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All time favourite Games

Scream Man

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AVP - Scared the crap out of me. Fighting the queen atthe end was thrilling. Some of the best online play ever. Hated AVP 2 because of the models.

Deus Ex: Invisible War - Totally enthralling cyber-punk game. You get so sucked into the setting. Good replay for the different endings.

Combat - Best Atari game. Why? 27 games in one. Endless replay.

Knights Of The Old Republic - Best Star Wars game. Great game setting, pays homage to Star Wars without ripping anything off.

Shogun Total War - Awesomeness. Realistic massive and epic samurai battles. What else could you ask for?

Ever Quest - This damn game sucked 3 years of my life away.

Dark Forces II Jedi Knight Mysteries Of the Sith - Fun story, multi maps are great, best expansion ever.

Battlzone 2000 - RTS meets futuristic real-time hover tank game. One of the most complex games I have ever played.

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Alien vs Predator 1 on PC. The Alien/xenomorph is my favorite sci-fi/horror character so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to kill things with it. This game is the ONLY reason why I even bought my first computer in 1999. The upcoming AvP is the ONLY reason why I'm even bothering to upgrade my current rig.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2: this is the way an arcade racer should be. Great looking (for the time) car models, easy controls to master, licensed soundtrack music and a generally adequate sense of speed.

-I REALLY wanted to like Test Drive 5, because of the great number of cars involved in it (including 3 of the cars I own), but the graphics and playability were so bad I had to toss it.

Starfox 64 & Assault: Being able to pilot Space fighters, listening to endless dialogue with talking animals, epic space battles-its like Star Wars but not gay. How can you resist?

Robotech Battlecry: Everyone of us dreams of being a pilot; not just of a plane, but of one the greatest 'mechs of all time, the Macross Valkyrie in all 3 of its modes. I finally got to fly, gerwalk and run fast, hard and all over the place with missiles corkscrewing out of my fighter to destroy stuff, ALONG with the graphics, speed and sound that completed the experience. You have to be a fan of "drawn" style of animation but it worked for me.

-I REALLY wanted to like Macross VF-X 1 & 2, but the playability, graphics and sound were so bad in those games my eyes, ears and nose bled everytime I played them. Awful, just awful, that a Row-boat-tech item would beat a genuine Macross item. Now, I never got to play the Japanese Macross game on the PS2, but I'm just comparing Battlecry with what competition was available at the time, so...

Final Fight 1: being a barbaric, red meat eating, low-browed male I can perfectly enjoy a simplistic side-scrolling punching game that has you beating people down with pipes, swords, knives and fists along with a buddy; all in the name of keeping some chick from getting pummeled in another way. I also liked how Guy was one of the first (at least to my knowledge) characters in anything out of Japan that somewhat resembled an Asian male-not like Ryu from SF2 or 99% of Asian characters that are supposed to be Asian but look about as Asian as a Corvette.

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Robotech Battlecry: Everyone of us dreams of being a pilot; not just of a plane, but of one the greatest 'mechs of all time, the Macross Valkyrie in all 3 of its modes. Battlecry, at the time of its release, was the ONLY game that allowed a player to pilot a variable fighter the way it should be: fast, hard and all over the place with missiles corkscrewing out of your fighter to destroy stuff, ALONG with the graphics, speed and sound that completes the experience.

-I REALLY wanted to like Macross VF-X 1 & 2, but the playability, graphics and sound were so bad in those games my eyes, ears and nose bled everytime I played them. Awful, just awful, that a Row-boat-tech item would beat a genuine Macross item. Now, I never got to play the Japanese Macross game on the PS2, but I'm just comparing Battlecry with what competition was available at the time, so...

Battlecry can be a fun game, but those blasted "Protect the Cat's Eye/Shuttle" missions and those "Destroy All the Zent' Transports/Carriers Before They Escape" missions really drag the game down for me.

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Battlecry can be a fun game, but those blasted "Protect the Cat's Eye/Shuttle" missions and those "Destroy All the Zent' Transports/Carriers Before They Escape" missions really drag the game down for me.

Ew, now I remember those missions. Was that "destroy all Zent" stage the one where you're supposed to be fighting alongside a Monster also? Well, I guess I know what I'm going to be doing the next few hours...

Hey, congrats on the latest addition to your family, btw...

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Thanks, myk. It's been a draining, crazy, and busy experience so far. But the kid's worth it.

I'm thinking of a hills and valley stage where you have to destroy all the Zent' shuttles before they reach a certain point and "escape." You usually had to fire a healthy barrage of missiles just to get even one of those stupid shuttles to blow up. And you'd fail the mission if even one Zent' shuttle managed to slip through the cracks.

I usually find the mid-air/outer-space dogfighting stages and the last two stages to be the most enjoyable for me.

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I spent a few years of my life playing:

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 PC - I had never played anything like this before back in the day. When i first played it at my friend's house, I couldn't stop. My friend's mom came downstairs and yelled at me to leave! I saved up all my money for a few months and bought my first computer just to play this game. This was a long time ago. The recent Heroes 5 game is pretty good but I never got obsessed with it like with the second game of the series.

Disgaea PS2 - This has to be THE strategy RPG of all time. I must have logged hundreds of hours playing through this. I guess I became addicted because there's so much to do in the game. You can focus on leveling up a character, unlocking new characters, leveling up items, or just about a billion other things. I later bought a PS3 just to play Disgaea 3 but I was kinda dissappointed by it. The original is the best.

Civilization IV PC - I can't stop playing Civ4. Well actually I haven't played in a few weeks but I absolutely love this game. With the Beyond the Sword expansion, the game is complete. I'm currently playing at Emperor level. Greatest strategy game of all time.

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Elite. Modern computing power is never going to stand a chance against the power that game gave to your imagination. Right on, Commander!

Final Fantasy VII. Its a cliché, I know its a cliché, but its the game that introduced me to an entirely new genre. And, of all the FF games I've played (which isn't all of them), the Materia system is still the one to beat. Also, AERIS...!

Fallout 3: to paraphrase Buzz Aldrin, "What magnificent desolation".

UFO: Enemy Unknown, aka X-Com. Sectoid just shot my point man? Burn, you little grey bulb-headed freak!

Saints Row 2: Grand Theft Auto, in all its forms, is by a considerable margin much better than this will ever, ever be. I can, however make an argument, that Saints Row 2 is more fun, and therefore a better game...

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I could stay for a while...

Half-Life: doesn't everyone want a day at the office like this?

Halo series: 'cos I know what the ladies like, and what the ladies like is long levels where you squash Grunts in a tank.

X-Wing: unless your name was Wedge Antilles, it got to the point where it was impossible. But until that point, you were Luke Skywalker.

Xenogears: arguably the best RPG of its era; it was an anime you got to play.

Ace Combat series: Essentially, Area 88: The Game.

Civilisation: every so often, I get the urge to play this again. And then the the Universe stops for a week or so until I stop.

Skies of Arcadia: it didn't really do anything new, but it had charm coming out of its port-holes.

Out Run, arcade: never did get to play this much, but one of those arcade games you could watch other people playing all day when you ran out of coins yourself.

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