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Everything posted by ntsan

  1. Well it have very small fan base so I doubt many company are interested in it
  2. There were official Macross 7 VCDs released in Taiwan since last decade ago, but I think after the lawsuit MZero and MF is pretty much Japanese only release
  3. Given the price on Ebay.. I think the re-issue could keep price even lower :lol (the lowest I saw is $96 brand new on a limited sale)
  4. New official site opened today http://basquash.com/ trailer http://www.catsuka.com/player.php?id=basquash_trailer Robot + basketball.. I bet YF-21 can do that too! Looks like a 50/50 production between japanese and french?
  5. RVF-25 is a must buy for me! Consider it cost the same as 1/60 ghost pack alone.
  6. Well I don't recommand VF-1s by Bandai.. totally pain in the arse. The 1/100 VF-19 Bandai kit on the other hand is much easier to build IMHO.
  7. IN YJA people also start selling them.. by breaking them into 1/4th of the total package (at 1/4th of the price)
  8. Compare in USD is never gonna get you any good judgement. Let alone VF-25 is much larger than VF-1. In terms of Yen, a 1/60 YF-21/SV-51 cost 21,800 yen, YF-19 cost 18,800yen, VF-0 cost 16800 yen and with booster its 19800 yen, compare to Bandai's 12,000 yen for VF-25 and 16,000 with super pack (and only 14000ish yen if you can find good place) it is really good price So yeah I do find Yamato is outrageous with price and worse QC than a model kit. And giving they are re-releasing another limited Roy VF-1s.. feel sorry for those guy who paid $500 for it lol
  9. So instead of $300~400 plus shipping you should be paying $200ish incl shipping..
  10. Probably just stick to #1 for now I guess thanks for sharing
  11. I wonder what character is on #2?
  12. Yeah, you could sell on ebay if you don't like.. for a nice profit! (not guaranteed!)
  13. Nope you are not the only one, guys at tfw2005 are impressed too!
  14. Oh I see purest in denial now heh (truth hurt lol) I would rather see "Yamato" could finally wake up and see what wrong with their stuff rather than still doing crap QC release first (with huge price tag) and fix later approach
  15. Big boob Grace can stand beside VF-27 and a M-Galaxy! Hmmmmm
  16. Happy birthday! <-still a newbie here
  17. 2ch マクロストイ総合スレ22【7+zero F】 http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/toy/1225714113/
  18. Here is the actual story http://www.unmuseum.org/dinobront.htm quite an interesting read!
  19. Well we at MW don't have any say on Bandai toys.. only the Jap Macross fan can make whatever change they felt like.
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