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Posts posted by RedWolf

  1. Does the song of destruction ring any bell? It is the song that activates the Birdman's annahilation protocols just in case miclone races became dangerous and warlike.

    The song of creation is certainly what Sara Nome did being in harmony with the island's ecosystem thru song.

    You can also this with Basara's singing, the song of creation, which raises spiritia levels in humans, Zentradi, Protodevlin and even space whales.

    Gepelnitch calls this Spiritia Creation.

    But Basara succeded where the Protoculture failed. Reach the hearts of his listeners.

    Both Ranka and Sheryl are Ranshe's legacy it will take both of them to reach the hearts of Vajra, humans and Zentradi.

  2. Unseen? Well, kind of.

    But we already know all about how they started, so there's not much mystery or drama there.

    Well we don't know what happened to them when the Protodevlin were sent to the slammer.

    Technically speaking uncultured Zentradi fleets are still in a state of war with them.

    The Protodevlin didn't call their their old Supervision Army back or is it they don't have any sort of control over them anymore?

    Much like how the Protoculture lost control of the Zentradi.

  3. Theory # 5848594920540954.2

    Mao Nome, alway attracted to technology (radio/generator on Mayan) stayed aboard the Asuka after the events of M0 and went to Macross tech institute (she kept her tools), there she met a young man, 1/2 human 1/2 Zentran named Guld, he was in piloting school and had crazy uncontollable green hair, the two fell head over heels for each other but their careers pulled them in different directions. Dr Mao became a pioneer in cybernetics and Guld Joined UN Spacy as a test pilot, on graduation day he got a hair cut and found that he'd be shipping out to a new plant...Eden. The day soon came for him to go and gave Mao a beautiful pair of earings. He never knew Mao was preggers with twins. She knew how much Guld loved to fly, and let him go...

    Lol I don't think so since it is obviously it is Ranshe who is the halsie Zentradi.

    3 human grandparents + 1 Zentradi grandparent = 3/4 human and 1/4 Zentradi Ranka.

  4. Anyone think Alto's due for a promotion real soon?

    His heroics in episode 14 certainly made him a solid candidate.

    Eh? Is it time to introduce no-name subordinate 1 and no-name subordinate 2?

    But when you you think about all those planes he wrecked...

    He better take care of his boys better than Docker, whose team got wiped out twice.

    Hmmm... A special squadron composed of Alto (SMS VF-25), Brera (M Galaxy NUNS VF-27) and Machida (M Frontier NUNS VF-171) ?

  5. I'm starting to wonder if Vajra's organic composition is similar to Val Elna (Space Whale).

    It is said that Space Whale products makes fold drives better. That is why pirates hunt them and sell them.

    Space Whales are the only other known creature able to achive space fold naturally other than the Vajra.

    Looking back at Zero and 7 I'm starting to think that the Protoculture had another FTL methodology besides folding.

    When Sara and Shin left we assumed they folded but as the Protodevlin shown with their Eh-vil (Evil) unit bodies they can cross the galaxy without folding.

  6. On a side note, does anyone else feel Glass is maybe just a little suspicious of Leon? I'm not saying suspecting him of treason or anything like that, but all the glares, grunts and frown's directed at him (or is it just that Glass is always frowning? :blink: )almost makes me feel he's maybe onto the fact that Leon is feeding him information, but so far has had no reason/choice but to take it in? Or maybe he just doesn't like him, but he's usefull and so decides to put up with himl? Maybe he just knows he's shacking up with his daughter and would prefer someone less slimy as a prospective son-in-law. :lol:

    Likely he knows about the secret relationship and Leon is not the type he wants for his daughter.

    Nontheless even if the events of VFX-2 had an effect of decentranlization due to distrust with UN Spacy's reliability.

    There is a treaty that prohibits the use of reaction weapons as a first strike weapon.

    It is illegal to even smuggle them.

    One of the biggest issues in Macross 7 was fleet abandonment by Earth UN Spacy.

    Indeed 3 fleets were almost lost is the region of space which the Protodevlin roamed.

    This may account for the independence of fleets

    Glass authorizing the use of reaction weapons without any effort to negotiate with a new species will not go well diplomaticly with the rest of the fleets and colonies. That is why he was quesy in using them.

    The memory Lynn Minmay and Nekki Basara is still fresh in the minds of the people.

    No doubt even Ranka Lee's effort in the memory of the former insubordinate 33rd fleet will remind them even more that as Basara would say "War is stupid".

    Then again Grace O'Connor appears to be the antithesis of Basara. Spreading a song of destruction.

  7. Back to topic, an interesting thing about Ranka's mom's name.

    Indeed... I believe at the end she's the one who will stop the War, either by mutating into a Vajra Queen herself or by communicating with the remaining Vajra.

    Btw... This was posted in the news thread...

    The name of Ranka's mom is Ranshe.




    Could this mean that Sheryl is a clone of Ranka's Mom while Ranka is Ranshe's true daughter? :blink:

    For now we have suspicions that both Ranka and Sheryl being of Nome blood.

    Indeed Ranka and Sheryl being orphans with a affinity for their mothers or perhaps their mother.

    We don't know why yet Ranka has the V-type virus or why was Sheryl isolated in Galaxy only having a momento of her mother.

  8. Indeed... I believe at the end she's the one who will stop the War, either by mutating into a Vajra Queen herself or by communicating with the remaining Vajra.

    Btw... This was posted in the news thread...

    The name of Ranka's mom is Ranshe.




    Could this mean that Sheryl is a clone of Ranka's Mom while Ranka is Ranshe's true daughter? :blink:

    For now we have suspicions that both Ranka and Sheryl being of Nome blood.

    Indeed in the other thread that both Ranka and Sheryl being orphans with a affinity for their mothers or perhaps their mother.

    We don't know why yet Ranka has the V-type virus or why was Sheryl isolated in Galaxy only having a momento of her mother.

  9. Is the Machida Punnch nuch better than the GAMLIN KICK! ?

    Not much chance of that, but a VF-19 maybe. Is anyone else hoping that in the huge battle that will most certainly happen in the last episode that Macross 7 fleet shows up to lend support and we get to see Max and Millia in CG VF-22s? Or am I dreaming to big?

    You do realize your asking for Nekki Basara to take the glory.

    Then again I would like to see the new Battle 7. Maybe named New Macross Class Basara. (Hey Global got a ship after him.)

  10. Perhaps he's detecting whatever power source is creating that glow inside Ranka. The Macross Galaxy Fleet seems to know a lot more about the Vajra than the NUNS, so they might have a method for detecting wahtever power source is unique to Vajra and humans with similar critters in their cells :)

    Brera also detected Sheryl's song in ep 7.

    Though you could say that the purple crystals act like no lag fold comm.

    But Sheryl is a mystery herself with her background as an orphan.

    Which makes me believe that Sheryl and Ranka's past are interwined.

  11. Sorry. The ace VF-171 pilot from episode 14 had a very manly voice... ^_^

    Why do I have a feeling that VF-171 we saw was the same guy who Nanase and Luca saw kissing his girlfriend?

    Luca you fail at being a SMS Skull Squadron member, the NUNS Diamond Squadron member knows to kiss the girl and kick ass.

  12. Am I the only one thinking that Ranka's singing to the Zentradi and Vajra and them being blown up regardless is analogous Basara's frustration in M7?

    With the next Sheryl "Concert" does seem reminicent of Sharon Apple.

    Grace being an AI compounds it.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the people of Galaxy is hypnotize and under control by Grace.

    Sheryl will be the wrench in Grace's plan much like Myung was to Sharon Apple.

  13. What became of the fleets encountered by Macross 7?

    1. Varuta armada numbering 77,000 ships

    2. Megaroad 13 colonists which became pawns of the Protodevlin.

    3. Macross 5 colonists, their fleet consisting of three city ships and others were destroyed.

    4. Chlore's Meltran armada

    Presumably all surviving citizens of Megaroad 13 and Macross 5 were ridden of brainwashing.

    But this puts a question where do they put the people after their fleet was destroyed.

    Could City 7 and the rest of the civilian ships accomodate them all? (Macross 5 had three city ships)

    The Protodevlin Varutan armada presumably survived destruction.

    What would UN Spacy do with those thousands of ships?

    Lastly Chlore's fleet would they be independent, join UN Spacy or after some time rejoin Macross 7 fleet?

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