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Everything posted by Anasazi37

  1. [comment applies to all three quotes above] I took one look at that decal sheet and thought "MW members shouldn't have to drop $200 plus shipping to get a few small decals." I'm not convinced that the quality of them will be that good, but at least Bandai thought to include...something. Glad my printer still works and I could help out folks here. Do not tempt me, sir. I might just have to do that for you for the next round of decals. Me, too! I included that pilot name on every CF decal sheet I've made, for every manufacturer and scale, as a tribute. I think it shows up on the decal sheet for the original 1/72 variable kit, too. I can make that happen for you. All captains are fair game now.
  2. You mean Bandai's aesthetic choice to maintain visual symmetry in battroid mode? Sorry--couldn't resist. The issue may show up again on the Hayao 1A. The official images for it on the Tamashii Nations site show a reversed modex number on the vertical stabilizer. Here's hoping that they fixed it before production ramped up. Just in case, I included a fix for it on that decal sheet I put together recently. The Roy TV release looks to finally be correct, thank goodness.
  3. Way to haze a new member I honestly don't know if mine has the sticker on it. They can fall off. Same with the Hi-Metal R line. When I've seen sticker-less valks on Mandarake and they specifically call it out, it's at most a small price difference compared to one that has it.
  4. I had that problem a few weeks ago when I tried to order a magazine. Ended up clearing out my browser cache and cookies and that seemed to do the trick. I contacted HLJ support about it as well and they told me to do the same thing. I first confirmed that it had nothing to do with my account by firing up a Linux virtual machine, using a "pristine" browser in there, and everything was fine. Their new site can be...glitchy. Amazon Japan is a solid option.
  5. I was starting to think that Arcadia is trying to be more like Bandai. Not only did they announce a web-exclusive PF version shortly after people started placing orders for the regular one, but they left the pilot out of the promotional pictures. A lot like what happened with the recent DX Roy TV announcements (valk and armor). The web exclusive armor was a surprise announcement only two days after the valk announcement. Pictures of the valk with the armor were pilot-less. One could argue that Bandai was trying to stick with canon since Roy wasn't around by the time the armor was available, but I don't know if that's true since they aren't scared to disregard canon when it suits them.
  6. I think I bought mine many months ago on AJ for ¥28,000 plus free domestic shipping to my Tenso address. Just checked AJ again and new ones are going for ¥28,500 plus free shipping, so it indeed looks like the price recovered. Hopefully it doesn't go up too much more for folks who still want to get one. Thank you for being brave enough to try that on your Max 1A. I've been looking at mine for several months now, wondering if I should make my own Hayao 1A out of a second copy or wait until Bandai decides to release one. If they decide to release one.
  7. YES! Tower Records! Spent way too much time there in my youth. @mantisfists, the key with this line is patience. You can wade into the fray on PO nights and try your luck, but if that doesn't work or you value sleep like a normal human being, just regularly monitor the For Sale section here plus Amazon Japan, Mandarake, Jungle, Yahoo Auctions Japan, Rakuten, and a few other secondary market sites. What you want will eventually show up at a price that won't absolutely destroy your wallet. Except for the Hikaru 1J. That one probably won't come down unless/until some kind of reissue happens (hopefully combined with a GBP set). Be prepared to pay above retail for popular variants, though. With that said, the Hikaru 1S has started to come down since the Roy 1S TV was announced, which is nice to see.
  8. Anasazi37

    Hi-Metal R

    That is an understatement
  9. Maybe we'll see another release when the next movie comes out.
  10. Dude! Thank you for saying that. I completely forgot about an HLJ discount code I had. Dropped the price below AE. I had to cancel my original PO to apply it, but since Arcadia toys don't get scalped, I'm in good shape. You know you want to. What if you regret it later? Everyone is doing it. Honestly, the VF-4 has grown on me over the years. I have a perfectly nice Yamato version, plus the HMR Hikaru, and I couldn't resist. I'm justifying it by saying that I'll take my Yamato to work. You know, the office I don't spend much time in because of the pandemic. AE is okay. They don't oversell their stock like NY sometimes does and they get their shipments relatively quickly after release, so you tend to get an "available to ship" notice within a few days. The two biggest problems with them are: I don't think they offer standard courier services like FedEx, UPS, or DHL. That means you either have to let them hang onto orders until Japan Post opens up shipping again or have them ship to a domestic Tenso address, then have Tenso ship to you via DHL, which adds to the total cost of your order. They were offering some kind of sketchy no-name courier service that wanted lots of personal info, but given that it is sketchy, I don't think many people took them up on it. Please correct me if the shipping situation at AE has improved since I last checked. Their customer service is not very good. If they reply at all, it can take some time (I've had decent luck) and you are on your own if there is a quality issue with your order. They refused to get replacement parts for the Arcadia SV-51, leaving MW members to figure out how to contact Arcadia directly--in Japanese--to get the parts. Contrast that will several other stores like HLJ and (gasp) NY, who contacted Arcadia, obtained the parts, and shipped them to customers. HLJ did it at no cost. NY charged for shipping. That's what differentiates the two stores for me and why HLJ got my order.
  11. It's like you were dealing with a reasonable company that actually cares about Macross fans. Shocking.
  12. Not necessarily. I think some folks here were just asked to pay the deposit right now. Might vary by proxy service. Not sure about Arcadia, but Bandai blocks Buyee for web exclusives. They also block Tenso, which owns Buyee, in case one was inclined to try placing an order directly.
  13. If you go by AE's conversion from Yen to USD, but it's not accurate for some reason. Their price is ¥28,310 and HLJ's is ¥29,800, so the actual difference is ¥1490 ($14). I didn't notice the error until @Chronocidalpointed it out.
  14. Yeah, Tenso is an option. AE will probably charge about $10-15 to ship it across Tokyo (not kidding), then there's Tenso's handling fee plus their markup on shipping. It's not a big markup, but when it's all said and done, AE+Local Post+Tenso+DHL will probably be fairly close in price to HLJ+(DHL or FedEx).
  15. Happy to help! You might want to contact @tekeringto see if there's anything special he did when removing the tampo from his YF-19. He always has handy tips and tricks.
  16. Yeah, I'm good with the look of the standard version if the premium one is going to have panel lining and weathering. It's impressive, but I'd rather put the extra money towards another purchase. The standard version is expensive enough as it is. (clicks the Purchase button on HLJ)
  17. Oh no! Glad I put doubles of everything on the sheet. Was it an application issue or something with the decal itself? Feedback is always appreciated. I know some members have experimented with ways to remove the tampo on DX valks. The one specific example I can remember was for the YF-19. @tekeringused Mr. Colour Lacquer Thinner to remove a white marking that was printed on top of a black painted stripe.
  18. The AJ price still seems pretty high compared to what AE listed several days ago. That's surprising, since AE isn't afraid to charge more when they think they can get away with it (e.g., DX Hayao TWE). Still not listed on Arcadia's site, so I wonder if the actual MSRP is still TBD. Waiting to see what HLJ and AmiAmi list for price before I decide what to do. I wouldn't be surprised to see the AJ price come down in the next day or two.
  19. Looking good! Glad the decals worked out for you.
  20. Its current size is 4" high by 3" wide. That can easily be changed, larger or smaller, but the proportions would have to be maintained.
  21. My goal would be to help out a small number of fans, at the cost of materials and shipping. Is that your 1S with the skull already applied? Mirroring wouldn't be hard. Would it work better for you if it was an outline (hollow) instead of solid? I think it would be fun to bring those back. I'm trying to track down some other silhouettes that might be interesting. There are so many iconic images to choose from.... That's a good size. The skull on my car is 4". Just large enough to be noticeable outside without creating a visibility issue inside. I can't even see it in my rearview mirror.
  22. So there is some additional dice-rolling with AJ. Good to know. My default position with buying expensive stuff from Japan is that it's a one-way trip, so I try to manage my risk accordingly. Sometimes that means avoiding certain stores for certain items, even if they are a bit cheaper, because I don't want to deal with the hassle if something goes wrong. I know some members always go with the lowest price and the cheapest possible shipping, operating under the assumption that the number of times that approach breaks down will be small enough to make it worthwhile in the long run, so why stress about it, but I think that only works if you buy a lot of stuff or happen to be blessed with incredible luck. If you're a more targeted collector due to interest/budget/time/etc., a bad shopping experience could have a pretty big negative impact. When I've gone the lowest-price-and-cheapest-shipping route, it consistently goes wrong, so I don't do it anymore.
  23. Something like this? I could also bring back the SDF-1 silhouettes that a member made into window decals almost 20 years ago (can't recall who that was). Just found the same (or really similar) artwork online. Had the left one on my car for a long time. This vinyl cutter is just too much fun to play with--now that I know how to drive it. And there's apparently a rainbow of color options for the vinyl itself. (Realizing this is a bit OT...)
  24. I don't think it would be too hard to remove the sticker if you needed to, but you definitely wouldn't be able to use it again. Sounds like there might be some interest in making these and maybe some other things. Wasn't my original plan, just trying to broaden my printing capabilities for some personal projects and thought putting a Skull Squadron logo on my car would be fun, but happy to help the MW community.
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