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Posts posted by Thom

  1. 13 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    I'd actually be curious to measure that compared to the original Episode I kit I have, because that looks much closer to 1/48.  The pilots obviously are those little figures, which are probably a weird scale, but it's a really tiny ship.  The original kit was an incredibly disappointing size, and the price was astronomical for the time.

    Forgive the blurriness of the image. I do have an unbuilt AMT kit, so I unboxed it for a comparison shot. So, maybe a little larger than 1/72...


  2. She's almost there @SpacePirateNeko! A little tape and a little paint and all done.:good:


    And though this is not a model, I bought the Star Wars Micro Galaxy N-1. Eight inches long from the muzzles to the tip of the tail, it looks to be almost right on 1/72 and has some really nice detail. It includes Djin and Grogu, though Grogu is not removable, set in his high chair under the dome. Djin has a removable jet pack and can be sat in the cockpit. The only draw back is that, since it is a toy, there are screw holes on the bottom as well as trademark info stamped into the plastic. It does have gear too, though they almost disappear when retracted.








    Though it is a toy, I see it as a nice alternative to the new Revell 1/24, with the added bonus that it can sit comfortably beside the 1/72 Bandai range.


  3. Season 2 was the best one. Season 3 could have been great, except for all the already posted reasons. The Burn could have been a truly compelling story, but just ended up being a child's tantrum. Maybe I'll watch this last one if I'm bored enough.

  4. 8 hours ago, Robin-11 said:

    After rewatching this clip i have a question for the experts of the forum. Before the dogfight starts the enemy pilot does some sign with his hands, some sort of code to comunicate among planes while up in the air, i guess. Maverick is not able to understand a single sign of it. Does this mean that there are different codes for each nation/continent/organization? For example, Europe has one, that is different from the one Russia has, or Nato has one that is different from the one all the other  nations who are not part of the organization uses etc. I thought it was like an universal language...

    I don't know myself, but I've seen several pilot reaction vids to this movie, and most of the pilots reacting to it know what the hand signals mean.

  5. That is a great looking plane! Sure, we all have those little 'woopsies' on our builds, but don't beat yourself up over it. In the Grand Scheme of All Modelling, that is a slight one! Good job!

  6. Gladiator was one thing, it was almost entirely fictional and you could go wherever you wanted with it. Take the entire thing and place it on another planet in a star-spanning empire, and it wouldn't have changed a bit of it. But when you set a story on an actual person's shoulders, the film makers need to keep embellishments to a bare minimum. Tell the history and let it lead, and try to keep the need to put a personalized spin on it, out of it. 

    I haven't seen the movie and don't plan on it, but hearing how it jumps along like a skip-montage and perhaps was meant to be almost humorous(?) certainly was not the way to go.

    And please, no more with the sex scenes! All that is is just a cheap gimmick when good story telling falls through.

  7. 45 minutes ago, renegadeleader1 said:

    Shoving an awful amount of history into two plus hours is a massive understatement. The following literally happens over the course of 10 minutes...


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    Napoleon marries Josephine.


    Josephine flirts with Hippolyte Charles during the wedding feast.


    Napoleon bangs Josephine.


    Napoleon is now in Egypt and fires on the pyramids.


    Josephine bangs Hippolyte.


    Napoleon stares at Egyptian mummy.


    An officer tells Napoleon his wife is a ho.


    Napoleon leaves Egypt.


    The whole world knows Josephine is a ho.


    Napoleon kicks Josephine out only to take her back in accepting she's a ho in the "you are nothing without me" scene. 


    Napoleon meets with the French directorate over his deserting Egypt. He blames them for France being bankrupt and on the brink of invasion before adding he is aware his wife is a ho.


    Napoleon bangs Josephine.


    Napoleon meets with Tallyrand who suggests a coup to overthrow the Directory in favor of three consuls.


    Montage of directory members being arrested.


    Napoleon's brother addresses the national assembly and both are nearly killed before comically running away.


    They rally the troops and storm the assembly and the "Shall we vote?" scene happens.


    Napoleon becomes first consul.


    Napoleon bangs Josephine...again.


    Napoleon meets British ambassador and whines about how "You think you're so great because of all your boats!"


    Tallyrand suggests Napoleon become a king or Emperor.


    Napoleon bangs Josephine yet again.


    Coronation scene.



    Why am I suddenly imaging a clip of quick-cut scenes played to the tune of Benny Hill!?





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