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Everything posted by Tochiro

  1. Actually neither of those are references, sorry. Both are just standard Japanese that existed long before either of those franchises.
  2. Wasn't meant as anything personal. Sorry if it sounded as such. Have been getting at least 4 ppl ask me per day about the Plus thing for 5 days now, that's all.
  3. Most of that shouldn't be in spoiler tags nor is there anything to guess about - for the umpteenth time, Kawamori himself said outright immediately prior to the first ever screening of ep1 that he is trying to purposefully blend elements of 7 and Plus. The Plus elements aren't supposed to be a secret or spoilerific. The man made a major not of them himself and I was only meters away from him when he said so.
  4. That was Renato I believe, but the point was , IMO, that there's a part of the accent that sounds a little rural.It's a bit of rural accent, a bit of old man speak, and a bit of anime silliness. This is all mixed together for something that, yes for those curious, is made up for the show. It helps to identify Freyja as having been raised in the boonies (which is going to eventually be a plot point) and also comes across as idealistic, stubborn and cute. Personally I found it to be as cute as hell and none of the fans here in Japan that I spoke with at or after the premiere had an issue with it. It's not real-life use of the language, but neither are Valkyries a realistic use of technology. It's all about adding flavor to the fiction.
  5. Alright folks, now that Ep.1 of Delta is out, SpeakerPODcast is looking for recordings of ppls impressions! We want to splice together an episode of what YOU think, so I urge anyone who is interested to send us an audio recording of your impressions! Please try to keep it to 5-10 mins at max, in MP3 format. ​Please send all impressions to Speakerpod(AT)gmail.com. Be sure to say your forum handle so we know who you are :-)
  6. Arbit - it might interest you that in the other half hour of the Delta ep.1 special that most people on the boards haven't watched (the interviews, history of the franchise, making-of, etc), Frontier was introduced by narrator Sho (max) Hayami as a show that brought in a mass of new female fans. So it's pretty much common knowledge (in Japan at least) as to whose wallets (purses) drove that particular show. The existence of Frontier branded shoes, perfume, jewellery and fashion is also very telling. (There was a new ladies frontier Sheryl-branded hat released just recently that a woman I saw at the Delta premiere was proudly showing off ;-) Anyways - ATTENTION EVERYONE! Now that Ep.1 of Delta is out, I urge anyone who is interested to send us an audio recording of your impressions! Please try to keep it to 5-10 mins at max, in MP3 format. Please send all impressions to Speakerpod(AT)gmail.com
  7. So now that we know Kawamori is trying to blend Macross 7 and Macross Plus when it comes to Delta, and that the balance of these elements will change each episode for at least the first 5 episodes, what are people's thoughts on the Plus elements in the Delta preview episode? (I.e., recreation of Gulds flying at missiles head on to dodge them technique, etc). With the stated aim of Valkyrie combat in the series being a return to one on one combat, combined with the speed on display in Delta, we may be in for some fairly spectacular dogfights in the future :-)
  8. Commander Molder says they are there at Al-Shahal on Lady M's orders. So unless Mikimo outranks the Commander, he is referring to someone else. Was discussing with a Japanese fan on Twitter last night. Came to the conclusion that it must be LADY MILIA...THE PRESIDENT! lol
  9. I wonder who the 'Lady M' is that's controlling Walkure From the shadows is? Most likely a typical Kawamori fake-out, but fun to consider, regardless. Lady Minmay? (SDFMTV) Lady Milene? (M7) Lady Mina? (M30)
  10. 2. He says one of the Valkyries in formation is lagging behind the others. Have not seen the current set of fan subs but from what I'm hearing they must be pretty rough and devoid of any context in their translations...
  11. That isn't the issue and hasn't been for 13 years now. HG does not claim that they own the franchise. What they do own is the registered trademark for the term MACROSS (among others) in all territories outside of Japan. Meaning nothing bearing the name gets out of Japan without going through them. In short, they don't claim to own the Macross sequels. But the effect of the trademark is that they own the right to the right to distribute them. Which effectively blocks everything because no one in Japan wants to have anything to do with them, let alone set any sort or precedent by doing so. There's an entire thread dedicated to this topic though so I'll leave it at that. As for subs on DYRL, as with any older Anime, there's a mess of rights issues. Members of the production committee closing down or dying off, internal issues among the relevant parties, etc. why do you think the blurays of Yamato 2199 got subs but the blurays of the original didn't? Same goes for Gundam. All we can hope is that, as with many other Bandai Visual shows, new iterations in franchises get subs. The older ones are a lost cause.
  12. Keep in mind that Delta Squadron operates with Walkure. As such, it is their current mission (in Ep 1 at least) to combat Var outbreaks. They are specifically on Al-Shahal because of the high probability of a Var outbreak. So it makes sense that they are equipped to support Walkure, since they are the first line of defense and are are the only method of 'curing' Var outbreaks. Ep.1 is the first time they encounter tye Aerial Knights and it's not an enemy or an encounter they were expecting. This is why Mirage got shot up so quick. Naturally, Walkure support drones will be of less use against a normal enemy so I suspect Delta Squadron load outs could change from here on out depending on the engagement. That last bit is, at this point, speculation however.
  13. Whoah, hold your horses there cowboy. Speculation and theories are fine but please be sure to label them as such. All we really have to go on at this point is the map at the beginning of the show. Most of your comment is what you think or speculate will happen. Please label this clearly so that fellow commenters can distinguish speculation from what is actually stated outright in the show. This helps to avoid confusion and misunderstandings further down the track.
  14. It's on iTunes - but you will need a Japanese iTunes account. It hit No.6 on the charts last night too :-)
  15. Close, but not quite. We translated Kawamori's comments on which series he is trying to blend last episode of SpeakerPODcast ;-)
  16. Of course, that's only to be expected :-) But the gimmick to the names is related to two new in-university SE languages and some decoder cards that were distributed at the theatrical screening so there's a bit of a story behind them, that's all.
  17. We explained the meaning of that in the last podcast ;-pAlso, Ikenai Borderline is already at No.6 on the Japanese iTunes Charts! ()
  18. I see a podcast report in your future.... ;-)
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