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So Where's The Vf Fanfiction?


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I just noticed recently that this Fanworks section doesn't seem to have a topic where anybody is posting up links to their VF fanfic's. So this makes me wonder, are you guys honestly tired of VF fanfiction? If so that's OK because like I said before, in this section that all I see is just Macross related art (nothing wrong with that) and nothing else. On a personal note, I like to read other's VF fanfiction but I'm lazy to write my own. I know that I'm not supposed to ask a question like this for help and all of you froum administrators can feel free to pin this topic of mine for violating the rules but I was just curious thats all.

Edited by Phalanx
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Most people on here are too mature to read fanfiction, sure we have all postulated ideas for interesting stories, and a few times people have read examples of others writing and said, hey you should do some fan fiction. But in the end fan fiction should be left to the more obsessive and lifeless fan boys of ST, SW, HP, Roboschlock, etc...

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Most people on here are too mature to read fanfiction


I would hardly say "maturity" is the factor that determines whether one's interested in fan fiction or not, especially considering that this site caters to 30-somethings who are interested in collecting toys and a 20-year old Japanese cartoon from their youth. I mean, I don't know what automatically makes a literary work immature just because the original creators didn't write it.

On the other hand, much of fan fiction isn't very good, and some of it goes places better left alone, or is just disturbing to read. And Macross, in my opinion, just isn't a very fertile ground for that sort of thing.

But in the end fan fiction should be left to the more obsessive and lifeless fan boys of ST, SW, HP, Roboschlock, etc...

Riiight. We who buy overpriced Macross toys, pine over underaged girls with pink hair, and go on and on about boobies and faces on robots and the technical issues of air and spacecraft that don't exist are so much better a breed. :p

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Most people on here are too mature to read fanfiction, sure we have all postulated ideas for interesting stories, and a few times people have read examples of others writing and said, hey you should do some fan fiction.  But in the end fan fiction should be left to the more obsessive and lifeless fan boys of ST, SW, HP, Roboschlock, etc...


Wait a sec... this is coming from the guy who devotes time to designing his own spaceships, complete with backstories, and rendering them with 3d software?

No offense, Knight, because I like you (and your designs) a lot. But your attitude here is pretty condescending, when one can really say the same thing about what you do.

Back to the question...

Fan-fiction simply doesn't fly well because the talent to write compelling stories is fairly rare. Trying to find a Macross fan who writes well and has a thorough enough knowledge of the series to convincingly base a story within the Macross universe is a difficult prospect, at best.

Simply put, good fan-fiction, just like doujinshi, is few and far between. Single page Artwork is much easier to be creative with, since the viewer only has to glance at it to decide whether or not they like it enough to take a longer look. Whereas you can put a lot of effort into fan-fiction where you have to catch a reader's interest and hold it. If it's bad, people will stop reading after the first page and the rest of the writer's work will be in vain. Plus, people are 100 times less harsh if a person's artwork isn't the best, as opposed to a bad fan-fiction, which has a tendency to be horribly ripped apart.

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Well I was actually talking about fans posting up their stats about their own personal variants of their favcorite Valks with their own features and weapon systems. Sure, I know that a vast majority of you Macross fans in general are in your 20's and 30's and you guys are far too old for that, but I wasn't talking about love relationships between characters or anything I was just talking about personal VF variant stats. I apologize if this may sound too "childish" of me to start this topic but I was just curious. Also, I'm not overly obsessed with anime like those otaku (obsessed, socially inept, idiotic fanatic hobbyists) are. I most of the time don't read anime fanfics because 95% of the time, they're usually yaoi fanfics done by lolicon's (girls with extreme fetishes for anime and manga).

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the difference between what I do and a normal fan fiction writer WDC is that I am actually actively trying to get published, I have a couple short stories right now that I am getting ready to submit for publication. However, the new house is taking up a lot of my time right now so I can't devote that much time to the stories or their editting. The ships I design fit into those stories, and I design them, with their histories so that I maintain control and maintain consistency in desrciptions and such. I don't want some third party to come in later and make up a BS backstory that I do not agree wish, *cough* west end games, palladium *cough*

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Yeah the its been a running tradition to exclude Fan Fiction.

Fan designed macross inspired character and mecha art have always been accepted. Now if that character or mecha art featured a paragraph or two on how this character beat Max in a fight or the history of the creation of the VF- Love Boat then it would be considered fan fiction.

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