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VF-22/YF-21 vs. VF-1MS Metal Siren

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I've been debating with this one RPer about it. Continuity and RPG stats aside, which is superior? To my understanding the VF-1MS is seemingly more bulky than a VF-22/YF-21. :unsure:

Unfortunately we need those stats to compare....In terms of melee combat, the Metel Siren takes on an advantage with the plasma spear. But once you remove that, then we have to start using stats. The VF-1MS uses beam gunpods and internal beam cannons. The VF-22 has the beam cannons built in with regular gunpods. The VF-22 has a high manueverability mode which would give it an advantage in performance. The VF-22 also has hardpoints for mission specific payloads. So there's another advantage. Both have mini-missiles so there's not much there.

With weapons, we pretty much have a tie. But the VF-1MS has an advantage in melee combat. Score 1 for the VF-1MS.

Manueverability, I would bet the VF-22 is much better. VF-1MS - 1, VF-22 - 1

That leaves engines. Unfortunately, we need stats for this so this is useless.

Performance? We've never seen the VF-1MS in atmosphere, so this is a problem.

So our score is 1-1.

We kinda need to last 2 to really judge. But that would that would involve stats that we don't have on the Metal Siren.

If we had to place money.....I would bet on the VF-22. The manueverability on it would probably give it the greatest advantage in fighter mode.

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RPG stats mean nothing, as they're arbitrarily made up to begin with.

VF-22 major advantages:

-Reaction weapons

-Pinpoint Barrier


-more manueverable

VF-1MS advantages:

-So funny looking that any opponent may be destracted enough to let thesmelves be shot.

-Plasma burst thingy (though probably only good against capitol ships).

-The lance which is good for....

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well- to be honest- it is BARELY a macross issue. Macross II is totally without a doubt not even in the same universe.

(had to be devil's advocate)

VF-22 without a doubt. PPB, reaaction weapons, and and anyone who watches the footage of the combat scenes one after the other will see the 22 has so much maneuverability that the MS would never score a hit. Especially with the Gundam reject plasma lance.

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