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  1. (I feel like I was hijacking the other guy's thread, so...) Some of you might be familiar with the Gundam Mega Marathon I've been on for the past couple of years and I'm not abandoning it, but with the announcement of the new Macross Delta tv series, I realized it had been quite a while since I had watched Macross. Therefore, I'll be going on a Macross Mega Marathon, which should be a little less consuming than the Gundam Marathon. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on Gundam; I'll of course be watching G-Tekketsu as it airs. Anyway, I'll be posting my impressions here, just like with my Gundam thread. My thoughts on the episodes can be mainly located here: https://www.facebook.com/robert.hayes.5249/media_set?set=a.1060615947317072.1073741839.100001060297207&type=1&l=b7090795f7 It's current to episode 5.
  2. For Macross's 33rd birthday, I present this little AMV I whipped up. :3 http://dai.ly/x38crk0
  3. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page Photography is a hobby of mine. Doing Macross themed Cosplay photo shoots seems like a good idea to me. I'm starting things off with a series dedicated to Misa. This project will emulate classic imagery of character in photographs (and possible video). I picked Misa because she’s a strong female character that doesn’t get that much attention. In the future I'd like to include more characters from the series or pop culture. I've already did the first shoot. You should be able to match most of the poses up with the line art. It was simple shoot with a real model. Her name is Lee and has agreed to portay Misa for several shoots. You will see more of her and hopefully others. I ask that you don't say anything disrespectful about her/them or attempt to contact them in private with the intent to harass. I will take steps to remove you from Macross World if you do. This thread will be periodically cleaned up. Why focus on one character? It is simple economics. I like to include more characters but resources are limited. I'm going to stretch my dollar by getting the most mileage out of each character. These shoots will be primarily self-funded. On my own I can afford a modest monthly/bimonthly photo shoot. I know people that will want to see the pictures will also want to see more elaborate photo shoots with more extras like new characters. If you're willing to be a patron in supporting this project we can increase the production value. Here are 2 sample pictures. I will share 1 more every other day for a total of 5 freebies. If you want to see rest of this photo set click on the link above. (Click to see bigger) (Click to see bigger) For those that don't want to sign up for a Patreon account I will accept direct donations for each set. I can also arrange things by private request for very generous patrons. Cosplay photography isn't cheap. If you're willing to donate more to help fund things we can include your requests in a future photoset to be shared with the rest of the patrons. If you don't want to share and willing to pay for everything that can be arranged as well. Special Note: None these photo sets will be pornographic or show extreme violence. This includes private commissions. I photograph clients of all ages and that is not the type of photographer I want them to see me as. Some of the photos will be very SFW and others may border on being NSFW. If is it acceptable to a museum than it is acceptable to me.
  4. From the album: Minecraft Macross update 8-20-15

    Vermillion Squadron minus the in-game HUD
  5. From the album: Minecraft Macross update 8-20-15

    Vermillion Squad with Hikaru, Max and Kakizaki
  6. From the album: Minecraft Macross update 8-20-15

    Just an experiment to see how to use glowstone and the newly added colored glass to create the glow from the thrusters
  7. Hi Macrossworld fans, Bought Moscato's Glaug from Viceland awhile back, and I got it painted by my bro, Luca Zampriolo who brought you the beautifully painted Club M Strike Valkyrie, which can be found here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42575 This time, he has tackled the Glaug, and he does not disappoint. Check out the AMAZING built of this kit. Notice the modifications he's done to the legs and the backside. The back was a bit plain, so he decided to spruce it up a bit. We were both inspired by the old Arii box art. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. If you wish to contact Luca Zampriolo, please check him out here. Website: http://kallamity.com Facebook: https://www.facebook...116662718397904 email: info@kallamity.com
  8. Hey all, I finally got my hands on three wonderfest kits that are hard to come by. They are the aiming battroid resin kits. I'm looking to complete this set, so I'm wondering if anyone out there has this kit that they're willing to sell? Please PM me. Thanks. Tom
  9. I am a VFX artist and Director and I want to make a Macross Fan Film for the fans, Do I need Permission to do so? I have the ability to make it look like the Fan Made Power Rangers Movie that got pulled down on youtube. How can I get Permission and who do I Talk to?
  10. Hey everyone, I've started a twitch channel where for the next few weeks to months I will streaming Macross games for the PS3 including Last Frontier and Trial Frontier as well as a main playthrough through Macross 30. Warning: I am trying to get New Game + at the moment so I'm streaming live endgame content for Macross 30. You can view my channel at www.twitch.tv/toadsniff Thank you and I look forward to being a part of the community here.
  11. Hey Macross World Community, I'm a long time fan, and first time poster. About a month ago, I purchased the Club M 1/48 Ultimate Detail Strike Valkyrie from Valk009. I had the kit sent to a master modeller,Luca Zampriolo, and here are the final results of his work after one month. If you're interested in his work and would like to have a kit commissioned, please contact Luca Zampriolo. Please check him out here. Website: http://kallamity.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kallamity/116662718397904 email: info@kallamity.com
  12. I had some free time and decided to post some work I did. It was hard trying to sort and clean these all out. I wanted to share because I know alot of guys do modelling and have a hard time sorting out Hi-Res images of Macross Companies. I managed to find the majority of the FONTS that corresponded with the Company's Lettering. I apologize if it's not 100% accurate I used the Highest Res Scanner and cleaned them as best as I could. I've including some other MISC as well. I'm uploading all the companies including the fonts. Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/fh42lu89t5c3rof/MAC_Company_Logos.rar?dl=0
  13. M'Kyuun

    LEGO VF 4 023

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    I like this pic, as it gives a sense of scale relative to the pilot, and shows the nosewheel steering. This is also an older picture; the model has since been modified to improve the inside wing /chest pieces to better shape out the upper and lower inlets.
  14. M'Kyuun

    LEGO VF 4 010

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Older pic.
  15. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    VF-4 and friend.
  16. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    My LEGO VF-4 with a little side project.
  17. From the album: LEGO VF-4

  18. From the album: LEGO VF-4

  19. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Really sunny day, and I wanted to take max advatage of the natural light. Unfortunately, most of these shots are washed out by the sunlight, and my camera doesn't filter it well. I tried all the settings, and these pics turned out the best. Shrug.
  20. M'Kyuun

    VF-4 Battroid

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Another pic for BrickCon placard. My idea was that this version of the VF-4, the VF-4L, was contracted for civilian sector defense, esp urban law enforcement and rescue ops, as a side venture for U.N. Spacy. After all, why let a good design go to waste? So, in this pic, I was testing the concept of the VF-4 protecting valuable logistics assets. I had a LEGO cargo ship, cargo plane, and a train set up as background props. I took some better pics in the field, where only the sky is visiable behind the props, but I'm not sure where I put them. Anyway, I like this pic b/c it shows how much the knee can bend while the model remains self supporting. The knees and hips are just technic ball joints, although I did cheat and put a small folded piece of paper in the hip joint for added stiffness. It does the job.
  21. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Rescued, Yay!
  22. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Another pic taken for BrickCon. I wanted to show the GERWALK being useful, so I made a two-shot scenario showing the little hazmat dude in need of rescue, with the VF-4 swooping in, and a second shot flying away with dude in-hand, Minmay style. This was shot in a nearby field, with the surroundings providing a nice background to indicate desolate isolation for the hapless hazmat guy. As before, the model was attached to a stick, which I edited out in Paint, the poor man's Photoshop.
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