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Domestic Dating Sims...

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So far the roster of titles out for the Nintendo BS...er, I mean, DS are mediocre at best, Sure, you have the cemremonious release of a Mario-related title, but most of the games (Hell, there's only ten games for it by my count) don't do much to interest me in buying one yet. This coming from the same man who was praising what this system would offer inthe long run. Now comes a genre that I never thought would see the light of day in regards to being released stateside-THE DATING SIM! New out for the handheld is a title called Sprung, which is the first dating sim I can recall ever being released for the American console/handheld market. Anyone have any info on this one? And do you think this one will sell to anyone aside from the Feel the the Magic xo/xx crowd?

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I have both Feel the Magic and Sprung and I have to say I was impressed by both.

Feel the Magic is a ton of fun. Sure, it gets frustrating at times but there's a little humor and the minigames have alot of variety and freshness to keep the game strong IMO.

Sprung is also alot of fun. I was really impressed with it because I wasn't expecting much. Excellet humor, and doesn't get boring at all.

I can't even say the same for Mario 64 DS. (the strongest part of which is the minigames lol)

Personally, I'd like to see more dating games in the US.

There's one thing the DS would be great for that I will bet you money we'll never see in the US... Hentai games.

Vostok 7

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Dating sims... heh... well there have been US games to use elements of dating sims (like Harvest Moon, KOTOR II and others have some dating sim elements to them). But I think if Sakura Taisen V actually comes out in english that will be the true test of the genre...

*Lord_Breetai wants everyone to know he does not like Dating sims, but is a huge fan of Sakura Taisen*

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They didn't even bother making an English port of ST V Episode 0, I doubt the full game will see a release here considering how little translation effort is required for Ep 0. The release of a Chinese version of ST1 Remake on the PS2 after most of the PC ports have already been translated into traditional _and_ simplified Chinese versions only adds insult to injury.

Sega is very anal about selling a third party the license to port one of its crown jewels to a Western publisher, yet they're not gonna do it themselves...

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While I LOVE Feel the Magic, I can't help but be a little dissapointed with Sprung. Instead of having multiple endings depending on who and how you hook up, you either say the right things and go on to the next stage, or you don't and you lose. Far too linear. It lacks a lot of charm and humor of the Japanese dating games, and replaces it with your typical jock meets babe kind of story. Lame.

You want a fun DS game? Get Mr. Driller. I can't put it down.

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Anyone remember Thousand Arms? It was a fairly obscure PS1 RPG... it had a dating sim system in it. It wasn't the main point of the game, but it was there nonetheless...

Well, point is, that game didn't sell well... so I don't think dating sims will get very popular here with that as an indication :ph34r:

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