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Pat S

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Everything posted by Pat S

  1. You mean lasers that bend? GallForce had that a few years before Gunbuster.
  2. Pat S

    Macross Arcade

    There's a Macross Plus one as well, I play it all the time on my MAME cabinet, check my sig...
  3. Hahahaha Yeah, there is a US release now, cleaned up the show a bit, looks really good. Much better translation. Reminds me of my Orguss bootleg, they keep talking about a "special point", and my ex girlfriend asked if they were trying to figure out where the g-spot was! Hahaha.
  4. Haha, the Logan rules! So ugly and beautiful at the same time, like the Tread from Mospeada or some of the Dougram mechs. Don't know the answer to your question. Looks possible.
  5. I've read most of them except for the Southern Cross stuff. Obviously a Macross Purist won't enjoy them, but they are pretty cool if you grew up on, and still like Robotech. Aight, I'iz out of this thread, no diggity!
  6. Some cool CD Legioss work done by Mechmaster (he's on our forums). Be sure to check out page 1 and 2. The one in the forest is my favorite! http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/cg_lai...rious_page1.htm
  7. All I know is that it came from here... http://home4.highway.ne.jp/kuso-ken
  8. Especially since some of them died before they could make the movie!
  9. http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/yf21/yf21.htm
  10. http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/valkyriept1/valkyriept1.htm http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/valkyriept2/valkyriept2.htm
  11. http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/yf19pt1/yf19pt1.htm http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/yf19pt2/yf19pt2.htm
  12. http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/yf21plus/yf21plus.htm
  13. I've seen this before, but can't remember if it was ever posted to Macrossworld...
  14. http://members12.tsukaeru.net/peck/html/html_3/yf19_3.htm
  15. http://www.craftworld.co.kr/sf/yf19/yf19ex02.htm
  16. http://www.mokei-wadachi.com/reikai2003/200308/yf19.htm
  17. Otaku-Smeghead: Google search for "Thin White Duke" please... k thx bye!
  18. Very cool, please post more pics, and detail pics of your mods. I think it's a pretty good toy except for the backpack on mine will not stay up, and the legs are pretty loose from the factory. I'm interested to see what you did, so maybe I can incorporate some of the mods on mine
  19. Well, a fanbase is driven by the shows usually, so without new shows, not much new product will be developed. Macross Zero so far only has 1 toy in development, and multiple models have been released. A toy developer has to have some reason to think creating a new product will be profitable, so it makes sense that things are slow now, though I'm surprised no Macross Zero toys have come out yet to test the waters. Hopefully a new TV series or OAV will be announced soon, otherwise, Macross product development will keep slowing.
  20. If the loose joints are ball socket type, try putting some electrical tape around the ball, and see if it helps. This worked for me on the amdriver toys, which are much smaller of course. My PG Zeta is a little loose, but not a "wet sponge"
  21. mpchi: Thanks, if I'll try to catch the first few episodes of the TV show, and see if I like it.
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