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Old Man

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  1. Old Man


    I want one! Where do I sign up?
  2. I had to get mine from Tokyo Hunter. I'm not sure if Yamato is still taking orders for these, but it's still listed as "Now On Sale" on Yamato's online shop.
  3. Awesome job, Kurt! Keep up the good work!
  4. HLJ ran out of Yamato Display Stands before my order was placed, even though it was indicated that they were "In Stock." I hope it's not the same for my CF 1A...
  5. Uh oh...and I made my order Thursday afternoon...
  6. Just right now...all from HLJ's sale??? DAMN!!! Has anyone received a payment request yet?
  7. Yeah, me too. They are so hard to find these days, and I had to pay a premium just to get them from some other source. I couldn't pass on this new sale though, so I picked up a few Yamato Stands and another 1/60 CF 1A. I want to pick up the VF-22s as well, but I'll have to see what I can spare near the end of the month.
  8. Arrrgh!!! My 1/60 Max VF-1S hasn't changed shipping status in 6 days!
  9. WOW!!! I am thoroughly impressed. I'd be happy if mine turned out half as nice...simply gorgeous!
  10. Does anyone know if the Max VF-1J has the same problem?
  11. That's a real bummer. I was planning on using the 3-pack I got instead of buying more Yamato stands. Has anyone contacted flightpose.com yet? Both of these issues (the paint removal and the cracking) aren't things to be taken lightly, and should be rectified by the manufacturer.
  12. Can someone show me exactly where and how I should apply the super glue to the ball joint? I'd hate to apply the glue only to have it cease up on me. Also, has anyone come up with another solution to this problem? It really is a nice toy, but I can't seem to get the front toe to stay put.
  13. Yeah, it'd be nice if they did a Minmay Guard or two. I'd love to have a 1/60 version done by the factory.
  14. Old Man

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    I was thinking the same thing .
  15. Ahhh...you're right. My bad. I suppose I was a bit hasty on that reply. However, I do wish they would come out with the Dark Bird and U.N. Headquarters Guard, even though they would undoubtedly be exclusives.
  16. Yeah, I asked Yamato recently if they were going to reissue the 1/60 DYRL VF-1Ss. They told me there weren't any plans, and if there was to be a reissue it wouldn't be for at least another year.
  17. Yeah, I picked up the Anniversary Roy and Hikaru VF-1Ss the other day. I'm planning on getting Max's VF-1S soon, but he's easier to find compared to the other two.
  18. I will once I get back into the country (I'm currently in Thailand on vacation). By the way, how would I go about checking if the pins are smooth or not (sorry for the Noob question, but I've never had to check before)? On another note, if anyone is interested I just heard back from Yamato. From what I was told, there are no current plans to reissue the DYRL VF-1Ss. If they do happen to reissue them it won't be for at least a year, but if they do re-release them they will come with the clear canopy and new hip lock cover. So if anybody wants a DYRL VF-1S, they'd better get'em now, unless they're willing to gamble on a reissue.
  19. Dude, where did you find the 1/48 Weathering FP??? I've been searching for them ever since I got the bad news from HLJ with no luck at all. C'mon, help a fellow Minmay Guard Pilot out.
  20. Old Man

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Hmmm...I sure hope I get an e-mail from Joseph soon...
  21. No, and worse yet, HLJ changed the stock status from "Backordered" to "Discontinued" .
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