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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. What can I say? I have extreme views of what constintutes Cannon Fodder. At least Macross is more lenient than, say, Ideon. Every form of life in the universe was cannon fodder in THAT series...
  2. In my opinion, yes. But I even think Kakizaki was cannon fodder, and he survived for a not-inconsiderable amount of time. Granted, the guy who gets the contents of his contents of his skull spattered all over the canopy of his VF-0 is way more connon fodder-y than either Kakizaki or Gilliam, but I think the two of them still qualify.
  3. FOUR STARS!!! (Would've been five, but Gilliam getting crushed really should have been in there...saving it for Volume Three, maybe...?)
  4. And I'm sure his duet with Sheryl Nomu would turn out just as well as the one with Alice Holiday did... Actually, you got me thinking...a VF-25 in Fire Valkyrie colors would look pretty interesting.
  5. My problem with Macross 7 isn't "comedy," it's more a lack of seriousness in the story (similar, but different). I also think the story could have been tightened up a bit. With a somewhat darker tone, 7 would have been a brilliant 26- to 39-episode series. But remaking it...? I think the ship has sailed on that one. Besides, quite a number of people love it as is. For me, it's not my favorite Macross, but it's not my least favorite, either. Besides, from all indications, the reamake exists in the form of MacF. And finally, since Agent 1 is no longer here to bait Keith and get this thread locked, someone has to pick up the slack, so I guess I'll have to be the one to say it... "Assless chaps." That is all.
  6. It's about damn time! I have one of the original kits that I got from Valkryie Exchange years ago, and I never built it because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find another. So, they've rereleased the Elintseeker, the Minmay Guard, the VF-1D...dare we hope for the Ravens version of the VF-19 and the F-14 Tomcat...? EDIT: I wish it came with a little Minmay to put in the back seat...but I guess you'd have to riddle the thing with bullet holes and tear off one of the arms to make that historically accurate...
  7. Oh, it's totally worth getting...if you can play H264; I can't seem to, alas. My computer's old, old, old.
  8. Good point about the fighter names...if we're going with US fighter names, then I would submit "Tigershark," since it's my favorite neglected warplane. (And yes, I'm a BIG Area 88 fan, which is why it's my favorite.)
  9. Thank you! ...but Seraphim is plural... Still, you trump me. I don't know what the Ophanim are.
  10. Keeping with the Norse theme: VF-25 Wälsung VF-25 Brünhilde (maybe not...) Keeping with Hindu theme: VF-25 Vajrayudha VF-25 Indra VF-25 Shakti VF-25 Kalki Or maybe a different tack is needed: VF-25 Seiko VF-25 Momoe VF-25 Gomaki VF-25 Ayu Vf-25 Mari ( ) Or my personal favorite: VF-25 Seraph
  11. No, I don't...but I noticed on datorrents the other day that some group called VIP is putting Central Anime's subs on H264 MKVs of the new remaster.
  12. If I were a big Hollywood executive, I'd probably go to the Hory Froating Head himself and say, "You've got a Hollywood blockbuster budget, you've got the best CGI and special effects people in the business, you've got the final say on everything, and you're retelling Space War I in a two-and-a-half to three-hour movie. Go to town." Then I might respectfully suggest that he use DYRL as a basis, but shorten the scenes of Hikaru and Misa wandering around on Earth. Also, depending on who they cast as Minmay, I might insist that the shower scene stays. And then, if it's successful, I'd REALLY throw a ton of money at him and say, "You've got an even BIGGER budget, MORE special effects people, and final say on everything, and we're all DYING to know what happened to the Megaroad-01."
  13. Again, it's all here, availabe for direct download, all the information, everything: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24559 But, to answer your question, the pilot episode aired on TV in Japan on December 23.
  14. It's not a Macross song, but this is DEFINITELY my favorite Mari video: Although I think a better title for it would be either "Ladies and Gentlemen, It the Eighties!" or "Quite Exciting, This Computer Magic..."
  15. Funnily enough, one of the biggest Devo fans I know is a 22-year-old woman...but she's a fan of A LOT of '80s music. And yeah...it could be fun, but really, do we need YET ANOTHER sequel or remake??? (Of course, I'm completely stoked about Macross F...so yeah, I'm a big hypocrite.)
  16. "Raw WHAT? Shark? Why would I be interested in... ...Raw shark..."
  17. I'm with Bsu Legato...is there a clamor for this? Granted I only saw the movie once, as a kid, when my Mom took me to a double feature of The Last Starfighter and Footloose, merely to escape the summer heat, and I remember next to nothing about either movie. ...Now that I think about it, that experience is one of the most quintessentially '80s thing in my memory. Double feature...Footloose...the Last Starfighter...if Devo had shown up randomly with Max Headroom, it would have been PERFECT...
  18. I think the problem is that - dare I say it? Yes, I shall - while you can argue that Sin City and 300 (I'm talking about the comics here, I haven't seen the movies) are just as good or better than Watchmen, I think no one can deny that Watchmen is MUCH, MUCH more complicated. Frank Miller is a very cinematic artist and writer, Alan Moore isn't. The fact that Hollywood keeps thinking he is (and that goes back to Return of the Swamp Thing) just shows me that there are a lot of people in Hollywood who really have no idea what they're doing. Now, if they wanted to make a D.R. and Quinch movie, THAT could be awesome...
  19. Hey, give him a break...he was getting ready to support the Village People on their '84 Japan Tour.
  20. It's all here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24559 Enjoy!
  21. The other obvious ones I've noticed are Sheryl shouted "Atashi no Uta o Kike!" ("Listen to my song!" using a feminine version of "my" as opposed to Basara's more masculine "Ore no Uta o Kike!") Sheryl's concert itself is strangely reminiscent of Sharon Apple's. Alto's VF-25 at the end posed exactly like Hikaru's from the end of SDF episode 2. It's even missing its left arm...I think. Ranka's pet/cell phone (???) seems to be a reference to Gubaba ( ). I thought of the ending credits of Dynamite also when they showed the street car...but we may be reaching. The city IS based on San Francisco (and Shibuya, of course...but the Shibuya 109 Bulding has been replaced with Shibuya 119, Lord knows why...), so street cars are something you'd expect to see. I just hope Macross F's Shibuya has a Hachiko statue. And is it just me, or is the school shaped like the Macross with the main gun down...? That, or a Destroid Monster...
  22. Stragely enough, it wasn't a brown 1A, it was a brown 1J! Which I think is the only one to appear in the series...(am I right about that...?). Or maybe it was a YF-1R... As far as the uniform color goes, I also did a few searches on google and found nothing. But in thinking abut it, I can't find any way to make it make make sense... White uniform, blue and red trim: Hikaru, and a few others seen in the show White uniform, blue and yellow trim: Kakizaki, and some others. White uniform, blue and green trim: no main characters, but many others. White uniform, blue and purple trim: only Max AFAIK. Gray uniform with blue and black trim: only Roy AFAIK. (New recruit: "Oooh, can I have one with the purple on it?" Guy in charge of handing out uniforms: "Sorry, you have to be a genius pilot with glasses to get that. It's in the rule book." New recruit: "Wellll...how 'about the gray one then?" Guy in charge of handing out uniforms: "That's a ceremonial uniform given out only to the man who all of our pilots want to be when they grow up. Sorry. How about this one with green trim? We found we could get a discount on those for ordering in bulk...") Now, the bridge crew ALMOST makes sense...the Bridge Bunnies in powder blue with red trim, but if one of them leaves, their relief always has tan with red trim, just like the Pin Point Barrier Girls. So the color would seem to denote in which part of the ship you work. But what are we to make of Claudia's green uniform? And then if you bring in Maistrov's darker blue with yellow...and the guy who shows up during the decision about taking the Zentradi defectors aboard, who has a dark red uniform with black trim...the list goes on and on, and a lot of uniforms are only seen once, which makes it impossible to figure out what they're for... I say it's either the magic of anime, or else UN Spacy is a bureaucratical nightmare...
  23. What's a Cannon Fodder 18? Eighteen times more likely to get shot down?
  24. Is there a reason beyond what's graphically appealing? I thought figuring out the uniform color was as pointless as trying to understand why Hikaru and Max didn't have CF-1As when they first joined...
  25. I'm not the slightest bit optimistic about this...for a Watchmen movie to work, the dialogue will be crucial, and that's one thing that Hollywood no longer cares about, especially in big-budget movies. The characters are complex, the plot is complex, and there's a lot of necessary backstory that is revealed only in hints and references. Cerebral, character-driven, and heavily reliant on subtlety and nuance...yeah, Hollywood's great at that...
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