-mute Lagoon." That is interesting. You have to admit though that Macross being pronouced like "tuna" in Japanese is a cultural reference that many westerners such as the dubbing crew at ADV would never be aware of... unless of course Mari Ijima said anything while re-dubbing Minmay.
  8. Man, Basrera's VF-19 is way overpowered. No aiir frame could possibly contain all that spirtia and awesomeness beating from his Totsugeki Love Heart! Yet it did for 48 episodes then in the final episode the VF-19 finally gives away and exploded when Basera was singing with the determination to move the galaxy itself and not because of some lame space tentacles. Well, Babalon and Macross are too very different Sci-Fi franchises. It is true that its much easier to have unpressured cockpits, but manufactoring of advanced transforming jet fighters considered making pressured cockpits would be a cinch. As for the expensive spacesuits used in Macross and Macross II, they were mostly like worn just in case their was a malfunction or if the pilot had to eject outside of the safety of his pressurized cockpit while in the middle of space.
  9. Southern Cross was onlu 23 episodes, but I believe it was meant to be the standard 26 episode series. It certainly wouldn't have as boring cut in half. What really killed the show was that it was just 23 episodes of the army failing to swat down huge alien ships buzzing over their heads. Unlike Macross or Mosepeda their was no "journey" or apparent sense of progession in the overall plot while they devoted time to build up the charaters, instead its get to know the 15th squad while your not watching their military commander's plans of fighting back the aliens unfold only to fail miserably every other episode.
  10. As for the AFOS he already made a judgment that humanity was to be destroyed before Shin was able to calm Sarah allowing her to take control. He would probably be happy with the way humanity has progressed now. I also rewatched the end of Zero and the AFOS looked pretty banged up to me after absorbing the radioactive explosion of 4 reactions missiles with its fold barrier, but he probably healed his wounds some time ago. At this point in the timeline THAT AFOS from Zero just won't seem to be any real threat considering dimensional eaters, research into tearing open fold barriers from the Vajra, and of course as a living thing he is affected by music.
  11. Yeah, it was Richard Epcar. I was volunteering for Anime/Manga at Dragon Con 09 and after the "Ghost in the Shell: Q&A with Ricard Epcar" Panel a fellow staffer, and huge RT fan, asked Richard Epcar about Shadow Rising and the status of the Robotech LAM. According to Richard he was signed on to play Vince Grant for three Robotech Shadow Movies and was actually scheduled to come in to record for Shadow Rising in like a week or so when he received a call from his agent that Tobey Maqurie acquired the movie rights to Robotech and that all production on Shadow Rising has been put on indefinite hold. He added that all of this went down shortly after Transformers became a box office hit which isn't a surprise at all, and of course that no other VAs that he knows of has been called for any recordings so its pretty clear their has been no progress on Shadow Rising if they aren't bringing in any VAs.
  12. Exactly and that is one perhaps the greatest flaw with Robotech's Grand Story. Due to its creation it was impossible to create Sagas that were planned out exactly to mesh together cohesively. Yeah, everywhere humanity has gone so far the Protoculture has apparently been there and done that. Personally I hope that a future Macross will show more about the Protoculture and who exactly they were. So far all we really know about the Protoculture: they were the oldest and most advanced race of the universe spreading their culture everywhere and building Atlantic cities until they found a race of space vampires just looking for spiritra fed on them and fought them in a long grueling war. By then only any survivoring remainants of the Protoculture were able to some how find a way to ascend into a being of energy and have traveled to another plane of existance, except maybe that lone Protoculture spirit waiting for Basara and crew in Macross 7. Which reminds me why hasn't Big West sued SyFy for ripping off their Ancient civilization and other ideas in: Stargate: SDF-1, Stargate: Ancient City from DYRL, and of course Stargate: Its our Destiny to search every Star in the universe for the Megaroad-1.
  13. I believe that with franchises that have pretty much run their course in Japan its easier for more fans to accept them as older forgotten classics from the past and eventually move on, such as with Gatchaman and Golion. With Macross though its a whole different ball game. Macross Fans like us have access to the original classic with no problems, but we constantly see Japan enjoying the latest Macross fads with every new release knowing that HG won't ever let those of us outside of Japan have a piece of it. Had Macross spawned no other sequels fans like us would probably only complain about no official US Release of Macross DYRL for so long and move on as so many Gatchaman, Yamato, Golion, etc, have for the most part.
  14. I am not saying their isn't any bad blood between them, but to my knowledge Tatsunko never claimed the actual SDF Macross series as their own or even tried to strip away SDF Macross rights from Big West until they were dragged in court. To me it seems like Tatsunko was angry at being dragged into court as Big West's attempt to stop HG's actions and figured that they should at least try to make the best of the situation and try to take as much of SDF Macross out of the court room with them as they could. I mean if someone dragged you into court with a lawsuit won't you be eager to bring forth a countersuit and sue them for every penny you could in retribution? Unfortunately If Harmony Gold ever folded I wouldn't be surprised if they try to sell all there Robotech copyrights and Macross trademarks rights along with setting up the new Robotech buyer as Tatsunoko's new licensee for as much money as they can.
  15. With invincible sun penetrating shields like that I don't think the Destiny doesn't need any weapons or a mecha transportation as long as it has enough power for Macross style Daedulus Attacks. I just hope this Super Solar Powered Ship doesn't turn out to have any debilitating weakness to kryponite or red suns though. I am more suspicious of the field medic Tamara Johansen. They keep bringing up her backstory of how she desperate she seemed to be about transferring out a week or so before the incident went down. Also consider that it would be a bigger shock and loss for the crew to lose trust in their one and only field medic. Rush may be brilliant, but Eli could easily replace him as the genius problem solver if he is found as a traitor. Another thing about Rush is that he is very assertive and doesn't not strike me as one to tolerate being used by anyone, Johansen on the otherhand seems very timid and unsure and is more likely a reluct traitor that was coerced into cooperating with the Alucian Alliance. Plus, you can't discount that fact that she looks very much like BSG's 6 considering that SGU was heavily influenced by the show.
  16. I remember that scene from Sentienls. The Shock Trooper had been slightly damaged and had actually crashed in an earlier fight with a Bioroid and I figure the Invid pilot was wounded in the crash and decided to bail before Rem was apparently able to jump start the abondened mecha. Don't forget that a very similar thing happened in Episode 2 of Macross Zero. Shin ducks Mao out of the way of a VF-0 in Gerwalk crashing down. Of course this time we see the faceless pilot out of the cockpit and shot up by laser blasts several feet from his damaged VF-0 before Shin climbs in. The situation happens all the time in anime and video games: ridiculously valuable mecha just left unattended with its assigned pilot killed or MIA just waiting for a young hero with great mechanical/piloting/gamer skills to hop in and start piloting it. Has any Robotech fan incorprated Shoji Kawamori's Diaclone designs that were used for Transformers G1 to Robotech? I am sure there has got to be countless Robotech fans who would consider Protoculture a viable alternative to Energon Thats it! The Line Must Be Drawn HERE! First we must find a way to unassimilate that bald guy in red, Captain Leonard from Robotech. Then we team him up with Analyzer to kill the Robotech Queen and self-destruct the N.U.N.S Enterprise-E to destroy all the assimilated robotech fans and their protoculture!
  17. Of course it was. None of you Macross Purists remember that hilarious scene with Roy Fokker and Minmei in Robotech? Roy: "Y'know I'd like a little pussy." Minmei: "Me too, mine's as big as a Zentradi!" Roy: Robotech isn't just the way of the FUTURE. All Robotech fans know that The Future is NOW! b. Robotech: The Live-Action Movie! It'll be awesome and look just like the Macross Saga! HG will use the SDF and DYRL merchandise rights they acquired lock stock N' Barrell from Japan to use stop motion special effects with Macross toys and figures! It will look just like Plan 9 from Outer Space, but who cares it has Tobey Mcquire as Rick Hunter!
  18. Over here in the United States, new episodes of SGU air Friday night at 9:00 PM Eastern time.
  19. They do count. Its just that a lot of little details about the Vast Fictional Universe of Macross often slip my mind. So the USAF had been designing Valkyrie's to fight off the Zentradi as early as the late 50s. So Macross and Robotech must both be a lie! The ASS-1 didn't crash in 1999, it crashed back in 1947 in Roswell! Ah I remember now its Alto's "let me go out and fight as well with you guys" moment before Ozma punches him in the face and kicks him out of SMS HQ.
  20. I will have to check out that out when I finish redownloading the Macross Frontier that were wiped from my HD. Did you hear actually hear Alto say "Valkyrie" or is just what the fansubber typed up? Cause I remember some early fansubs of Ep 25 had Klain saying to Alto "Here is your Valkyrie" while later revised fansubs stated "Here is your Fighter."
  21. VF is shorthand for Variable Fighter in Macross and Veritech Fighter in Robotech. The only "Valkyries" are the VF-1 Valkyrie and the VF-2SS Valkyrie II, but many Macross fans just get in the habit of referring to all the "VFs" as Valkyries.
  22. Here is what some hardcore Robotech fans really think of Southern Cross
  23. Yeah the helmet is old news, I am taking about Topless Robot's nerd baiting with Macross fans.
  24. That's a hard question to answer for anyone who isn't on the inside circle on RT.com. I am pretty sure the Admins over at RT.com, Tommy Yune and Mckeaver aren't going to have much of problem with Memo and Mav banning loud Macross fans who under mind their statements and since we know how little they have to work on creating new Robotech stuff they probably have plenty of free time to consult with Memo and Mav. If your really curious I don't mind starting a ruckus on RT.com to time how long it takes for me to get banned. I don't bother with Robotech.com anyways, plus I got two separate internet connections with multiple IP addresses each so getting banned from RT.com is not a problem for me. Also, did anyone see this post: http://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/10/awesom...ycle_helmet.php
  25. Its very true that Gurren packed a lot of fan service for a daytime anime show. That said I feel its hard to actually find a popular anime that had ZERO fanservice, but its easy to spot animes that become popular with fans for a lot of good reasons besides showing off lots of fan service. Uh I have never heard of Dynasty either... Anyway I downloaded Dallos last night from ADC cause it was freeleech until Saturday. I haven't watched it yet though.
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