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F' ing earthquake...

Druna Skass

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people died in that quake, if i was you, i'd just put my valks back up and stop gripeing.

as for quakes in general, its just the common disaster of the area. there are dangers living anywhere, tornados, hurricanes, lightning, floods, hail, frozen rain, army ants, what ever. you just gotta deal with it. i dont' think i'd ever leave california because of the geographic "dangers"

raging lunatic liberals on the other hand....

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The only good reason to live in the buttcrack of the U.S. (ie - Memphis, TN):

The only threat of an earthquake is the centuries-old dead New Madrid faultline.

Of course, if it ever acts up, most us folks along the Mississippii River are doomed. But it never has, likely never ever will.

This what all you Californians get for having a movie-star governor and saltwater within a day's drive. ;)

Edited by Blaine23
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This what all you Californians get for having a movie-star governor and saltwater within a day's drive. ;)

Don't forget the fires, riots, gangs and smog! :D


Riots- not in 10 years

Gangs- they pretty much keep to themselves

Smog-it's really overrated

Fires-middle of nowhere

And the quakes- don't even wake you up. I've got stuff that falls over from me walking into my room sometimes that didn't have any prioblem here.

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Commander McBride,

Not sure exactly where you live in CA, but I know we met a couple times. First at Anime Expo. MW meeting, and at MW Con. 3.

Maybe you are being sarcastic, but those fires were not in the "middle of no where."

Riots: You got this one right, at least I think. All we need is for people to pretend to riot based upon some social injustice, when the reality of it is that they just want to loot stores and beat up innocent people.

Fires: I lived in Upland, which is a very nice community in San Bernadino and beautiful homes were being destroyed pretty close to where we live. It was an aweful experience. Not to mention San Diego, which was hit pretty hard. Both areas are highly populated, and right off major freeways. Tell the hundreds of homeless families that the fires were in the middle of no where.

Gangs: My son got beat up at school by a gang of black kids, and the only motivation was the fact the fact that my son is white. The school is in what appears to a nice area near the San Diego Zoo, Veteran's War Memorial and Balboa Park. Police officers patrol the school because of gangs. The number of gang related killings in LA is really high this year.

Smog: So thick that you can't see the mountains on some days. When you are above it and look down, you realize that you actually live in, and breathe that crap. A big brown haze of pollution that hangs over the cities.

Yeah, Southern California has it's good points, but things will only get worse as more people/illegal immigrants move there.

Anyway, I moved to Maryland to get away from all of that, and my wife and kids left the day before the earthquake hit, so that was good news.


Christopher B))

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All the expensive stuff I have are in cuiro cabinets or in books shelves with closing doors on them.  They might fall down but at least they will not hit the floor.  You can even get a small one to put next to your desk. 


Are the shelves in your cabinet glass? Mine are and I started wondering a few days back if a 1/60 falling over on a 24"x8" glass shelf would break it. If so, the cascade effect could be devestating.

Everytime I think I have my collection earthquake proofed, my demented brain comes up with something else. :blink: Oh, about that Quake Hold putty stuff, be sure to change it every couple of years. I've noticed it totally loses it's hold after a while.

I've been a CA resident for 2.5 years now and I'm not sure that I'll ever leave. I don't miss the snows of Indiana, the ice storms of North Texas or the bleak nothingness of Arizona. I grew up at one end of Tornado Alley then moved to the other end after college, so I got used to constantly worrying about natural disasters striking without warning.

Edited by VF-1Guy
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The earthquake was felt for pretty long here, and we live right in the middle of the central valley, near Fresno.. shook us up kinda good, but no damage or injuries near here were reported.. it was really weird though. It must've gone on for a good minute, just a slow rolling motion. I couldn't really tell when it stopped, because I was standing, and even after it stopped, I still was swaying back and forth, just from my nerves (and the fact that I'd been awake for a grand total of 10 minutes before it came). :blink:

What's amazing is the stuff in the news today.. apparently there's been another 6.5 quake, this time in Iran... the government's estimating the death toll to be near twenty thousand with another fifty thousand or so wounded.. buildings there simply crumbled. I think they only thing that kept the quake from causing more damage when it hit was it's depth... they said the quake started something like 5 miles below the surface. For once, I kind of appreciate the strict building codes in CA as well.. only one building collapsed in Paso Robles, I think.... the overhead view of the city in Iran looked like a war zone. :(

Edited by Chronocidal
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What's amazing is the stuff in the news today.. apparently there's been another 6.5 quake, this time in Iran... the government's estimating the death toll to be near twenty thousand with another fifty thousand or so wounded.. buildings there simply crumbled. I think they only thing that kept the quake from causing more damage when it hit was it's depth... they said the quake started something like 5 miles below the surface. For once, I kind of appreciate the strict building codes in CA as well.. only one building collapsed in Paso Robles, I think.... the overhead view of the city in Iran looked like a war zone. :(

Kinda makes you feel real bad about how we complain about how an Earthquake ruins one's toys, but half a world away a similar earthquake kills thousands of people.

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This what all you Californians get for having a movie-star governor and saltwater within a day's drive. ;)

Don't forget the fires, riots, gangs and smog! :D


Riots- not in 10 years

Gangs- they pretty much keep to themselves

Smog-it's really overrated

Fires-middle of nowhere

And the quakes- don't even wake you up. I've got stuff that falls over from me walking into my room sometimes that didn't have any prioblem here.

ChrisB got it right... it must be sheltered where you're at.

The fires destroy homes yearly.

The gangs are constant, maybe not personally to me or you but just watch the news.

Smog? C'mon... <_>

As for riots, there's a danger of them eveytime theres a high profile case, they usually move the trials into diff. neighborhoods but I believe it got pretty close last year with one certain case.

Anyway, I believe the toy aspect is pretty much gone from this thread.

Bolt down your shelves and put them in fihter mode if it worries anyone too much.

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I still have family in Kalifornia... they had the sherriff's deputies knock on their door and tell them they had ten minutes to get out of their subdivision when they saw that fire crest the hill of where they lived. Luckaly the fire did not reach them, those Santa Anna winds blew it the other way... only to devistate thousands of other people's lives.

I will win no friends with my views on Kalifornia... that state is akin to a third world nation with the level of natural disasters, social upheaval, crazy elections, insane out of control political correctness, downright stupid environmental policies (I know several whole food and organic crop growers here in Missouri who cannot even sell their wonderful wares in Kali thanks to that state's ludicrous import laws on everything... even health foods)... my list goes on.

But people still choose to live there.

I say more power to them...

... just make sure the crazies in your state stay the hell away from me and my other backward, knuckle-dragging, gun owning, earthquake hating, ocean fearing, square-dance attending, tornado lovin', trailer park livin', moster truck drivin', rootinest' tootinest' midwesterners. :p

(now we just need a cowboy hat wearing hick emoticon and I'm aaaaaaaaall set)

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Right on dude! My wife is a San Diego native, and I did my military tour there, otherwise I probably would have never gone.

I have to admit, San Diego is beautiful, and has a lot of cool things to do. The smog isn't nearly as bad there yet, but it won't be getting any better.

Previously, technological advancements were decreasing pollution even though the number of vehicles on the roads were increasing; however, those advances are no longer able to keep pace with the shear amount of people. The number one problem in the world is over population.

Anyway, I'll do my part to salvage the thread to help maintain "appearances," but it might be too far gone. ;)

It can be pretty hard to save your collection from an earthquake. The entire building/house could collapse, a busted gas main could start a fire, and the list goes on. When God says it is our time to go, it is our time to go, and when Kawamori calls his valkyrie angels back to him, well I guess there is not much we can do but shed a tear as we surf Ebay looking for replacements. :D


Christopher B))

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Here in Arkansas, my valk collection is pretty safe. Yes, we're in tornado alley but they're pretty rare actually and more rare is the case where there is extensive damage (not saying it doesn't happen... in fact, people who live in Van Buren get pounded incessantly by them and I watched one jump my house 2 years ago and destroy everything on the other side of the highway but that was the only one in 10 years I've had to deal with) but most of the state is pretty cool. The New Madrid does shake every once in a great while but usually only once every few years and then not more than a 2 on the R scale.

Move out to Arkansas! Your valkyries will be safe and so will your family! (that is... if the humidity doesn't get to you first)

-hurricanes: We only get nice showers and occasional thunderstorms from hurricanes out of Louisiana.

-earthquakes: as I said... a 2.0 makes headline news...c'mon...

-tornadoes: Far western Arkansas gets them alot (out of Oklahoma), but the River Valley is really safe as is most of the rest of the state.

-Forest Fires: Virtually non-exsistant.

-Gangs: Only if you live in Ghetto downtown Little Rock or Pine Bluff... anywhere else? Nadda.

-Mudslides: never happen.

-Ice: maybe 2 days out of the whole year....

-Blizzards: yeah right...

-Floods: They can happen, but again.. once every 5 years or so...

No safer place to display your collection!

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