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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Looks good. As for the hole in the batttoid mode, I prefer perfect plane mode anyways. Bring on the YF-19 toys!
  2. Loved that game. Loved that old cheesy b&w graphics when you finally caught or lost Carmen. Hell, it's educational and fun! Still have that encyclopedia lying around too.
  3. Same old same old. I'm not going to wait for the M7 people to trash on M2. That would be akin to letting con-M7 people trash M7 and we hear enough bitching and moaning about that. Plus this is just a continuation of the locked M2 thread. That's a no-no. Consider yourselves slapped on the wrist. ....and yes, kill english-dubbed Hibiki. Japanese dubbed Hibiki was much more tolerable.
  4. It is terrible, this idea! Terrible! Yeah! I'd buy them just to see how terrible it was!!!
  5. Well, gotta say, he's got great big hairy brass ones after reading that interview.
  6. I liked it. Wasn't groundbreaking or such(plus I refused to pay for a PG-13 AvP) but it was entertaining. .....and Ivy (Bryce Dallas Howard) was cute.
  7. Gah!! What the hell are those monstrosities?! Give me a Shelby 67 or 68 KR over those things!
  8. Continue this in the above pinned MPC thread.
  9. damn, it's going to be beautiful (and cost a fortune.) http://halfeye.m78.com/himiken/h-ken/h-ken.html
  10. Mmmm.....I like that one. The only thing I can think of is to add the words Macross Plus to the spine. Like this. Oh and that reminds me, did you ever get around to scanning the mid-section of those cockpit images? I'd love to get my hands on some hi-res versions of those images.
  11. Cool news about Zeorymer. But if they make any other mecha they should make Lanster of the Wind.
  12. Could be that they had weighed anchor and were sleeping at the time. The JFK rammed them when
  13. I don't think it re-defines anything but it is a kick-ass movie. In fact it takes the succesful parts of the first two alien movies and relocates it. location: Spaceship or desolate planet Alien(1979) - scary-ass space monster Aliens(1986) - (future/space/colonial) marines corp taking names whupping-ass and getting whupped location: some jungle in south america Predator(1987) - one scary-ass space monster facing off against an elite modern day whup-ass testosterone filled rescue team. Plus the music and ambiant sound effects in that movie rocked.
  14. Dangard Ace


    I believe that's Montarvillois's VF-17. He customized the knees a few months after he joined up here and re-painted it....last year? into that pic you've posted.
  15. Welcome to MacrossWorld AlindaSue. You'll find alot of M7 lovers and detractors around here. Hope you enjoy your stay. One last thing, no pics are allowed in sigs. It keeps the boards uncluttered. I'll wait awhile before I do any 'moderating'(yes, I'm feeling magnanimous today. ) DA
  16. Those cockpits images were by Hidetaka Tenjin, the guy that did all those CG valks and Hasegawa boxtops. Too bad I don't have any hi-res pics of those images but here's what the complete cockpit images look like(found these on the web).
  17. Hmmm.....I'm Canadian and it's customs that slows everything down. Customs sucks!! Rah rah!! Oh and if this thread becomes more political it's gonna get shut down. This isn't the "warzone".
  18. That was funnier then ******!!! ...but since we ALL know it's political.... Terminated.
  19. It's a Gunbuster/Macross joke.
  20. That's a Toynami MPC Alpha not a Yamato Valkyrie.
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