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Everything posted by REbirth

  1. A-M released subs for episode 2. Umai is being slow as always. I, myself, can't wait for episode 3. Iceman fraking time. Edit: Oh wait, forget the pic: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4001/1239600140952.jpg
  2. When Gattai released the subbed episode 2, of course. I totally hate how they cut like 3 minutes of screentime each episode and later air the full episode back in Bandai channel. Edit: Sub is out, in torrent form.
  3. Shin Mazinger OP "Kanjite Knight": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZCNqspw1Xo Shin Mazinger ED "Brand New World": Rs link for the OP: http://rapidshare.com/files/220299710/ULTI...jite_Knight.mp3 Credit goes to M.Dan from SRWG-W by doing the rip.
  4. Nah, I mean the fact, Sharon Apple was never visible in space. I mean Sharon Apple is huge, but the hologram of Ranka and Minmay (in MII) are SUPER HUGE
  5. The giant hologram Ranka lowers the enemy morale (and since the human is really surprised by her DYRL, how is that not a culture shock?), that's the same purpose the Minmay Defense System was used. And she wasn't used to control anything, Vajra nor human, the Vajra is still controlled by the Vajra Queen by that time. About the magical part, I can argue about the fact Sharon Apple never grow out to that gigantic size (like Ranka and hologram Minmay did), nor she was used to defend a planet against an invasion force, duh. I'm not going to force you into believing that this is purely MII homage, it could be a MII + MacPlus homage too, you know? If you think I'm shoe-horning for the sake of a homage of the most obscure Macross ever, then that's fine too.
  6. Tonight episode's pacing is slow. Mostly about introducing the main characters and a build up for next week. But I guess people who are new to Mazinger will enjoy this one.
  7. Basquash!'s OP and ED: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTFwD4huwOw Edit: Is it me or both the OP and ED are pretty catchy? The OP is fast and energetic (oh well, "no limit" is it) while the ED has a groovy feel to it.
  8. If I enjoy Akira (the anime movie, not the manga), will I enjoy this? Will watch this when all the shows this season are over.
  9. You really think the humor in this movie is actually funny and comparable to the original? They are not even at the level of the old Street Fighter movie, which was "so bad-it's good". The jokes/humor here are unoriginal, forced, and the character development (if there is any) is even more terrible. There's no denying that the original manga is goofy and stupid but the characters were funny and likable, unlike the guys and gals in this film. Btw, what's wrong with blue hair Bulma? Isn't this supposed to be a "goofy, stupid, over the top" film? What's wrong with a blue hair girl in a film like that? At least she wouldn't look as bad as the film version of Piccolo anyway. And ha ha, lol @ the Ohzaru form, shouldn't it look like an ape instead of a random monster?
  10. The giant hologram Ranka is more of MII homage than MacPlus IMO, considering it has the same role and function as the Minmay Defense System in MII, but this time it's used to defend the alien-force against the human.
  11. If the big hologram Ranka isn't a big reference to MII already, you know, the Minmay Planetary Defense System?
  12. Eh, it's going to be one hell of a depressing series.
  13. I, too, read the first volume of Rideback before watching the anime, hafta say I was 50 % on that one because of the politic, but when the anime comes out, I'm really into the racing Rideback stuff (because a sport mecha anime is rare stuff, and it's more rare to see a design like the Rideback). Too bad, it becomes more and more like manga as far as the episodes go, it's good, but nothing I have expected to see. About the target audience, I don't know what to say about it, Basquash tries to be a super robot show (like Mazinkaiser, Aquarion, Gurren Lagann...), which is essential a shounen show for kids but also has contents meant for adult watchers to enjoy. That's the best I can tell really.
  14. Nothing new then. The same old "new Sheryl stage" too.
  15. I have yet to see Basquash failing in any of those criterias, I mean, wow Big Foot looks silly, but when they are in action, they are hella cool in my book (with the Nike sneakers yes!!), and I enjoy the cast immensely at the moment (I mean, a hotblood kid full of passion, a stone-cold rival that can actually beat the protag, a hot useful mechanic and a cute chick that can pilot for real? Count me in, folks). Not sure if SK will throw up some twists in the future characters developments though.
  16. Now when I think about, 4 Mazingers in the first episode? Wow, even if it's Mazinger anime, this is too much lol
  17. Who's watching this for the basketball should drop this, considering the absurdity won't stop, it becomes more absurd per episode, because I really like the OP btw, it's hotblood.
  18. Didn't they already do that in form of a Parallel work?
  19. Man, if you can't really feel the passion then just meh. The point is not to enhance the sport, but what if you play basketball with mechas and no rule. Anyway, it's just the 1st episode, the fun barely start. To be honest, I never feel much for the Rideback in its 1st episode ever, it's the later episodes that makes me (when they start the race, etc). But I do hope Basquash isn't going to turn out like Rideback did, when it comes to war and political. Let Basquash! just be a show with hotblood kids playing basketball with their mechas, no war or serious business please. About the target audience, they are aimed at super robot fan, hah, especially the bouncing part
  20. About time, someone subbed Guin Saga 1st episode, makes it hella interesting to watch.
  21. Eh, have another Basquash AMV, this is deemed to happen sooner or later: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dflzmYlbm4 Oh well, this one is not as good as the Megas one, that UTF got the TOUCH in him.
  22. That reason never stops me from watching a mecha cartoon, so whatever you say man.
  23. Graham, you are taking this too seriously. Just chill man.
  24. Nah, we streamers like it it fresh Besides, by the time the shows airs on TBS (Friday night), HD Raw should be already out. A TV Ants channels for MBS and TV Tokyo would be incredible nice though.
  25. Hmm, tomorrow night airs the second episode "Legend is dead". Hope we can get some freaking streams by then. Also, episode 2 will have the OP theme, "nO limIt" by Eclipse, I'm more interested in hearing the other singers than Megumi Nakajima though.
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