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Less than Super Ostrich

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Everything posted by Less than Super Ostrich

  1. I recommend you throw it out and buy a model. Toys are for kiddies. just kiddin'
  2. It could support a 1/48th, but it would be tricly. You'd have to be balance it very precisely on a metal rod. I don't think a normal acrylic rod (see my pic below) would be enough to support the Yammie. By the way... throw your toys away... models are for the big boys. (***GRAYSON!***)
  3. For what it's worth, Modelbaseguy get big props in my book. I lent him a couple Macross videos (I think we have a new convert)... and he sends them back with an extra kite design base! Thanks Modelbaseguy... you're the best. By the way, would it be ok if I bought your next base through SSM? I'm friends with John and Linda and I'd really like to help support their effort as well.
  4. I'm in the weathering phase of the 1/100 Battroid Jamming Bird. This Wave kit is really nice. I have the regular VF-11, YF-19, and VF-22S as well. I wanted to practice on this one. It's coming along nicely. I even made a stand from the modelbaseguy. I drilled a hole in his base and curved the acrylic rod to fit in. Works nice. Ido, Here are the instructions to the Jamming Bird that you wanted.
  5. I was just wondering if there are any Chicago-based modelers on this forum. If so, will you be attending the Butch O'hare model show? I'll be bringing the SDF-1 I finished earlier this year plus a couple extra goodies. It would be good to see any other Macross modelers there. I know Valkyrie lives near me, so I expect he will be there too.
  6. Those pics are great. You did a fantastic job. Canopy looks great. I didn't know anasazi was doing decals for this... is this something new or was this a one-off project for anasazi?
  7. Don't worry, honneamise. We'll get you one. At minimum, I can get one for you from my buddies at SSM and send it to you myself.
  8. Ido, just sent the Instructions in the Mail today... sent you a PM just now.
  9. Got it and love it. Here is my half finished VF-11 (It is the Jamming Bird version, but the normal VF-11 is very very similar. However, I only paid $40 for mine. It is getting rarer, so $60 sounds about right.
  10. Thanks... and hopefully they'll let me keep the pic in the sig until the end of football season! As for painting the Slave 1, I did it in layers. I splattered liquid mask with a tootbrush. Worked pretty well for my first time!
  11. I picked up the AMT/ERTL kit for $10... when is the last time I've picked up anything that inexpensive? Anyway, I didn't spend alot of time on this, but I had fun. I opened the "eyes" blaster shields and replaced the guns with scratchbuilt ones. I also added a couple greeblies here and there. For the base, I just cut some foam (the stuff you plant flowers in) and covered it with a mixture of white glue and water. Then I sprinkled on some baking soda for the snow. I did the diluted white glue and baking soda trick on the AT-ST too. The figures are from the miniatures series from Rebel Storm... at 34mm, they are about 1/54th, which is just about the scale of this AT-ST (it's definitely smaller than 1/48th ).
  12. I'm in the home stretch on my Fine Molds Slave 1. I did it in the Boba scheme, so I didn't use any of the existing decals. I also closed the side gun doors and kitbashed a cockpit that was more similar to the cockpit shown in Star Wars chronicles. I still have a fair bit of weathering to do, but here it is so far.
  13. no scanner, but if you send me your address, I think I can photocopy it at work and send it to you snail mail. I'm pretty sure I have the YF-21 1/100 Battroid and I have both 1/100 VF-11 kits.
  14. Looks like Starshipmodeler.com put my pics up! http://www.starshipmodeler.org/gallery10/bb_sfd.htm
  15. I guy named Jeff Gable just emailed me about this kit. He says he's been trying to register with MW and it won't let him (I'm having the same problem with RPF, btw). He knows me from Starshipmodeler.com... and he definitely wants one of these as well. Thanks, Brian
  16. You guys know more than I do about this stuf... I was just trying to say that I thought $85 was a reasonable price.
  17. Beautiful. Great weathering.... subtle, perfect for a Prototype.
  18. for that hunk of resin... $85 is reasonable, IMHO maybe could you lower the cost with Rotocast? Can a caster comment on this??
  19. How did you mask the curves in the base? I plan to use silly putty... only thing I can think of that would grab those curves.
  20. Good to hear from you again in the Model forum, nanashino. Where you been?
  21. Hubba hubba! I love it. I love the clear color over silver technique. I did that with good success on my Q-Rau. Gives it a great look. Definitely enter it in the LEGS CONTEST.
  22. I've heard Duplicolor and Halford's and Motomaster are good. I've heard bad things about Krylon.
  23. You know me, G72. I'm waiting for the Toy Yamato version Just kidding. I'm in for one. I sure hopes its less than Euro 100... that's $120 USD.
  24. Ouch. I do it a little different. I half build them and then put it in a box and start a new one. Right now I have An almost finished Wave VF-11, Cat's Eye with fuselage together, half finished Hase Vf-1S Strike Battroid, The cockpit of my Hase SV-51 painted, 2 Macross bases sanded and cleaned, not to mention all my NON-Macross stuff. honneamismoscatomeyersjessegundamheadgraysonmonkeynugget keep sending me resin... and I keep piling it in my basement.
  25. Do you guys think it would make sense to start a new "Ghost" thread? I think it would draw more attention to the project
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