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DYRL/SDF M: Metrosexual Suit or Hippy Attire?


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The character designs in the TV series and the DYRL movie are, obviously, a bit different. Not completely, but just a bit. Everything from the Valkyrie pilot uniforms, to Kaifun wearing a suit, to the look of the Zendradi.

I just want to know which do people prefer? And I'm not asking about "in general" - I'm asking for down the line specifics.

Movie or TV Breetai?

I personally prefer TV Breetai because he is more human; his face is more emotive, and his clothing are cloth-based, and don't look so..well...so much like a wacko life support system for genetically enhanced super-bio-engineered muscle bound aliens :)

Movie or TV Exedol?

This is where I go balistic because I like Macross 7, where we clearly have DYRL Exedol, but I just can't seem to get TV Exedol out of my head. I understand the idea behind DYRL Exedol - a focus on growing a bigger brain for the "intelence" branch of the Zendradi - but TV Exedol exhudes more character for me, so I guess I'll have to go with TV Exedol.

DYRL vs TV Valkyrie Flight Suits:

DYRL wins hands down for me on this one. The flight suits in TV just look..umm...extremely lame. Actually - no offence to chunky fans - but they look like something someone would wear to fly a chunky monkey :) this is to say they look very dated in a way that the DYRL flight suits don't. I dunno - TV flight suits almost remind me of something out of Getter Robo - and I love Getter Robo (the original) but Macross and Getter Robo are two different aesthetic universes... and I just can't find myself liking those TV flight suits - especially those half-cocked sunglasses that come down over the eyes - like something out of Star Wars (I don't like the ones from Star Wars either - the Empire has far better flight suits than the Rebellion)

SDF Macross TV vs SDF Macross DYRL

Well - since I just bought the Wave Movie color SDF Macross then I'm obviously biased! Having the movie colored one in Macross Plus (and I LOVE the ending of Macross Plus precisely because we see the original Macross again and that is just COOL!!) only makes me more inclined to pick the Movie version.

The one thing that annoys me - and that I prefer in TV version - is I prefer the Daedelus and Promytheus being sea-based ships that were retro-fitted to function with the Macross (although that must be some frickin' armor on the Daedelus! Pinpoint barrier or no pinpoint barrier!)

I like that aesthetic - the "strange combo" dendencies - I like when things that aren't supposed to function together end up having to function together. So on this note, Movie SDF M loses some points...

Hard to pick a favorite here. The garish colors on TV Macross actually don't bother me that much - although it is a little hard to believe that they would - well - paint it in..err...those...colors :)

Minmey TV fashion vs Minmey Movie fashion

Ok - I might be a little clunky here because it's been a while since I've seen DYRL and I'm now watching SDF M TV for the seven milionth time, so again - maybe a bit biased but...

Answer is: Minmey TV fashion blows DYRL out of the water! My favorite Minmey fashion is that chiche green get up she wore when Roy let her know that Hikaru had gone missing. She looked REALLY great in that! It was one of the few times in the entire series that I considered awarding Minmey the "You win the Love Triangle Competition" fan award.

But even in her many different skirts she looked really good; and they had a knack for dressing her up really great when she WASN'T performing. Her performance clothes - on the other hand - were ironically not as attractive - more formal, almost operetic... which is funny - but I guess she was just trying to dress "nicely" for her singing engagements.

DYRL, however, gives Minmey a truly lovely dress to perform her title song in - and for this DYRL gets high marks.

So I guess: every-day fashion would be TV, while stage fashion would be DYRL

Kaifun; The Kung-Fu-Dandy in beeds? Or the metrosexual suit?

Metrosexual suit hands down! Kaifun looks really good in it - and it soooo suits his character better than those hippie things he wore. Why? Because Kaifun is more of a limousine liberal metrosexual than an authentic hippy (I know, I'm stereotyping like crazy here - no offense to limousine liberals and metrosexuals and hippies:) )

Hippies would never be so tight assed and self-absorbed. Kaifun is not laid back enough to be a hippy. So his clothes - while they might make the babes go wild - completely don't fit him - because Kaifun takes his politics too seriously. Ergo - Kaifun is made to wear the kind of suit he had in DYRL.

1:1 Misa Hayes:

Ok - Misa Hayes looks beautiful in DYRL and beautiful TV. Misa Hayes is, I guess, just simply beautiful no matter what series she's featuring in. I can't think of anything I'd rate higher in either genre - Misa always rocks :)


Oh - well... hmm.... in DYRL he looses a lot of the boyish charm that he has in SDF M TV. I kind of miss that boyish charm. It makes his budding relationship with Misa all the more surprising (because yes - we along with Misa are shocked by Claudia saying "so what if he's younger" and "how's the boy?" etc - because it is shocking to discover that - dag! she has feelings for him! Wierd...unexpected...but cooool). On the other hand, loosing the Getter Robo flight suit for something more suited to Macross is a plus for DYRL and helps Hikaru look like less of a clown or a reject from a tight-fitting Spiderman/Superman costume superhero competition. "I'm pilot man!" ....


I completely utterly do not like what they do with Roy in DYRL - insofar as his death scene "blaze of glory!" is just so utterly demented compared with the quiet nobility of his death in SDF Macross. If they had shown Roy die in a similar fashion as in SDF M TV - DYRL would surely have been a box office sensation and still be running in theaters to this day...er...but...that has nothing to do with...aesthetics...so... yeah - Roy LOOKS better in DYRL.

Claudia: Same as Misa

And finally - for the life of me, I completely don't remember what gloval and the Bridge Bunnies looked like in DYRL - shoot me - but I don't. And I like Shammy.

If I were living on the Macross - I'd have the hots for Shammy. She's cute and girly and silly and has no chance of ever being promoted so there's no risk she's stop being cute, girly and silly. Perfect woman.

Quid Rau:


Any other categories I missed? What are your opinions? :)


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For flightsuits, I like both TV and DYRL equally (although, honestly, either would be deadly in space). I can't stand Minmay's stage clothes in the TV series (besides, the DYRL outfits GLOW! How awesome is that?), but I like her plain ol' everyday clothes fine.

Kaifun's purple suit with red shirt and yellow tie...man, is the guy color blind? But it's so tacky and awful that I think it really fits him. I also like the long hair better than the Riber-cut.

My favorite of all time, though, has to be Hikaru in DYRL after he and Misa return to the macross after being stranded on earth, when they go out walking in the city. The high-collared yellow shirt, the vest...man, Disco Stu ain't got NOTHIN' on that mofo!

Bridge Bunnies: definitely DYRL. But I've always liked burgundy. I like Myung's otherwise-unflttering pantsuit for exactly the same reason.

I could go either way on the Zentradi, but I think Giant Head of TV Exsedol would look EXTREMELY ridiculous in Mac7. (Speaking of 7, I think Fire Bomber's "Rocker duds" look REALLY dated...but I can't quite figure out why; maybe it's because they look more like something a superhero would wear...)

The Zolan ponchos are just...dull.

Mayan wins for the most realistic fashion...you can tell that the western clothes they wear were either bought used or donated.

And what's wrong with red or blue Q-Raus? Hell, I even like them in yellow!

But I still think Mac7's Flower Girl wins for best overall Macross fashion. Although Sheryl could give her a run for her money...the militaristic bondage look does nothing for me, but the black leather tube top with spaghetti-strap suspenders is very...um...flattering. ;)

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You know....Misa is hot and all....but her attitude just really turns me off.

Uh-oh :) Your post has acted like radi-active goo and mutated me into my alternative personality: Misa-Apologist-Man! (MAM!)

I'll try to be delicate :) ....

I understand how the "attitude" might turn people off - but personally, every single time she speaks, no matter what she says, no matter how strict or prigish or whatever - it is just so blatantly obvious that she's a wonderful beautiful woman who has never been allowed to BE one...

I think Roy Fokker saw this clearly - which is why he toke Misa's attitude in stride and constantly poked fun at her. Roy is not scared of Misa at all because Roy knows what Misa is about: deep down, she is a girl who never got the chance to be one - due to the family, the military, the war...

Hikaru only discovers this gradually.

So maybe if you look at Misa in that light - you will suddenly see that even when she acts like the "demon lady" - she actually looks pretty silly doing it and is just being - well - a repressed lady...

Unless - of course- I'm misunderstanding what you mean by her attitude?


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Uh-oh :) Your post has acted like radi-active goo and mutated me into my alternative personality: Misa-Apologist-Man! (MAM!)

I'll try to be delicate :) ....

I understand how the "attitude" might turn people off - but personally, every single time she speaks, no matter what she says, no matter how strict or prigish or whatever - it is just so blatantly obvious that she's a wonderful beautiful woman who has never been allowed to BE one...

I think Roy Fokker saw this clearly - which is why he toke Misa's attitude in stride and constantly poked fun at her. Roy is not scared of Misa at all because Roy knows what Misa is about: deep down, she is a girl who never got the chance to be one - due to the family, the military, the war...

Hikaru only discovers this gradually.

So maybe if you look at Misa in that light - you will suddenly see that even when she acts like the "demon lady" - she actually looks pretty silly doing it and is just being - well - a repressed lady...

Unless - of course- I'm misunderstanding what you mean by her attitude?


Oh no...you are not misunderstanding. And even though you put it into persepective...I already knew that from watching the SDFM and DYRL and all that. I just don't like her attitude and it would take me a while to get used to it. Of course...I don't like Minmei's attitude either.


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DYRL all the way baby!!

I never understood how the pilots could get away with flying in space with common pilot jumpsuits?? :blink:

It was nice to see that in the Macross universe there was more than one type of uniform for the troops to wear. Mac Plus took that even further.

Unfortunately Mac 7 went back to the SDFM formula in that respect for military characters...

The character designs were more polished, the mecha looked less like anime magic and more mechanical, etc...

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Same here pal, in my opinion DYRL is the best. Maybe 'cause is my favorite Macross ever!

The zentraedi designs are really badass (characters and mecha). Kazutaka Miyatake is a truly genious!

About the SDF-1 I like both designs a lot. Again thank's to Mr. Miyatake.

About the characters they're 'the same but better' Mr. Mikimoto is the best character designer ever and that's all ok!

And OMG! the VF-1 looks way cooler with just a few small changes.

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I'm a LONG TIME Macross fan. But only a couple of weeks ago saw DYRL for the first time. Every single piece of art direction in DYRL is much better than the TV version for me. The TV stuff looks too dated now, but DYRL holds its own.

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My problem with the TV uniforms and pilot suits is that during this time Mikimoto was just copying the 0079 era of Gundam since he was such a big fan. The uniforms are nearly identical to the Gundam uniforms with the exception that the Macross guys wear pants.

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My problem with the TV uniforms and pilot suits is that during this time Mikimoto was just copying the 0079 era of Gundam since he was such a big fan. The uniforms are nearly identical to the Gundam uniforms with the exception that the Macross guys wear pants.

And thank God they do! Kakizaki in tights, anyone...?

(not that Ryu in Gundam was much better, mind you...)

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Call me crazy, but i still prefer the character designs of MacrossTV. Granted, with respect to animation quality and mecha designs, DYRL OWNS marcoss TV. However, there's a sense of realism and relatability that i've always felt when i watched the tv series. ordinary flight jumpsuits still does it for me better than those futuristic flightsuits with the exaggerated shoulder "pads". Frail-looking blue SDF Macross from TV feels more aesthetically sound then chunky gray "muscle-bound" SFD Macross from DYRL (and besides, the daedelus and prometheus attached to the arms of macross? pure genius!).

as for the characters:

Misa - i actually have three versions of Misa. Best design for me is Misa after the space war (last episodes). She removed the buns on her hair, and she suddenly looks even younger and more beautiful. DYRL Misa is only second, and third place goes to Misa TV prior to the space war.

Top Misa look: My Album and Private Time episodes from TV.

Minmei - I agree, when in a concert Minmei looks better in DYRL. She even moves better. In her casual day-to-day, TV Minmei owns the competition. But, jeez, when TV Minmei is in concert, she looks outright silly.

Top Minmei look: Private Time and Romanesque episodes from TV. "Do you remember love" song performance from the movie.

Hikaru - DYRL Hikaru's design rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the lack of character development that plays into this. (he just isn't hikaru if he isn't an indecisive fool). Top Hikaru design - Private Time and Romanesque.

Roy Fokker - DYRL Roy is too rough for my taste. in other words, the emphasis is more on his drunk and ragged exterior. He still has that sempai feel about him, but not as authoritative and awe-inspiring as TV Roy.

Zentraedi - DYRL Zentradei are more menacing. But part of the theme of macross is that zentraedi came from the same core DNA, just developed a different way. Designing them too differently from humans removes this important macross element.

Of course, my preference for Macross TV design is based on those episodes with superior animation quality (i.e. Private Time and Romanesque). We all know that there are just some episodes that are animated terribly (kung fu dandy comes to mind).

And all of this is just about character design. i'm not even going into character and plot development. :p

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