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Everything posted by REbirth

  1. One advice: You have to watch Aquarion (when you have free time of course).
  2. You mean Sela? Well she isn't voiced by Aya Endo, this is voiced by Aya Endo, not Sela: About Sela, she has a thing for strong men and Dan just proves himself to be the most hotblood men in the stadium, so she fell for him right away...
  3. Sengoku Basara looks pretty decent, wish they make the fight more intimidating or even damaging though, it's like they are just jumping, flying around with fires and lightnings and stuff. Guin Saga starts tonight. We shall see.
  4. Stole from /m/, this is basically what I feel about the first episode before the subs come out:
  5. ^ go for Tokyotosho: http://www.tokyotosho.com/search.php?terms...nger&type=0 Edit: Oh, nvm, you ask about DDL, which is unavailable at the moment >_>
  6. Oh well, it's not like it's getting subbed anytime soon (umai seems to be so fricking slow...), so just hold your sit tight.
  7. Wait till you see Iceman's blue big foot in action, that thing looks sexy. Next episode is Sela's big foot debut, it looks funky and cute. I notice the Big foots don't have TOES or giant Sneakers yet, maybe these will serve as an upgrade. Anyway, found these sketches on /m/, and I really want to see more:
  8. Old news, but the (theatrical) release date of EVA 0.2 is stated to be June 27. Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-...une-27-in-japan
  9. Heh, I suggest you waiting for the subtitles instead of going for the RAWs. Watching it RAW and not understanding japanese will make this the most AWESOME and CONFUSING episode ever. Edit: And yes, we see Great Mazinger (or something shapes like Great Maz) in the preview.
  10. Ok, the first episode just airs, and I watch it. My mind has gone bland now, it's like every key major characters appear out of nowhere and I can't even draw a connection/nor a plot. Oh god, but it was awesome, it was so EPIC AWESOME. Old school anime watchers are gonna love the retro style. And Mazinger Z uses the Big Bang Punch a couple of times.
  11. The action scenes seems to be even more influenced by the recent Gurren Lagann's style, so fluid and over-the-top. Also HELL YES for Asuka Langley Soryu...I mean Asuka Langley Shikinami and her bad ass EVA-02.
  12. Heh, that pic covering Yuuichi Nakamura's characters really needs a pic of Iceman Hotty now. Let's see if I can photoshop him there somewhere
  13. Wait, who? Edit: About Dan, yeah, he starts out as the same as Basara Nekki (M7) and Apollo (Aquarion) did, full of crazy insane passion, gonna love the kid. Stereotypical speaking, I can almost say: - Dan = Ryoma - Iceman = Hayato - Sela = Benkei (hopefully not Musashi) based on the legendary Getter team lol
  14. This is no basketball. This is BURNING BASKETBALL btw There's no rule, you can do everything to get the ball to the basket, even by destroying the whole stadium.
  15. Tomorrow is the day!!! I'm gonna go ahead and listen to the Mazinger Z theme all day now.
  16. May I say that the first episode is FRACKING AWESOME? I mean, wow, just take a look at that. Epic basketball action. Also lol @ Iceman'd dickery and the super fast timeskip.
  17. The first episode "I AM LEGEND" will be airing tonight on MBS. Who's up for some streams? The RAW will be up tomorrow anyway.
  18. Not even the Macross Quarter, the beautiful architecture of Island 1 and Sheryl's songs eh? Oh well, I guess some people just have different taste than mine.
  19. Awesome, this is do-able. Because Ozma is a man, Bobby is a woman and Alto is a hermaphrodite lol Proof? Check the character poll!!!
  20. No best anime ever for me, because honestly I enjoyed everything I have seen so far, mostly mecha anime. But the show I really, really admire is probably Giant Robot OVA: The day the Earth Stood Still. That series was a pure work of art!
  21. Alto himself hangs up with Sheryl, which is the most developed character in the show, more than anyone, even Ranka. He's also the one who cares for Sheryl the most ...in like every situations (he saved Sheryl in her own stage, in Galia IV, helped her stand up when she got AID..I mean Vajra disease, and in the last episodes...). So yeah, IMO, if you cut out Alto, Sheryl is out too. And the result love triangle (Ozma-Ranka-Brera) just seems damn weird to me, I mean come on, they are brother-sisters and Ozma himself already have Cathy, don't you know? I personally think Brera is the one who gets shoe-horned in, not Alto, if you cut him out, you won't miss anything, they could replace him with another Grace clone.
  22. Stuff I got from /m/: 30s CM: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YFT1RO8T 15s CM: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U4LJ4S6D It's all loud and clear now, the last thing in the 30s CM is definitely the Heaven Gate.
  23. Seems like promethuem5 got his wish: MAAAZZINNGAAAA BLLAAADDDDDOOO!!! Oh well this may confirm that Great Mazinger will enter Shin Mazinger anime somehow.
  24. Hell yeah, Legend of Basquash! Thanks for the head up, Kresphy. Edit: Just watched it. Nice promotional program (Thomas Romain can speak japanese fluently, wow, and he brought along his team to design the beautiful visual), now I'm even more hyped for the series!!!
  25. I know that. After watching MZ23 part I and part II, I did a little research on BD's VA, then I died a little inside
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