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  1. Hello. This has been a quest of mine fore years... The Sakura Wars figures by Medicom, released in 1999 are great toys that have been tossed aside by many for some unknown reason... but man, I think they're cool. After about two years of looking, I managed to find five of them. There are seven.... I am looking for Sakura's (pink) and Sawada Hiroshi's (white mail away exclusive). They are quite posable, big, have light-up eyes and say their power-up slogans when you press the button on the top. Very nice... Can anyone help me track down these figures?
  2. Any collectors here of this deluxe diecast gundams? As a Macross fan or chogokin lover whats your opinion of this toy line? Im planning to get this bad boy but first Im trying to find a comparison pics of it next to a Macross DX Chogokin which I think will look good next to it (even though their scale would be way off) but I cant seem to find any.
  3. Maybe I'm just on an M&M kick right now, but this caught my eye: new Tie Interceptor figures in the colors of our favorite duo, and called Imperial Aces, no less. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4357 (yikes.. um, mods/admins... can you fix my misspelling of Milia's name in the subject line?)
  4. Saw this at the onesixth forum: New 1:6 SAFS Ma.K coming from Toys McCoy QUOTE The model features an opening cockpit, cowling and hatches are hindged and a there is a fully detailed interior, there are LED's on the control monitor, exterior lights, and laser, it's all built on a die cast frame work so it's HEAVY (6Kg. or about 13lbs!), height is 45cm (almost 18 inches tall). The model is made from a combination of materials but most is urethane plastic. This is the same resin material that resin hs, weapons and model kits are made. The attached photos are from an article on the development (it's taken a few years). Details on price and release date are TBD but it looks like HLJ (Hobby Link Japan) will carry it, as will Amazon.com Japan. I would guess the price will be high considering the Toys McCoy connection, the complexity of the model and materials involved. I'd also guess that the model will be something along the lines of the recent HT releases of ED-209 and the power loader from Aliens, that is fully painted and assembled.
  5. Hey guys, I think this might be the first topic I've ever actually started on macrossworld. I've actually been contemplating to do a thread on Kaiju for a while especially since there really hasn't been one that I recall. I just couldn't decide on a way to kick it off. What changed? Well with Pacific Rim coming in a couple of months, and next year the american Godzilla reboot now is as good a time as any. That and thanks to Media Blasters, and Miramax releasing Godzilla Vs. Megalon and Godzilla Vs. Biolante respectively I now own all the Godzilla films on dvd.* Of the two I have to say I enjoyed Megalon more. Yeah its cheesy, but its entertaining as hell and Media blasters did one hell of a job on remastering it. Biolante while it has amazing special effects(the G suit is the best of the heisei era) the story isn't that great and I'm still trying to figure out why people over at tohokingdom.com think its one of the great G films of all time. Its still not as bad as the garbage that is Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah. What's the worst one to you guys? Aside from the 1998 american film? Speaking of the 98 film, its actually enjoyable as giant monster film, as long as you don't think of the monster as Godzilla himself which is what the Japanese have done with several of the millenium era films. Anybody else here like Giant Monster figures, toys, and etc? Feel free to discuss them. I've been buying the U.S. Bandai vinyls off and on since I think 2000, but lately it seems they've gone to crap. The latest run is a bunch of reissues with the exception of I think Showa Mechagodzilla. The paints are all wrong(spacegodzilla is black instead of blue) and each figure comes in both a normal version, and a lame gimicky version that feels softer and has sparkles. The only one I picked up was the GMK Godzilla since I missed it the first time around. *(All the films have been released in the United States on dvd with the exception of 1984's Return of Godzilla. I broke down and imported the original Japanese version because it was subbed, and is very different than the american Godzilla 1985 cut.)
  6. Previous thread here.
  7. So a friend of mine turned me on to this brand of paints that's made for field weapons and is rated to be super resilient to scratches. I am considering using this for transforming toys as it is completely permanent and even sticks to steel. Let me know what you guys think. http://www.houtsente....net/index.html Most of your DYRL colors here... http://www.houtsenterprises.net/dur_bloomberg.html - Nghia
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