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Posts posted by RedWolf

  1. Mahq.net







    Looking at it closely it seems the VF-25 and VF-27 are sister designs. Using the same internal parts.

    Which reminds me how the VF-14 Nightmare design was converted into the Fz-109A Elgerzorene by the Protodevlin.

    Making the VF-27 sort of a true enemy Valkyrie for the VF-25.

    Since Grace had a LAI dimension eater I'm presuming that LAI has divisions on both Frontier and Galaxy.

    Both divisions took the YF-24's design aspects and made them into their own fighter designs.

    LAI Frontier made the VF-25 as a simple all around operations fighter with several variants.

    With compatible super packs and armor packs.

    LAI Galaxy on the otherhand made the VF-27 a special stealth operations fighter along the lines of the VF-22.

    Galaxy Anonymous initially rated the VF-25 as merely a grunt VF using regular Ex-gear interface while the VF-27 they have is aces caliber using direct brain control with implants and cybernetics.

    They forgot that it isn't the machine that makes the difference but the pilot. SMS has elite level pilots.

  2. I concur, but he also seemed a little bit interested in Emillia, in M7 the galaxy is calling me.

    More like Emillia got her traits from mom. Being defeated is a turn on.

    Liza was also interested in Basara. Much better than her not-boyfriend space whale otaku.

    As for Elma, good thing Basara isn't interested in kids or Graham would've pounded him.

  3. Mecha rant ON


    It's been bugging me since Ep 6. Has anybody identified the model of this VF?

    Please don't tell me it'll be like the VF-4. You'll see the plane mode but not the battroid mode or gerwalk mode on screen.

    YF-24 to VF-25






    Is it possible that the VF-27 is also derived from the YF-24?

    Macross Galaxy


    Still can't make head or tails where the NMC is. I'm starting to think this is the biggest Macross there is. If the people behind Galaxy are from the Global they may also have adopted the whole SDF Macross concept on it.

  4. I was sort of thinking that it's not just about taking over the resources/assimilating Frontier to prop up Galaxy, but to also wipe out the symbolic existence of Frontier. The dynamics on Galaxy are really almost a completely different type of world, and you have the predominant "race or entity" taking on very aggressive tactics, whereas Frontier seems to be a more peaceful coexistence.

    And it is rather compelling to me to consider that each colony has its own governmental system. I don't know enough about the world construct at this time in Macross history, but we know that Frontier is likely some kind of democracy or assume so because we've seen President Glass enough times to get the feeling about his style of governance. Unless I missed something, we know nothing about the way Galaxy works.

    It would be pretty interesting if Galaxy were run pretty much as a controlled, almost oligarchical environment. We have only the slightest of hints that things weren't so great on Galaxy from Sheryl's comments, which we have not seen explored. Perhaps Galaxy is a really bleak place...

    Maybe someone did say this before. This is more like a Cold War where one party has no idea that war is being engaged?


    Another note on the episode and watchign Sheryl and her reaction to the news that Alto had heard both Ranka and Sheryl singing... she didn't look as surprised, and so it brings into question how much she knows about her earrings!

    So basically you're saying the the human-Zentradi are going into its own schism war with Galaxy and Frontier.

    We don't know much about the Protoculture but one group, who was behind the Anima Spiritia, advocated coexistence of their children.

    The Birdman on the otherhand had a scorch Earth protocol just in case humans became a interstellar threat.

  5. Just who or what is Galaxy Anonymous? The personalities within Grace O'Connor.

    Rebel AIs?

    Corporate Macross Galaxy?

    Or another Protoculture remnant?

    Episode 15 gave more questions than answers.

    What is their goal that supposedly surpasses the Protoculture? What does the Vajra have to do with it?

  6. On Mr. Richard Bilrer.

    I'm willing to bet Bilrer is the one who mostly funded Frontier.

    It isn't enough that Frontier is a replica of San Francisco but also Tokyo.

    Especially Akihabara!

    This guy is far more cultured and enjoying it than Exsedol Folmo.:heh:

    Exedol was satisfied with watching behind the monitor or is it behinds of those at the monitors? Bridge bunnies.:p Exsedol liked the bikini section of the Jammingbird auditions.:D

    But Bilrer made his dreams come true. His own playroom, miclone maids and a private army.

    He's not going to give up all that to Galaxy Anonymous' schemes.

  7. dis episode kinda clear up some mysteries, but also reveal more...

    big question now is

    who is richard birla? is he part of the grace gang? or someone else?

    n wat do they wan ranka for?

    make another SOUND FORCE? :blink::lol:

    too bad dis epi has almost 60% of reused scenes

    otherwise its still quite nice

    More like Jamming Bird. Ever since Leon said that should they make the Vajra hear their songs to Pres. Glass I had the feeling Frontier has it's own Operation M.

    Only that Galaxy Anonymous has it's own Operation Carnival.

  8. Hmm, so Grace is not only a rogue AI remnant of Sharon Apple, she's also the final Cylon and it seems part of the Patroits? :blink:

    If these guys are older than the human-Zentradi alliance I'm thinking it is perhaps Sharon Apple that attracted them to us in the first place.

    The same year that the Vajra was discovered was the same time Sharon Apple did her 30th Anniversary "Concert".

    Also it seems to me that the Birdman despite being biological is an AI too.

    With individuals like Sara Nome, Lynn Minmay, and Nekki Basara, humanity could be the key to what they are working for.

  9. My impression of the Grace and her other folks:

    they are not A.I. / machines, but rather people who somehow merged their consciousness into one network. Something like their consciousness being digitized? Grace was once a normal human, we know that because they mentioned that the physical body at the start of ep 15 was created as a copy of her original look. I'd say its not likely that machines will feel attached to a certain look (although still possible i guess :wacko:).

    Seems like any single consciousness can be chosen as the 'controller' of the body? but it looks like they preferred to let Grace take control of her own 'copy'. Each consciousness seems to retain their own (mental) individuality so that they have different personalities/temperaments - for e.g. the guy feels awkward to control the new body (a Grace clone). These people are quite obviously the masterminds from Galaxy fleet, and doesn't this mind-linking/downloading technology mean that they are virtually immortals? until their database gets physically destroyed maybe? or their data corrupted :lol:... if they're already that smart, they'd probably already have tons of network backup to ensure they can be recovered in any disaster (unless there's some limitation somewhere).

    And also my impression is that they're saying Grace is from Macross Global rather than Galia 4.

    why did Grace refer to Brera Sterne as the Prince? No matter, they are obviously not truely respectful to him since we know Brera is working under their orders and being blackmailed with his lost memories.

    Liked that look of YF-24!! a very nice cross between su-27 and f-22... :)

    In Macross Plus the Macross Consortium could not make Sharon Apple as a true independent AI. They had to resort to an interface leach off emotions from Myung.

    Sharon Apple became sentient due to Myung being her personality template and illegal emotion chips installed by the head scientist.

    Some persons may have seen this as an opprtunity for immortality. Galaxy replicated and improved technologies that would likely viewed as taboo. Such as the YF-21's brain control interface is a likely replicated for the VF-27.

  10. In addition to the three vertical fins, it's interesting to note that City 1 has a symmetrical dome "web", unlike City 5 and City 7.

    I'm going out of the limb here that each city dome web is unique according to the city planners designs.

    Looking at the prologue the first generation NMC city blocks are each different in that aspect.

    Even Macross 5 isn't the same as Macross 7 in dome webs.

  11. But DYRL the movie is suppsoedly not the the same DYRL that was shown in universe.

    And if you look at certain things, there seems to be indication that SK and co. are liberally taking whatever elements they like from from both SDFM and DYRL and using them for later shows.

    Say wha? :wacko:

    Given that Emillia did have that movie Minmay poster and mentioned her parents took her to watch it then I'm willing to say that the DYRL we saw is the same DYRL in Macross 7.

  12. I'm wondering, in Macross canon, does Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress replaces Fulbtzs-Berrentzs Class Fleet Flagship as the flagship of Zentradi main fleet?

    DYRL is metafiction in the Macross continuity. So I'll go that it is a Fulbtzs-Berrentzs class that attacked Earth.

    The Boddole Zer class could be an entirely movie concept ship or a real Zentradi ship class.

    Given that Chlore's fleet uses movie ships it is a likely scenario.

    I have a feeling the producers bugged Exsedol for what the Zentradi and Meltrandi fortresses look like.

    Gorg Bodolle Zer main fleet was a compromise fleet by the former warring factions of the Protoculture when the Protodevlin and their Supervision Army started kicking their asses.

    At one point Zentradi and Meltrandi did fight each other when the Stellar Republic fell to civil war.

  13. The compendium lists the Macross 1 as the only city ship to sail without a shell dome, it seems these ships do not yet have them installed

    Well Macross 5 had 3 NMCs. It is not unbelievable that Macross 1 could have in fact 4 New Macross Class ships without a shell dome.

    Macross 1 is intermediary design between the Megaroad class and the current New Macross class with shell dome.

    The whole open city concept was derived from Megaroad class.

    Then they started to realize that PBB alone as protection ain't enough.

    Since it is this shape lets put clam shell armor.

    Also notice Macross 1 has three fins not the two fins we see in Macross 7 and 5.

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