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Why don't 1/48 Yamato DYRLS have space wings?


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Umm the VF-1 has always had wingtip vernier thrusters....if that is not what you mean, than I am unsure of your question.


Edited by twich
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Hehe oops, I thought I was in the Macross discussion forum. The 1/48's just aren't supposed to have the same wings as the VE.

It doesn't have them.  THe gold book has stills and lineart and clearly doesn't have the same wingtips as the The Elint and Super-O. ;)

I think he is asking why . . .

It is wierd because you definitely see verniers firing in the opening fight scene. Perhaps those bulbous tips on the VE are used for something else? Unfortunately there is nothing specific to lead us in any direction. :(

Compendium VF-1 entry

Edited by Kamineko
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It doesn't have them. THe gold book has stills and lineart and clearly doesn't have the same wingtips as the The Elint and Super-O. ;)

Ok, I just checked out my film comics and they don't have the bulb tips, though in the opening battle, you clearly see a pilot maneuvering into formation with wing tip boosters.

Too bad, I think they'd look cool.

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Actually you both are correct about the lights and vernier thrusters.

There is supposed to be an indent, not an outdent for the thrusters themselves... this means that it may have a retractrable cover for the boosters during flight mode in atmosphere and probably opened in space since drag is not a problem.

I am not technical about this stuff, but my observations at night looking at airplanes whether it be civilian or military, is to show that there is a plane in the sky, the lights do flicker and are placed accordingly in order to ensure air traffic safety.

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