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Posts posted by RedWolf

  1. J.T. Silversmith

    I think any aberations are just red herrings to throw off the audience. The Vajra appear ruthless, evil, and even malicious because that's exactly what the writers want us to believe so far. They want us to think of the Vajra as monsters. They even give them a monsterous, demonic appearance. How could these horrible, beastly things possibly be benevolent? I'm almost positive it's a trick and a lesson, not to judge others by their appearance.

    So VERY Kawamori :)

    Great you just made me think the Vajra as nothing more than heavily armed Tachikomas. :mellow:

  2. Xeros

    If that were true, Ranka would be about 25 :)

    Actually the first discovery of the Vajra was 19 years ago. (Likely by the 117th fleet)

    11 years ago 117th fleet incident happened.

    Actually given that Grace is a b*tch of a cyborg manager I wonder if she has any relation to Sharon Apple. Myung who was the personality template for Sharon Apple was producer/manager too.

    The Sharon Apple incident happened the same year the Vajra was discovered. Coincidence?

    Unless the Vajra is another version of the Birdman and they heard a song of destruction. (That why every fleet should have a Basara. Spiritia Creation = Song of Creation)

  3. Well remember Ranka's 1/4 Zentradi, so one of her grandparents had to have married one, and Mao would be in or near her 20s when the original series ended? I think it's much more likely that she'd be Ranka's grandmother than anything else. Also, the hair her mother has looks like the same green that Ranka's is and Mao's was a dark brown.

    And the guy looks similar to Ozma, but the hair's the wrong color and the face looks different. Ozma could've been stationed on the 117th Research Fleet as a pilot and Ranka's father was his wingman.

    Unbelievably at the time of Macross Zero Mao was 11 years old. (Shin Kudo you lolicon <_< )

    So when SDF Macross occured she was 12 and by the time the Megaroad 1 launched she's 13 to 14 years old.

  4. hmmm if that's the same woman as the one talking in Ranka's flashback, then she's probably named ランシェ・メイ (Ranshe Mei/May)... name shown in the ep 13 ending credits.

    BTW, if Mao is gonna be the ancestor of Sheryl Nome, how are they gonna explain the surname? usually the daughter takes on the father's surname isn't it? of coz there's gonna be a lot of possibilities - divorced single mum, artificial insemination, cloning, etc etc...

    Given a percentage of Macross society is Japanese, there are cases where the wife is of higher status in society that the husband is the one who takes in the wife's family name.

  5. Did they actually say that the M7 was taking the exact same path of the Megaroad? I don't think their objective was to get to the Galactic center but just nearer to the center.

    Also, didnt they experience time lag when using the Galaxy Network in M7? Is the Galaxy Network always "online"? I always had the impression that it was not "simultenous broadcast" and there was always some lag in communications given the huge distances.

    Even with the new LAI fold booster in Frontier, there is still gonna be some lag although much shorter compared with the old tech.

    Well it isn't a strech that Macross 7 established a fold comm relay along their 7 year journey.

    Not to mention the fact that the amusement ship Hollywood is actually one big fold comm antenna.

  6. But are the Fold Faults in our reality, or are they in "Fold Space"...?

    And would it be the same as, for example, Cowboy Bebop's gates...?

    EDIT: Wait a second...What do you mean, "where the Protoculture had their civilization"? Where DIDN'T they have civilization?

    Well in when Exsedol left the bridge and went out the first time in 7 years for a peek at the Protoculture ruins at Lux.

    Exsedol answered Max that due to previous and current evidences the Protoculture lived in that region of space.

    When you think about backwater planets like Earth and Zola at the rim regions of the galaxy you the get the feeling that the Protoculture intentionally seeded these worlds away from the war zone.

  7. I could imagine someone is wearing "Pure Macross Survivor Descendant" badge after SW1. ^_^

    Macross 7 was more like a SDF-1 Macross UN Spacy personnel retiree colony fleet.

    Three old guys still kept their Monster. (I know Miria can make a VF-17 as severance pay but is a Monster part of the pension plan?)

  8. The Basara/Mylene/Gamlin "love triangle" did exist to an extent, it just never went anywhere.

    More like a love angle. Mylene likes Gamlin and Basara equally. Gamlin likes Mylene.

    Basara was more interested on the alien chick (Sivil) that drains the life out of him.

    Heck it can be argued that M7 was a love polygon. Rex likes Basara so did flower girl.

    Emilia Jenius would have had a giant woman and little man romantic moment with Basara if it weren't for the little kid.

    Not to mention the entire fleet of Meltrans under Miria rival ace Chlore. :blink:

    Note: Moe Idol Culture Shock works on Zentrans. Making them drop their guns.

    Rock star culture shock work on Meltrans. Beware unlike Zentrans that drop their guns Meltrans shoot their guns wildly in fangirlish screams. :ph34r:

  9. I'm just curious, where is it officially mentioned that Zolans are a different race created by protoculture? I always thought they were micronized second generation zentradi.

    Because obviously Zolans have their own culture that spans thousands of years. Plus they have those three eyed snakes that are telepathic pets like Guvava. Females have two hair colors and males have hairy arms. The have bigger pointed ears.

    Lastly they evolved from marsupials not primates.

    Zentradi and presumably Protoculture evolved from a primate like humans.

    That's why is is easy for Max to make babies with Miria.

    In the Fold Story radio drama (Zolans prefer radio over TV) the rich guy human and his former Zolan maid (Boy it sounds like Emma) can have sex but they can't have children.

  10. To be fair, there's nothing IN THE ANIMATION ITSELF to deny the existence of other SDF-1 Macross types of ships, but the supplementary material (as you say) does seem to be against it (IIRC, some of us went through similar conniptions when the VF-0 was introduced...). Plus, to me, it just seemed intuitive that a reverse engineered and rebuilt alien space ship would end up being one-of-a-kind.

    But I guess not.

    They were going to build an even bigger one. But vhanged their minds and reconfigure it to a colony ship.

    It didn't mean they didn't keep the design for later use.

  11. I'm still hoping we don't get a capitalism = evil storyline here. That's storyline is as old as capitalism itself. I'm still holding out hope that the 117th stumbled upon something and now someone is either out to discover it or bury it permanently. There are lots of issues though. Do we know if the VF-27 is also a LAI product?

    Apparently not as LAI techs could not figure out why it can go in such speed and manueverability without killing its pilot.

    And it has the Macross Galaxy sigil on it.

    It's performance and wing configuration make me think Galaxy General was one of the sponsors of Macross Galaxy.

  12. NUNS doesn't have the technological savvy to engineer any bio-weaponry. It is possible that the Vajra are what the PC created to protect themselves after the breakdown in command and control with the Zentreadi. The Vajra warships are far too advanced and appear to be bio-mechanical in nature, far beyond human tech.

    Unless you count the Macross M3 Sega Dreamcast game.

    Max, Miria and their adopted daughter Moaramia were sent to New Asia to blow up some UN Spacy biological weapon bugs gone amok.

    New Asia used to be Protoculture world.

    So the tech was still pretty much Protoculture. (Idiot UN Spacy if read "Warning Protoculture Bio Weapons Site" don't even think you can control it. It is better to leave it alone. Same thing happened with the Protodevlin.)

  13. Plus, it says that he has Zolan blood...which is impossible. Zolans and Humans can't mate. :blink:

    Uh Yeah that Zolan radio drama about a human guy from Macross 11 and a Zolan girl.

    It's not they can't do it. The mechanics are quite the same. (If loli jailbait Elma Holly is any indication)

    Nekki Basara was like car lights to a Meltran deer with Liza Holly. Damn his misspent sexual charisma with alien women. <_<

    Just a question on how a primate and marsupial are going to concieve a child. Did the Protoculture left enough genetic manipulation for a hybrid?

    It did work with the Zentradi and human though. That was the whole point of the Protoculture ruins message on Lux.

  14. With the Humans and Zentradi making an alliance they have created a stellar spanning hedgemony not seen since the days of the Protoculture.

    The Zentradi were the Proculture's warriors. Humanity is supposed to be legacy of the Protoculture.

    But there is a third Protoculture seeded race in a region of the galaxy much more of a backwater than Earth was.

    The Zolans. (Macross Dynamite 7)

    Unlike humans who evolved from primates they evolved from marsupials.

    The history on how this miclone race made contact with the UN has not been told yet.

    But by 2047 they are firmly integrated into the United Nations Government. Even adopting human names.

    Unlike humans and Zentradi they had not been influenced by the events of Space War 1 or Bruno Global's emmigration doctrine.

    We've seen giant Zentradis in Frontier even classic SDF Macross ones. Human-Zentradi descendants like Ranka and Mikhail.

    Will we ever see the Zolans again?

  15. I don't know what happened to the title of this thread, it looked like it got cut off. It was supposed to say "Protodevlin feed on spiritia = Vajra (or the real evil behind it) feed on hate?" Can a mod fix that?

    The protodevlin seemed to feed off positive energies of spiritia (sorry the title said anima spiritia by accident) by draining them. Spiritia seems to be a positive energy (happiness, joy, exhuberance, vitality, willpower, hope, excitement, etc.). This was combatted by anima spiritia which was too pure and powerful for them to absorb.

    It seemed to me Vajra just go fine with good song energy. One in a nearly dead state got revived by Ranka's singing.

    In Macross Zero, Sara Nome and likely Mao also had the same ability as Nekki Basara to influence the life energy (spiritia) of lifeforms with song.

    Anima Spiritia is a lifeforce energy too pure for even the Protodevlin to take. With it the last of the Protoculture was able to seal them on Varuta.

    But in Zero it was emphasized that there are two songs which those of priestess blood can use. A song of creation and a song of destruction.

    The song of destruction activates the Birdman to destroy humans. A protocol left by the Protoculture just in case humanity became an aggressive space faring race.

    When Grace activates the dimension eater, she says that "The hate will never stop growing". This seems to me like the classic sci-fi theme (or maybe even cliche) of aliens who feed on fear or hate and therefore cause other species to fight each other to feed off that. Is that an accurate translation? I originally thought it was "My hate will never stop growing" and I thought it was a personal vendetta she had (like she was part of the research fleet with the Global and something terrible happened to her in the past - like the classic anime cliche)...but on rewatching it and noticing several things like that the Dimension Eater was made by Luca's family and that Grace actualy says that THE hate will never stop growing.

    It seemed to me Grace is manipulating everybody to war. Such as setting up the Zentradi rebellion.

    Getting the Vajra pissed at humans and Zentradi. Making the Vajra get the blame for the deaths of the 33rd fleet and Sheryl (missed that one).

    I don't know but Grace strikes me as a rogue AI. In Macross Plus, AI development was on a verge of renaissance. Emotion chips were banned due to self preservation instincts and irrationality being dangerous.

    What I'd like to know is how is she supposed to have survived after setting off the DE?

    Well Grace likely sent her AI personality to a new body. Ever seen Ghost in the Shell?

    We've been saying all along that Grace is a Motoko Kusanagi. Then she pulls a jump. WTF :ph34r:

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