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Everything posted by Anasazi37

  1. Definitely food for thought, @sharky, and great points by both @sqidd and @kkx. Before I'd use something other than a proven product on an expensive and hard-to-replace toy, I'd need to do a bunch of testing on junk toys made of the same materials to make sure the pure polyurethane wouldn't damage anything. I'm very cautious after a horrible incident involving Pine Sol and a 1/48 Yamato VF-1S Roy that I was trying to strip paint off of. Given how much the polyurethane probably costs, the time required to get it, the time and cost of getting the right kind of bottle with the right kind of applicator, the time required to do the testing, and how often I might actually use a joint fixer, $9 plus shipping for KiKi is a pretty good deal. I could see investing the time and money in making my own if I wanted to create a competing product or I had a very large number of toys with very loose joints....
  2. Painfully funny. I hope it doesn't turn out that way, but the current SSP situation isn't reassuring. You have a point. That entire night was a blur. I think it opened at MSRP. I was in the first round, along with a few others here. Since Nin-Nin invoiced me in USD, it's hard to be 100% sure about the exact amount in JPY, but it definitely wasn't above MSRP since I was charged $170 and ¥18K would be consistent with the exchange rate that day. Will any of us in the early rounds actually get our Roys? Edit: I just checked the PDF version of my invoice from Nin-Nin and see a 10% discount applied, but it doesn't show up in the web version. Might mean that my chances of actually getting Roy are decreased by a similar amount....
  3. Nin-Nin's first PO round for Roy was slightly below MSRP, then they released more for PO over several additional rounds at steadily increasing prices. I think it topped out at $350 by the end of that first night, so at least they haven't gone higher than 200%. I'm assuming, as many here are assuming, that a lucky few might snag Roy after release at close to retail, but otherwise the price is going to quickly reach Hikaru 1J levels....
  4. Anasazi37

    Hi-Metal R

    It's good to meet a fellow senior management Sith Lord
  5. Indeed. To apply kill markings in that area, you'd definitely want to use a decal setting solution. Definitely awkward. I have silhouettes for those, too! Mocked up Bodolza this morning. I guess if you have his kill marking on your valk, you really don't need any others.
  6. Was able to resize the kill markings. They are now about the same size as the smallest ones on Bandai's decal sheet. If I go any smaller, you probably couldn't make out what they are. I put in some extra space sharks, just for @sqidd.
  7. I’m not sure. Since I don’t have a Kakizaki yet, I’ll have to compare against images of the decal sheet that members have posted. I just tried to come up with a size that made sense, given available space. I could probably reduce by another third or half, but then you’ll likely lose detail. Update: just eyeballed a picture of the sheet on the Tamashii site. The smaller markings are definitely smaller than my current ones. I’ll shrink some more and post new pictures later. I put those on there just for you
  8. Quick proof of concept with kill markings in three potential colors. They do make the cockpit area a bit more busy. The markings could be smaller, if necessary.
  9. LOL. Come to think of it, the silhouette of the Gnerl does look like a shark. A shark with lasers.
  10. Update on my silhouette project, with a specific emphasis on kill markings for the DX that can be printed as small decals (not just the larger vinyl stickers). First, putting an "X" on the silhouettes seems redundant. If they're on your valk, you've killed them. No need to cross them out, too! Second, I think simple silhouettes just look cleaner than what Bandai included with the Hayao 1A and are more in line with what you'd see on vintage aircraft. So, here's what I've come up with: They would be easy to "mirror" so they can be placed on both sides of the cockpit. I haven't worked out the exact sizes yet, so things look a little out of proportion right now. I think there's now something for everyone: Reguld Reguld Light Missile Carrier Reguld Heavy Missile Carrier Reguld Scout Glaug Glaug with Booster Queadluun-Rau Nousjadeul-Ger Gnerl They could also be printed as negatives, where there's a box around each one and the actual mecha is empty space (cut out).
  11. Even the PO for Kakizaki was difficult. The proxy services are getting hit hard now with respect to TWE POs. My orders at all of the big ones for this DX were cancelled because they had quickly reached the ordering limit imposed by Bandai. Sometimes that happens within hours, so it's not much different than a regular PO except that you're waiting in limbo, during the middle of the night, to find out if your order went through. All while opportunities to order through other proxies disappear. I didn't try all of the proxies out there, but the remaining ones either looked sketchy or it seemed like no one here had used them yet, so it wasn't worth the risk. It used to be that AE and NY would only slightly mark up TWE POs, but that's changed, too, so I won't order through them for TWE items anymore. Given all of that, I just figured I'd pick up a Kakizaki after release at a reasonable markup. I'm still looking for one. Paying $300 (including shipping) for it just isn't sitting right with me. So, I'm keeping an eye on prices and hoping they come down a bit more. To @Lolicon's point, Mandarake is an option, but when they post items is almost random (I've missed three of them already), their email notification system doesn't seem to be working well right now, and @sqidd's comment about high DHL shipping prices does concern me.
  12. I feel like we're all developing finely-honed Japanese online shopping survival skills to get these DX valks....
  13. It depends. If you're willing to go through a proxy like FromJapan that can purchase it on an auction site and then send it to you, or go through Amazon Japan and have them ship it to a package forwarding service like Tenso, then no. Even with their fees, either option will probably be cheaper than Nin-Nin. Price range for domestic sales is currently ¥21,600 (lowest bid on Yahoo Japan) to ¥26,180 (Amazon Japan). If you're looking for direct overseas shipping from the seller, Nin-Nin's price isn't terrible, but it doesn't include shipping. They charged me $50 for FedEx shipping to the US for my Roy DX preorder, so depending on where you are and how fast you want it, you might be looking at $325 or more for the total bill. When Nin-Nin has an item in stock, I hear that their service is pretty good. Where they seem to run into trouble is with preorders.
  14. They might have jumped right to 200% scalper markup pricing, but they usually list a small number of DX valks at or near MSRP (¥18,000) to start with that don't require prepayment. Then they turn the screws on everyone.
  15. So...do I need to create a supplemental decal set with kill markings and maybe some other stuff? I'm working with another MW member on a set of kill markings for 1/72 kits. Those could be easily sized up to 1/48. Simple silhouettes at the moment, covering a wide array of enemy mecha.
  16. Anasazi37

    Hi-Metal R

    Six sealed Monsters showed up on Jungle today. Maybe someone found a case of them somewhere? ¥25,300 each.
  17. Mine arrived today, too! Same experience with the seller. Looking forward to trying it out.
  18. I was starting to get my hopes up about Nin-Nin for my Roy PO, based on what @Alphahorizon just posted, but then I remembered how many times they listed the Roy PO and increased the price. So, I'm still not very optimistic that I'll get mine. I was in the very first round that was offered at a slight discount, and based on the past experiences of other MW members, my guess is that I'll be told that they have insufficient stock and they will cancel my order, after which they will list several for sale at a significantly higher price. It's good to know that they are capable of being nice to customers, though. I hope they're nice to all of us with early round Roy POs. Not what I thought my 1000th post would be, but there you have it.
  19. I just tested these links and they work: https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-kanzen-henkei-vf-4a-lightning-iii-hikaru-ichijyo-use-premium-finish-aca82155 (premium version, order stop) https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-kanzen-henkei-vf-4a-lightning-iii-hikaru-ichijyo-use-normal-version-aca82154 (regular version, still available) https://amzn.to/3jx78Bj (regular version, still available)
  20. With the exception of the Max 1A TV (I think), Bandai has telegraphed every single DX release with previews at their trade shows. My money is on a Max 1A DYRL, which would also be consistent with the booster emblems included in the DYRL SSP set. Unless they really want to screw with collectors and release a Roy 1S DYRL right after the TV version, because those emblems are included in the set as well. I'd love to see a Hayao 1A TV or CF 1A next, but I'm not holding my breath. I know several members have speculated that a Hikaru 1A DYRL might happen as a TWE release, complete with its own booster emblems.
  21. The standard version is available again on Nippon-Yasan, but their customer service seems to be getting worse (same with Anime Export), so I'd recommend Amazon Japan or HLJ. Both have good prices and good shipping options.
  22. I'm excited, too! Pre-ordered this issue a while back.
  23. @borgifiednailed it! 22k for unopened, package damaged. Missed this offering overnight. Hope to snag one soon. If nothing else, maybe it will bring the prices down a bit in other places.
  24. I'm still on the fence about picking up a Hayao 1A. Prices on AJ have been okay, but I'm waiting to see what happens when they hit Mandarake and Jungle. Especially a few weeks after release.
  25. Thanks for the heads up! Just ordered a bottle to fix the loose joints on my Yamato SV-51 Ivanov.
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