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I know this is a Macross Forum, but I have seen some stuff for Robotech on here in the past and I wanted to recommend a Robotech fic to all. It is called Salvage and is over at the Sufficient Velocity forums. It is about Vanessa Leeds after the events of the finale of the Macross Saga and the loss of the rest of the SDF-1's bridge crew beside her (and Lisa). A well written and interesting story all around so far.

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Good afternoon. 

I have been a SFDM fan for some years. I have been intrigued  by the song "Do you remember love?" as its origin was never explained in the series, as far as I know. It was just introduced in the 1984 film "Macross: Do you remember love?" which is, according to the actual canon, a fictional film within the Macross universe. So, I decided to write a story in which it's explained how the song was discovered. The story is written in Spanish and, perhaps, in the near future I will try translate it into English. In any case, if you know the language and want to give it a look, this is the link.

Thank you


Una simple canción de amor, a robotech/macross fanfic | FanFiction

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On 2/13/2022 at 12:07 AM, Natchapon chaikul said:

What's about the crossover of macross 7 x Battlestar Galactica frak deculture

I recall reading a fanfic many yarhens ago, where the RagTag fleet did encounter a Macross fleet. They mistook the Zentradi for Titans at first. Don't recall the name though, sorry.

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So for a while I've been planning out my Macross story idea for a bit, and this is actually the fifth draft overall. I wanted to focus on the worldbuilding aspects of the Macross world, particularly the ins and outs of a autonomous government populated by Zentradi. And feedback and comments are well appreciated!





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I'm baaaaaaaaack!!

And I even come bearing gifts, specifically I started working on my Macross 30 adaption fic again, which I believe I started before I knew there was an actual novelization of the game. However, there is no translation available for that so I decided that I'll keep going with mine since I plan to make a few changes such as including characters and VFs that were left out of the game.

Chapters 1-3 plus the prologue and interlude have been updated and hopefully I can do some new chapters pretty soon. Check out the story here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9536944/1/Macross-30-Voices-Across-The-Galaxy

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Macross: Clan Invasion

Okay, because time to do a BattleTech: Clan Invasion in Macross since the plot bunny has been nagging at me and because I think that the Clans from BattleTech would make a suitable enemy for Macross that is familiar to us as humans in that they are mostly humans (since Macross does have human-like aliens which will be incorporated into the Clans in this cross) but due to their conditions in the worlds they call home, they have evolved morality and values that would be considered 'alien' to us and the need for music to bridge the gap in something that the average NUN citizen and a Clanner can find in common.


Story Synopsis:

In the years following Space War One, many colonization fleets left to ensure that the fate of humanity would not be dependent on a single planet. One of those colonization fleets was led by General Aleksandr Kerensky, leading the Megaroad 06 colonization fleet. Unfortunately, it was presumed lost when it encountered a fold fault in it's destination, cutting off communications with the UN government on the fleet .

Until now in the year 2067 (that's the year in which Macross Delta takes place, so yes this does butterfly away Macross Delta) when a chance encounter by a NUNS explorer ship a few months ago in what is now called Clan Space resulted in the Clans; the descendants of the Megaroad 06 fleet invading the rest of the NUNS . With Destroids, Power Armor, Battle Pods and Variable Fighters that no one in the NUNS has ever seen before, they cut a swath through the Brisingr Cluster, starting with Windermere IV which was razed by the hands of Clan Smoke Jaguar and worse, when NUNS forces tried to do the Minmei Attack (exposing them to culture through music) onto a Clan Jade Falcon force, it backfired on them when they realized too late that their Clans have their own culture and they have their own singers called Warsingers to boost the morale of their own warriors .


Only the intelligence by the Wolf's Dragoons (a former Clan scouting unit disguised as a PMC gone native) on Clan forces given to the NUNS has managed to wring out a few victories by the NUNS. However, all will change when a PMC unit known as Xaos encounters a life pod after a pyrrhic victory for the NUNS against Clan Smoke Jaguar bearing the insignia of Clan Smoke Jaguar containing a live but unconscious Warsinger and bring it in to their headquarters, the Macross Elysion.

Central Theme:

The main central theme would be cultural drift in this story. Since the Macross universe has quite slow FTL due to the need for a long time to prepare and recover from a Fold (FTL travel), it would result in a lot of cultural drift that can be aggravated by the distances involved in colonization and fold faults , resulting in completely new cultures such as those in the Clans.

In addition, the music in Macross would be involved in helping to bridge gaps between Clanners and individuals from NUN (New United Nations) space once one of our protagonists in the Macross love triangle (a Clan Warsinger) encounters NUN culture for the first time. Also, music would be used to keep morale up. Unlike Macross 7, Frontier and Delta, music is not magic and military force still has to be used as the deciding factor to stop the Clan Invasion.


Other Notes:


Mirage as main protagonist and one that the Clanner protagonist falls in love with as part of the love triangle (She's underused in Macross Delta.)


The Timber Wolf is called the Cerberus for it's New UN Spacy reporting name instead of Mad Cat unlike in Battletech because for two reasons. 1: The targeting computers for the Macross universe would try to tag the Timber Wolf as a Glaug and a Destroid Phalanx at the same time instead of Mad (Marauder) and Cat (Catapult) and GlaPha does not roll off the tongue as well as Mad Cat and 2: like the three heads of the hellhound from Greek mythology, it's fast for it's weight class, it packs a lot of firepower and armor and when something is in it's sights, it usually dies.


Include 'You dare refuse my Batchall' reference from the BattleTech cartoon.


"I am Galaxy Commander Hang Metha. We are a Galaxy from Clan Smoke Jaguar. One of our Warsingers is missing. We believe that you from the mercenary company called Xaos has the Warsinger that we mentioned. Hand her over."

"And if we refuse?"

"Identify the forces that you will bid in your defense of one of our Warsingers that you took from us."

"What's this, an auction!?" (laughter)

"Language! You dare to refuse our batchall!?"

"I'm sorry, what did you Clanners mean by a 'Batchall' ?" (more laughter)

"You have sullied our language and honours, you dezgra freebirth Zentraedi halfblood * and refused our batchall to fight honorably . We will make sure that when we eventually catch up to you, filthy Xaos mercenaries , you will beg for a fast death!"


*Galaxy Commander Hang is refering to the captain of the Macross Elysion; Captain Johnson who is also a half human-Zentreadi hybrid similar to Mirage and not Mirage herself

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(I am the user "Saruta", I lost my old account).

So, in 2014 I wrote a 15k word Macross fic in Russian. It was a rather condensed text (it was for a contest with a time limit), an attempt at an epic story of "been there made history" and also a homage to the controversial figure of Carl Macek, who was kinda the prototype of the protagonist Kenneth Macer. And a Vocaloid crossover to top it all. It had few readers in the small Russian fandom, I never found the motivation to do an English version, and I thought the story would just be invalidated by the next instalment (which happened to be De lta).

So now I finally watched Zettai Live and... instead of "invalidated", the story seems to be nearly confirmed? At least it would actually explain the stuff going on and provide a possible identity of Lady M? Nothing to do with the protagonist - it's what I did with the Megaroad. So I decided to outline it here to see if there might be a reason to revive and rewrite in English.

In my story, Misa Hayase is actually a Protoculture agent. The real Misa Hayase, then Second Lieutenant, was critically injured in an ambush, and would be a "died a hero" case if this did not happen around the far side of the moon - where a small Protoculture observation outpost was located. She was rescued by the Protoculture and eventually died anyway, but not before a Protoculture member ... mind-melded with her? Wrong continuity for that term, but anyway she absorbed Misa's memories and genetics (and therefore looks) while also preserving her own. 

The returned Misa, who got a promotion to First Lieutenant for her bravery in that ambush, was not exacty the real one. She conveniently did not spend a lot of time with her father, and nobody else could ever tell the difference because of the meld.

Miss Macross was Misa's idea because she knew that a singer might have the necessary properties. I did not get into the details of how an agent like that fell in love with Ichijou Hikaru, but as I think of it now, maybe Max/Milia was the trigger, showing interplanetary love as a possibility.

As Captain of the Megaroad, Misa Hayase steered it right into a trap. Namely, to one of the very few remaining Protoculture worlds, which are all strongly hidden (I did not use the term "subspace" but that would be about right). That civilization, whihe technologically extremely advanced, is way past "decline" into "dying", and the emigrant fleet was to provide the much-needed "fresh blood" - so everyione on board was welcomed, with the only requirement being accepting some basic terms. Nothing too hard but it did include not attempting to escape or communicate with the outside world.

My protagonist, Macer, refused and stayed on the Megaroad, eventually a Protoculture girl caught up with him there and their daughter was Ranshe Mei (yup, convenient canon name). Her music teacher was Lynn Minmay, who in fact enthusiastically accepted the new place and set about studying its rich musical heritage (which, I'd add now, finally helped her make sense of her own story and whatever powers she had).

Macer's life was extended by Protoculture tech, but he still never signed - and, assigned to some fold crystal research, sought to use some simple Morse code.  Meanwhile on Frontier, Bilrer got hold of the chip that powered Sharon Apple (seen preserved at the end of Plus - an unused sequel hook is a gift to fanfic authors I guess). Wanting to research fold singers, he got an android body made in the image of Ranka as a support system for her that would learn from her; a massive projection system was put in, to justify this system to Ranka. (And we conveniently see "two Rankas" and A LOT of targeted "holographic" projection in Niji Iro Kuma Kuma).Bilrer's corp, of course, added some restrictions that prevented General Universal Music Interface ("GUMI") from remembering her past as Sharon and doing "that stuff".

GUMI got captured alongside Ranka and the massive projection of Ranka into space was the bad guys using her devices to abuse her, by that time, beloved teacher, which shocked her so much she burned off the restrictions. But Ranka's influence is so huge by this time that, while getting back her hacking abilities, she does not go evil again for lack of motive. (Originally she trained off Myung, a much darker personality apparently).

Combining the fold manipulation insticts she learned from Ranka and the lder memories gives Gumi/Sharon such a handle on fold space that she gets that Morse transmission - and, just to investigate in a momentary detour, rescues Macer, landing him on to the newfound planet.

The remaining story is about Macer meeting his granddaughter and the team going to Earth to explore the origins of her paternal family, whose real name is Sterne (Grace never bothered with a fake name, why would she?) or, in a more typical Western rendering, Stern. Which leads to an old secret Soviet facility where the first Vajra were encountered; Pavel Shtern [the Russian rendering of this same name], a researcher, died of fold bacteria disease, but an outbreak was prevented by suppression.  Then Macer, ailing for lack of access to that life-extending tech, meets Basara and Sibyl (who are kinda a symbiotic being by this time and just got curious about this entire thing but also drop him the key missing documents), hears them sing and dies in the process (a reference to Macek's death happening after \ party in some accounts), but that's not the reason I remembered this.

It's the Megaroad being in subspace in a Protoculture world, so exactly the place that has all the knowlege about ruins and fold singers. And also Sharon, after a redemption arc, being able to traverse between regular space and that location. With stuff from my fic, Lady M is likely Misa, who is Protoculture and would have both the expertise and the motive. But also her courier is Sharon, so Cromwell is not too wrong and definitely not lying (he just thinks Sharon is Lady M herself).

So, given how I had some nice guesses in lore, should I attempt a revival/rewrite in English?

(There is of course much more to that text that I did not go over right now, basically I try to add another dimension through the protagonists' eyes to most of the major events in Macross. For example, Macer, a rather reckless journalist, gets a Zentradi GF shortly after the First Space War; she quietly disappears, then he encounters her, now in maclone form, in the wreck of Quamzin's ship, dying but happy. I could probably add new things, such as a very young girl attempting to hack into Sharon/Gumi as she hacks into Earth's networks to gather information; Sharon's reaction is "tee her that tickles, cute!" and the girl is Reina).

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  • 11 months later...

Of course I didn't see this thread right away so I feel bad now about posting outside of it.

Macross Destiny

All original characters, but inspiration is taken from all across the Macross universe with an emphasis on Macross 7 (since it is my favorite).

Two Macross fleets meet in high orbit around a small habitable planet.  A lone Protodeviln lays dormant deep in the ocean, awoken by a new source of anima spiritia.  The story revolves around Dirk Millo and his up-and-coming rock band The Red Bombers as well as Rayelle Venusia and her band Night Hawks that has a massive following on their respective Macross fleet.

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