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Pat S

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Everything posted by Pat S

  1. I'm 30 miles South of Seattle, when's the Seattle area Macross party happening?
  2. I thought you were going to end with Macross Zero being in the Macross 7 camp, and I was going to cheer, but then I remembered Zero has one more episode, and maybe I will like 1/5th of it or something. You can have the same problem with any series, drag it on too long, or try to change it too much (Star Trek Enterprise), and you lose a lot of the appeal, but then again, if you were working on a show, would you want to do the same thing over and over?
  3. Why would these countries or companies want to go into space? They can leech off of NASA's hard work. There's not much out there of value for us. The only way I see to make money in space is to commrcialize it for the masses. I won't be flying into space on a ship like SS1, no way. I'd much rather have NASA spend many billions of tax dollars designing something for us than a small commercial company. NASA did this like 30 years ago, the x-planes. Sub orbital flight doesn't really have much application.
  4. They say they are doing them in this order... Red Green Black (shadow)
  5. Haha, well, let's see if I can finish it first. I've always been good a taking things apart, not the best at putting them back together I won't be selling it though (unless I reeeaaally need money), the YF-19 is my favorite mecha/aircraft design ever.
  6. The line art shows the body stays connected at the front, but raises in the rear. I can't see an easy way to do that, so I hope that by raising the arms only with a longer screw I get most of the effect, and keep a sleek look.
  7. With a longer screw than the one Yamato used to hold the shoulder down, and a spring added, the shoulder raises up to the normal spot in gerwalk and battloid. The spring keeps the shoulder lowered in fighter, and provides tension so the arms aren't flopping around in the other modes. I need to find a place with small screws and springs though. I'll guess I'll try home depot. Edit: No need for a longer screw for this mod to work like stock, but the spring is necessary, but I want the longer screw so that in gerwalk mode, the arms can raise up higher than normal, this will allow gerwalk to keep a sleek look without raising the whole body up. Here's what I mean, the body is above the wings in gerwalk otherwise the arms can't rotate forward.
  8. But the gap is almost gone at the rear now.
  9. A little bit of the leg will have to be sanded down as well. See where it is touching the shoulder, raising it up on one side.
  10. Here's what the mod looks like.
  11. So, what I did, was sand down the part below the shoulder with a dremel and many different attatchments. The one on the left is original height, the one on the right is the modified height.
  12. The height of the shoulder makes this section from the rear really stand out. I want to close up this gap, and add some putty to the rear of the leg. Then, I may add some club-m fastpacks
  13. Another thing that bothers me is how high the shoulder sits in fighter mode.
  14. Also, from the front view, after the sort of triangle shoulder part that connects the arm to the body of the plane, the connected part is square in shape, not rounded like the triangle part. I hope that made sense, anyways, in this pic (and the one above), I've sanded down the one on the left to match the triangular part.
  15. I sanded those raised areas off.
  16. Notice the tops of the shoulders, the raised black areas... It's in some of the line art, but the way it came out on the toy doesn't look good to me, so...
  17. Ido: I haven't been able to figure out a way to fix the legs so they are more poseable. I considered using a 1/60 leg as a skeleton for the YF-19, but the 1/60's don't bend any further forward than the YF-19. I'll keep thinking on this one, because I'd love to be able to get them to bend further forward, and also bend toe out. I've already sanded the knee area down to get them to go further forward, but it didn't help that much.
  18. Here's another version, I moved the lineart up some. Looks a little better like this.
  19. I played around with paint shop and overlayed the lineart ontop of a pic. Yamato did a decent job with the proportions, though it is a little fat. I don't think I can fix everything
  20. Charlize was really fat in that last movie, hopefully she can get down to like 1% bodyfat to play Aeon A lot of people can't stand Peter Chung's style, but I love it because it is so unique. Hope this turns out well, but it reminds me of what happened with Tomb Raider for some reason. Not that Tomb Raider was any great work, but the movie seemed a little overly cheesy. I hope they go the serious mindf*ck route that Aeon Flux is known for, and she better die multiple times And please, no nu-metal soundtrack!
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