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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. True. I am just saying EVERY show has their ridiculous and utterly impossible moments to get the plot moving. Though to be honest in Robotech's case having Lisa suffer massive internal injuries, losing her baby, and being bound by a wheelchair as a result of the SDF-3 being shaken violently by an attack sounds like a textbook "women stuffed in the refrigerator" comic book moment to me considering that the worst thing that ever happened to Captain Global while the SDF was just being shaken about was dropping his hat. What is even sadder is that everyone in Robotech is portrayed as comic book hero physiques in Sentinels. If Lisa was portrayed as an old women in a frail degenerative body then injuries from a roller coaster ride in the captain's chair would be believable, but having her build as a short wonder woman and then getting injured from such a trivial thing just proves all those muscles are just there for show.
  2. To be honest every Sci-Fi show animated or Live action has their utterly ridiculous moments especially with regards to near invincible "hero" ships. Take Space Battleship Yamato for instance: great show, but very unrealistic. In the Battle of Pluto Captain Okita's ship suffers about 3 direct hits from the main cannons of Gamillion Crusiers then another direct hit blows a huge circular hole in the side of the bridge. A bridge officer gets sucked out into space then the camera moves to a shutter sealing off a hallway to the engine block that was blown open, when the camera moves back to the bridge all we see is that Captian Okita has an injured shoulder and that all the windows are cracked, but no sign of the huge hole in the bridge room. Oh, and then it only takes Okita's crippled ship 3 days and 3 hours to reach Mars to pick up Kodai and Shima.
  3. You wouldn't have herpes in the first place if you only used a condom with all those hookers you met in Vegas in all those business trips. Besides your body can fight off any retrovirus whether its the common Flu, Herpes, or even AIDs with a healthy lifestyle, but the multibillion medical industry that profits from overpriced chemical cocktails doesn't want you to know that, just as your company doesn't want fans to know they don't own Macross. Asexual reproduction only works with Protoculture. Now that they are out of Protoculture HG needs Robotech fans to reproduce sexually to bring in new fans.
  4. Kevin, you surprise me I never thought you would want a Robotech porno. It was always just the horny animators fault for vulgarizing Robotech right? Plus, aren't you and Jason Acura dating or something. I dunno you just never seem to stop talking about being in "Jackass" with him. Anyways you should know a mainstream studio like WB can't make a porn movie, but I would welcome adding the "Porno Star Trek" song to the movie soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAP_-daSVyo Don't worry despite its name the song is not NSFW at all so you don't have to worry about being fired from HG if you watch this. I would like a Robotech porn movie as well though, but don't go cheap with Fourth rate jumpsuits. Its not like you guys have to spend money on hiring a four different writers to write a decent script for a porno. So spluge and put Bianca Beauchamp into a first rate latex jumpsuit as Ariel. http://www.askmen.com/galleries/bianca-bea...picture-17.html I am sure you won't have any probelms finding another crew to make a Robotech porn movie to help stimulate (pun intended) your franchise, Kevin. You guys might have the balls to lie to Robotech fans' faces, but I don't think you have it takes to compete with the guys that made the Frontier Cosplay Porno.
  5. Would you like a Protoculture Milkshake to go with your Super Dimensional Fat Burger and your Fokker Fries? Seriously, this is going to be a Robotech movie that competes with bayformers. Blockbuster movies are for rotting your brain with shallow characters performing gratuitous sex, violence, and making the CG effects that interact with look even crappier. If you want to entertain yourself with real plot and character development read classic literature or watch old-school anime like Macbeth or Macross. That is it! It just occurred to me why Tobey would be the perfect Rick in the RLAM. Since they can't use the Macross Love triangle story so they are going to replace it with the next best love story: Lolita. Its just as the Topless Robot blogger said "Frankly, Macross is the greatest love story ever told (Lolita is #2)." http://www.toplessrobot.com/2008/06/breaki...ech_movie_a.php
  6. I believe this could be the case with WB's handling of the Robotech LAM. I can't remeber where exactly, but I remember at one recent con Tommy Yune was rambling on about how the Robotech Universe was so big and diverse that you could easily add in any"Jack Archer"-ish characters and back stories like they did in Robotech Battlecry. It sounded to me like Yune was trying to hint to fans not to be utterly shocked or disappointed if the LAM doesn't center on Rick Hunter. I can see Yune's point though, since they most likely aren't going to use the whole love triangle plot due to the legal issues it only makes sense to scratch out Rick Hunter in place of another character like Jack Archer.
  7. That's the plan. All life on earth goes Robotech then we bring everything back to the stone age with EMP. Humanity won't stand a chance... Why strike a deal a BW when they can just take things from HG's pal Tatsunko if they can't fill in the gaps with their own creativity? That giant ship that humanity rebuild and now rips through alien ships while its surrounded by energy? Oh that is just the Super Dimensional Phoenix in Firebird mode. Minmay? Nah her name is Jun, but everyone calls her Princess. Come to think of it maybe that is WB's plan for their other 80's pet project Voltron. They will just use their HG partnership to reach Tatsunko for permission to use Gacthaman to fill in the gaps left by the lack of Go-Lion copyrights. It will be like a Live Action S-Force from Megas XLR! http://www.guba.com/watch/3000036107
  8. Its not just you. MEMO posted the video and apparently he tried to edit out the long pauses where Tommy would just mutter "uhh" during his explanation. Just look at how bored Carl Maceke is as he picks his ear as Tommy rambled on and on.
  9. I dunno, I always they figured they just saw us the same way we see them: As overzealous [insert franchise name here] fans with no life. Don't get me wrong. I loved the Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back joke you pulled. I was just trying to make a joke about the consequences that becoming Darth Vader would have on the balance of force (ie. Macross versus Robotech). If only that were the case. Then we would have had Macross over here years ago. Use as slingshot ammo against Robotech fans could be a redeeming quality.
  10. Maybe I already did make a Stealth and it just flew under your radar... I am serious the thread exists... look for in between the "Protoculture crack recipes" and "Megaroad wreckage discovered in the Bermuda Triangle" threads. NO! Why did you turn into Darth Vader, Seto? Now Macross fandom is the Darkside! On top of that now you have to throw Emperor Kawaramori into the core of the Super Deathstar Fortress-2 in order to fullfill your prophecy as the one who will return balance to the Force!
  11. Take a look in the Forum Rules & Guidelines. You will find no such rule. The McKinney Novels still relies on Macross's overall plot, mecha, and characters which are all under Big West's copyrights.
  12. Dam straight. It will be so horrible they won't even bother spell checking the movie title. EDIT: This version of Stealth was awesome though:
  13. That's certainly one possibility. The more I think it about it though I think the RLAM could be more like WB's Terminator Salvation meets Battlestar Galactica clone. It will be "Hasta la vista, baby!" to Minmay and all of Macross copyright problems, LAM movie will be all about the resistance fighters blasting the Haydonites that "have Come for (Rick Hunter" to scrap metal in Alpha fighters and Ride armor when they aren't sitting around with absolutely no emotion or sign of culture in the hull of the SDF-1. It will pretty much be Bayformers only without the toilet humor, in a much darker setting, and not mention have a storyline that is ripe for that "End of Circle" timeloop BS.
  14. I'll give you design aesthetics, but "Viewing experience" sounds too subjective to really be taken seriously in a legal matter over copyright infringement. The same can be said about many blockbuster flicks that turned out to be hits. 300 was just a one dimensional action movie packed with virtually zero name recognition outside of Frank Milliar comic fans and people who actually remembered their Greek history from Middle school. The general public will always find ways to criticize mindless blockbuster movies and then watch them anyway. Robotech doesn't need a huge fanbase, Macross aesthetics, or even decent writing just action packed trailers with things like transforming fighter jet in space, an Itano circus or two in slow-mo, an attractive cast, and a generic battlestar Galactica knock-off firing its huge cannon is enough to bring home the bacon with.
  15. What do you define as Macross-y? Obviously WB and HG would never get away with copying and pasting mecha designs, but I would have to argue they got away with making Mosepeda stuff look more Macross-y and using Macross Sound Effects in Shadow Chronicles to appeal to Robotech fans. In the end though its the mainstream appeal not the fan appeal that is going to make or break the Robotech LAM, and the mainstream audience honestly won't give a dam about how unloyal the LAM is to the original Macross Saga designs as long the movie just looks cool.
  16. I forgot about the comics. Tommy could easily draw some generic VFs in a comic book or two, but HG seems through with making Robotech comics to me. HG probably realized long ago that it is much easier and profitable to just sell overpriced and repackaged Macross toys that fans would have to physically buy rather then pouring resources into creating new comics that will end up being digitally distributed for free on the net.
  17. It would be hard for HG with no experienced mecha or CG artists of there own and little money to pay for outside help. With WB producing the LARM they have all the money they need to hire all the experienced designs they need though. Tweaking transforming mecha is harder then tweaking charater designs, but it should be possible indeed. If Kawamori could legally design a VF-1 that looks similar to F-14 with unique design cues and not infringe upon Grumen's F-14 copyrights, then whoever WB hires should by all means be able to create their own unique F-14 inspired VF that doesn't infringe upon either BW's or Grumen's copyrights.
  18. Thats it! HG will just use their Macross merchandise rights to film their Robotech toys instead of creating CG derivatives! No fancy modern day CG, the LARM will really reflect Robotech's 80s look with stop motion special effects!
  19. The developer Catalyst Game Labs would need permission from Harmony Gold as well because HG has merchandise rights on Macross which include video games. Its very likely that the Warhammer and other unforeseen mechs will be removed from Mech Warrior. In the previous thread Seto mentioned that Catalyst Game Labs has posted an update right on there website catalystgamelabs.com stating that the unforeseen mechs will not be published in the new Battle Tech novels, but nothing has been stated about the actual video game as of yet. FYI Tatsunko didn't come up with an original song name either. The original "Lonely Soldier Boy" was written and performed by John Deerfield in 1961, 22 years before Tatsunko released Mosepeada in 1983. According to this youtube video it was only a hit in Japan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYCqwZ8xPMw Jeez, did you really have to waste all the space just to show us a bunch of 1s and 0s. You couldn't just I dunno summarize with just ONE as in 00000001 line?
  20. Why watch Dana's shower scenes? They are no better then then the Minmay shower scenes in Macross. I'd rather watch all the good stuff Carl removed from Megazone 23. Dana is Jeanne from the original Southern Cross. You don't even have to see the original Southern Cross though, HG brought back the Dana nudity when they edited together the Robotech Remastered set from stock footage. Fan dubs would make the license much less lucrative. If numerous anime fans are enjoying Macross fandubs for free on youtube, why would companies like ADV and Viz have an incentive fight for Macross licenses and pay professional VAs to dub them? Besides Frontier already seems to be the most popular Macross yet with newer Anime fans if all those fansub and hentai doujin downloads are any accurate indication.
  21. I know the VF-25 knives are literally Prog Knives covered in pin point barriers, but I know I am not the only one who thinks beam/light saber every time I see the knives surrounded by a green beam of energy. It also doesn't help that the first time I even watched Macross Frontier I also didn't even notice the actual black knife blades so I actually saw the knives as literally being beam knives, it wasn't until I got high quality videos that weren't encoded in Divx that I could actually tell the difference between the black blades and the blackness of space. Didn't even see the swing bars until I just now rewatched my Bluray rip in slow motion. Its another case of perception versus reality that causes many viewers like Pizza and I to see the VF-25 transformation as very reminiscent of older very unrealistic mecha transformations.
  22. Where were there light sabers? How does a Valkyrie resemble a Gundam when it changes modes? Pizza does have a point for once, BeyondtheGrave. 1. The VF-25s in Frontier had "light" knives that were Gundam beam sword meets Evangelion Progressive Knife. 2. During Battleroid transformation the VF-25 splits at the torso before recombining with a beam of light, a throwback to the unrealistic transformations found in the original 0079 Gundam and earlier mecha shows.
  23. I think they should just drop the biofuel idea entirely and focus more on the advance "Robotechnology" that is actually in the name of the franchise. Besides everyone sees conflicts over oil and other nonrenewable resources happening all over the world all the time, who wants to see a big hollywood that has the entire galaxy fighting to the death over the most efficient and renewable power source that literally multiplies when grown on trees. If HG can really only use the Macross mecha for repackaged toys and can't make any Robotech Battlecry sequels the last thing they are going to want to see is another franchise putting the Macross mecha under the spotlight, especially when their now hoping to renew Robotech with the RLAM.
  24. Ariel seems to fit the definition of a runaway princess to me, but I get what your saying. Ariel was born to eventually succeed the Invid Regess so its only natural she would develop the same haxx superpowers. That might be it. Since Ariel hatched as a human she might be able to thrive off a human diet with no need for Protoculture. Maybe they were planning to introduce a game changer Shadow Rising. Ariel and the Haydonites haven't meet face to face yet. Considering the Comic book fan Tommy is I won't be surprised if the Haydonites are like the Invid version of Metallo and are capable of neutralizing Invid Psychic powers. Without something to counter the Invid's power its pretty laughable to think that the tin can Haydonites were able to mess with the Invid in the first place especially with the Regess's literal "God Phoenix" ability that vaporized all those huge Neutron S missiles. Regardless of an actual game changer I think the good guys weapons will still have to be put to good use. Though Ariel does a superpowers now she is more of a shy pacifist and probably isn't going to be teleporting explosions onto her foes Macross II style anytime soon. Its kinda like when Goku learned how to teleport anywhere in DBZ, it just wasn't in his character to actually use his brain, grab a spacesuit, teleport with Cell to some remote place out in space, and then teleport him back to Earth before Cell could explode. Even geniuses would have a hard time knowing all the details considering that the Harmony Gold et. al. v. FASA Corp. et. al. case ended with a confidential settlement.
  25. Her powers were also used to move the plot forward many times in Shadow Chronicles as well, but it still annoys me how they made Ariel so over powered with no apparent limit, cost, or negative to her new found Invid powers.
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