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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. Honestly, I don’t know much about that industry. But I do know you and a lot whole lot of other people collectively gave PB so much support over the years, and over a million dollars just in the last decade, despite their flaws, got burned, and now hoping people are willing to do it again for other companies that might do it better.
  2. It rubs me the wrong way that this is essentially jumping ship from one long term investment project once helmed by experts in the RPG/ war game/miniature industries that didn’t work out to a whole bunch of them at the same time and hoping against hope that some of them will pan out.
  3. I thought these games only became possible because Palladium screwed up so bad that they lost the license around the same time as they were first announced. https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2018/3/2/17071612/robotech-rpg-tactics-kickstarter-disaster-palladium-books
  4. Too many people from the Palladium days got royally screwed for this.
  5. Wow, so no one in Titan Comics really had the balls to "kill" anyone really important in this series.
  6. Too bad that it has become acceptable form of performance art to point and gawk from the other side of the world by people who think they know better.
  7. These days, I take people who have actually lived or even just took a trip to in Japan/Asia a lot more seriously over aging holdovers from Robotech who have co-opted a lot a habits from moonlighting in that mess for a very long time and bring that garbage here.
  8. Ugh, so there are possibly 23 other stock quotes of his in this comic. Any involving a knife is probably a given. Looking at the wiki page again. ”Worst case of indigestion (x) ever had.” Seriously?
  9. How about you stop keeping this thread alive, Old_Nash.
  10. Kind of funny that after all these years that it’s the VA for Hibiki who goes to all these lengths to support the franchise and he wasn’t even the songstress for Macross II.
  11. I think I remember seeing a creepypasta reading using a Myung pic as a visual too.
  12. Shouldn’t the fact that Furmanisms are a thing be a clue about the quality of a guy’s writing, even if fans are kind of crazy over there? But to be fair, I looked into it to get an idea what kind of people would come up with my memorable quote from the comic so far. It was probably, hopefully, not him.
  13. For anyone taking this more seriously than they should, have you seen any Furmanisms in the comic book? https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Furmanism
  14. You’re right. I forgot that it sucks to be a female character in the Robotech universe in general. This is just par for the course.
  15. Minmei sings and has character development. That's just a defibrillator on legs.
  16. On a theoretical level, are you willing to bet your online reputation against those circles?
  17. Remember back in the Delta reviews when you made references to the Musiculture? I think you were on to something about the new Zentradi movement, or at least a good guy version of it.
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