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Blue Gender


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Well, I just finished watching this last night on CN. And I didn't understand what the ending at all. Can somebody explain the ending to me? What I didn't get is what the hell happened on second earth? And what the hell happened to yuji when he went into that shining orb? And why is it safe to live on earth now? So the blue killed themselves after they almost wiped out the entire human race? Why? This anime just puzzles me. Can somebody please explain it to me. thanx! :p:D:lol:

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Well, as far as i can tell, the Blue are the Earth's defense mechanism (I forget the actual term they used in the anime). Because the Earth viewed humanity and it's overpopulation as a threat, the blue cells started being introduced into the environment. The Blue eventually evolved from these blue cells (I'm going on bits and pieces here - only have watched since ep 19), to come out and try to annihilate the humans (the threat), to protect the earth. Once that threat was gone (once the fighting stopped), the defense mechanism was no longer needed, so they were absorbed back into the earth - given their suicide orders, I believe they called it. I have last night's episode on tivo, so I'll see it when i get home from work.

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(I think he's talking about me) :p

Blue Gender is just another me-too imitator title that offers nothing new to the genre... and Yuji is a putz. Those are about the only reasons I have to dislike it. I saw it on DVD all the way through a while back and from what I remember Fulcy's summation is about right. The "Blue" are simply a genetic mutation caused by the earth to return the world to balance. Humanity had grown unchecked like a cancer and the Blue are basically earth's form of Chemotherapy.

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It seems too much like a anime version of Starship Troopers to me.

Yet again, an anime starts off cool but then end the series with wierd artsy crap. I hate that. I'm telling you, Japan must have a pot problem since so many anime writers seem to be smoking something when finishing a series. I'd rather them end it off with a huge battle instead of this psychological crap.

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(I think he's talking about me) :p

Blue Gender is just another me-too imitator title that offers nothing new to the genre... and Yuji is a putz. Those are about the only reasons I have to dislike it. I saw it on DVD all the way through a while back and from what I remember Fulcy's summation is about right. The "Blue" are simply a genetic mutation caused by the earth to return the world to balance. Humanity had grown unchecked like a cancer and the Blue are basically earth's form of Chemotherapy.

So, it's kind of like Evangelion light.

Evangelion - End of the world

Blue Gender - End of the world - Kinda

Evangelion - Shinji - putz

Blue Gender - Yuji - putz

There are more comparisons I'm sure, but it's really a joke so I won't go on.

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Not to defend the steaming pile of feces that is Blue Gender, but I have heard that they originally planned the series to go another ten episodes or so, but cut it back due to budget/ratings problems. Basically, the last few episodes tried to cover all the story that they no longer had time to do. Personally, I think they should've just left it as an alien bug invasion story instead of going for the bad Miyazaki rip off.

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ok, so the earth killed off almost everybody just to keep the balance? And left a few to survive? So now everybody has to rebuild everything. And what about second earth? I didn't get what happened on there.

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ok, so the earth killed off almost everybody just to keep the balance? And left a few to survive? So now everybody has to rebuild everything. And what about second earth? I didn't get what happened on there.

Actually, I think the idea was not to rebuild, but to live primitively. Everyone knows that stone age hunter/gatherers all live in perfect harmony with nature and are much happier than modern people (yeah right). The people went mad on the space station because humans just can't handle living away from the Earth and committed mass suicide.

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ok, so the earth killed off almost everybody just to keep the balance? And left a few to survive? So now everybody has to rebuild everything. And what about second earth? I didn't get what happened on there.

Actually, I think the idea was not to rebuild, but to live primitively. Everyone knows that stone age hunter/gatherers all live in perfect harmony with nature and are much happier than modern people (yeah right). The people went mad on the space station because humans just can't handle living away from the Earth and committed mass suicide.

but I saw some people escape into the ships. Did they make it? I didn't see that happen. All I saw was the whole ship blowing up.

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It's a two sided sword with anime: if they just have a simple one dimensional story of war then people will complain the show is too bland... but then most of them always go with some over the top moral lesson ending that usually requires a total bitchslap of a plot device that leaves people saying "WTF?" or "I didn't see that one coming".

Poor writing, nothing else.

These scriptwriters need to get a grip on basic storytelling and stop trying to rub everyone's noses in some political or ecological thing all the time. There are times when you can be just as poignent and gripping with some well developed realistic characters as you can with psudo science mumbo jumbo. Plus in reality things are never wrapped up in nice neat little packages or solved in 20 episodes... just because you are telling a story does not mean that the entire story of all things must come to a close with a happy or unhappy ending.

Blue Gender IMHO resulted from a bunch of scripwriters watching the Starship Troopers movie and then debating about how they would have infused some sort of moral justification of the bugs and how they could make mankind into the bad guys... like a lot of other anime shows.


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These scriptwriters need to get a grip on basic storytelling and stop trying to rub everyone's noses in some political or ecological thing all the time.

You've been watching Arjuna, haven't you?

I like the concept of Blue Gender simply because the human race doesn't have any predators to keep it's population in check. So it was nice to see that idea explored a bit in an anime. However, I agree that the end did not make much sense. It didn't do much to explain Yuji's connection to the Blue and why only he could "communicate" with them. I totally understand how it does come off as a poor Starship Troopers wanna be at firts glance too.

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Blue Gender is a "love it or hate it" Anime. Just like Macross 7.

I like BG.

I wouldn't say that. I don't hate Blue Gender deep down in my soul like I do Macross 7... it just suffers from many issues that prevent it from being a special or unique and interesting show. I rate it as having the "me too" complex, meaning it does just enough to be tollerable but it is nowhere near being a memorable or noteworthy show. I think of it like most people do of Southern Cross: the designs are so so, the characters are tollerable but boarderline annoying, the story feels ripped off and vague and the show would have just faded into obscurity if not for it's airing on american TV.

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I like Blue Gender. At first it wasn't very interesting and was pretty much just annoying. But I stuck with it and really like how the story evolves. However, it is hard for people to tune into the series late and figure out what is going on. Some parts of the show are not all that great, such as the characters, but I think it works as a whole. It's free to watch and I have not found much better on tv.

I have not seen the last few episodes yet so I cannot comment on the ending. I record it on my PVR and watch them later without commercials.

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However, I agree that the end did not make much sense. It didn't do much to explain Yuji's connection to the Blue and why only he could "communicate" with them. I totally understand how it does come off as a poor Starship Troopers wanna be at firts glance too.

He wasn't the only one who could communicate with them - anyone with b-cells, that have been fully activated, could communicate with them - like Tony and Aleesha (however you spell her name).

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Just watched it - there's no reference to low resources or anything, but through the visual cues, there were too many people on second earth who were soldiers, and only knew how to be soldiers. Now that they weren't fighting anymore, they all grew bored, and had nothing to do - and from the views of their faces with the blood shot and veined eyes, I think it's supposed to insinuate that they are going insane. There is a revolt - some try and get into the shuttles (but there is no visual evidence that they launched), and then second earth explodes...

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