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Posts posted by RedWolf

  1. Wait wait wait...

    You're telling me that that WAS Physica's wife...? I thought that Gamlin THOUGHT it was, but as he approached them, realized that it was someone else's wife and kids, and ran away...

    I think Physica was divorced. He complained he did not see his kid often.

    I think this may be a prevalent problem in UN Spacy. In Encore Millia said how hard it is to be married to a military man and given Mylene's feelings for Basara she tried to match them before she dies. (Not really it's just a cold.)

    We know from the Plus clips Max goes on planetary survey missions before Macross 7. These missions may take months. Which could explain why they only have 7 kids. :lol:

    Max comes home bangs his wife then she gets pregnant again. Thus another maternity leave.

    Millia can't go on active duty while she has a baby... Okay maybe can, she did it with Komalia. :wacko:

  2. Now just to clear things up in my head - The first ever transforming airplane, chronologically was the SV-51, right? Invented by (or developed with) the creepy doctor dude in the wheel chair M.Zero - right? Then some how UN Spacey got the info & details and developed the VF-0? Or at some point the ANTI-UN was part of the UN and splintered off somewhere in the developmental stages of the transforming fighter? Can someone clear this up for me?

    On another note - was a shame we didn't see - or even glimpse either the Karyovin, Dragon II or VF-1 at any point during M.Zero...

    From what Ivanov said from the UN's perspective the Anti-UN is the one that stole the idea from them.

    The Anti-UN may have fielded the SV-51 earlier but it was the UN that designed and built the VF-0 first.

    Besides the VF-0 is supposed to have thermonuclear engines originally. The fuel based engines were more of a cheap move to get them on the field.

  3. Some great screen shots for the conversation, courtesy of DarkReaper (big thanks!)


    Oh goody thank guys.

    Very interesting

    Probably goes to show that every NMC is unqiue. Should we really be calling them ships instead of cities in space? Of course they're both but what city is identical to another city in every aspect... heck so far even the NMC battle carriers we've seen have all been different from each other in some way. Imagine with each new ship, new innovations or design changes take place, each time resulting in something different from last time.

    With frontier and galaxy being new types alltogether (though you can argue the island cluster class is a progression of the NMC, obivously) it makes me wonder if any other fleets after 21 were new designs as well or yet more NMCs...

    Guess it is. Each City ship is unique looking at the web domes. Then again what city planner would want an exact copy of the last city that was built. Unlike Macross 5 or Macross 7, Macross 1 had three fins instead of 2.

    Macross 7 City seven may have been unique as it has only one city ship. Macross 1 had 4 city ships and Macross 5 had 3 city ships. Some were wondering why Macross 17 in Macross Frontier were double in the prologue. Multiple city ship may be in fact standard. Macross 7 fleet was unique as it cramed specialization and luxury into several ships.

  4. So far we've determined there are at least 4 NMC battleship carrier variants.

    I've been talking with March about the original city blocks seen in Macross 7.

    Unlike Macross 7 or 5 they did not have shelldomes. In episode 1 of Macross 7 there were 4 of them.


    So in terms of city ships we have the one above. City 7 which spoilered with the vegetation plant and Akusho. The Zentradi pimped out city blocks of Macross 5.

    City 7


    Macross 5 city block.


    Just before 2038 the shelldome became the standard.

    Frontier's main island ship and its web of islands is a totally different ballgame.

  5. Apart from the SV-51, Octos, Cool submarine and the Karyovin Fighter - what other mecha / vehicles did the Anti UN forces have access to?

    That's all we know. Fiction wise mecha that is.

    But there is the MIG-29



    MiM-31 Karyovin


    MiM-31 Karyovin is suposedly the Anti-UN's reponse to the UN Forces McNell Douglar F203 Dragon II Fighter.

    F203 Dragon II Fighter


  6. I always took the Anti-UN as very well funded terrorists not state sponsored per se or a country military alliance as such.

    Remember the world leaders agreed that to create a unified Earth government in face of a possible extraterrestial invasion.

    The Anti-UN did not believe that and saw it as a world domination power grab.

  7. There are some signs that individual countries still operate separate force though (one of the reconstruction episodes features a wrecked destroid with US Army markings on it). I imagine that a large chunk of individual countries militaries have been subsumed by the UN Spacy, but that they still operate some independent forces as well. Given what we see, they most likely buy standard Spacy equipment.

    Like the Zolan Galactic Patrol who has VF-5000 Star Mirages and one VF-19P Excalibur stole... er rented by one Nekki Basara.

    But by most Valkyries are sold to private hands as civilian models or stolen goods sold by smugglers.

    Some like the VA-3C invader are modified by pirates.

    Some rouge groups like Vidirance can make their own VF designs.

    EVA Feios which is similar to the Protodevlin FBz-99G Saubergeran.

  8. With Arihiro Hase out of the picture, and most likely no Mikimoto magic, I don't think I would ever be entirely satisfied with a new anime about Hikaru and gang. :(

    I would probably write the original trio for all intents and purposes as dead.

    Maybe a Megaroad survivor other than them say Hikaru and Misa's daughter Miku.

    Miku growing up under the enemies that killed her parents? Some Protoculture genetic manipulation to keep her young like a Meltran.

    For a new enemy the Supervision Army. They were being escorted by a Zentradi warship so a misunderstanding?

  9. Perhaps I'm not seeing an alternate interpretation of what I wrote, but I definitely don't believe the Battle 25 is single mode. The Battle 25 is a New Macross Class ship so I'm confident it transforms just like every other NMC vessel. We don't have to see it transform. In fact, given the official information about the New Macross Class vessels, we have no choice but to assume the Battle 25 can transform until we're specifically told otherwise. Like I said, unifiying the facts, always.

    Meanwhile lets try to figure how the heck do they fit a New Macross Class in Macross Galaxy.



    Compared to a Dulfim type Macross Galaxy isn't really that big. I'd venture to guess more or less the size of a Megaroad.

    The way I see it half of Macross Galaxy was separated. The lower portion could be the city block.

    The upper portion could be the NMC.

  10. My interpretation of that part was that there were NUN regulations regarding the use of Reaction Weapons. The NUNS general is requesting permission from President Glass to use Reaction weaponry in accordance to a special clause in these regulations. This is where frontier differs from Macross 7 in that Glass has the power to give that Permission. Max had to get that permission from a central headquarters, like you say. This suggests that Macross 7 was not the autonomous fleet that I'm sensing Frontier to be. I smell a reform happened somewhere between 46 and 59.

    (While I'm not at all familiar with the VF-X game series, I seem to recall reading posts that events there could have led to such a reform... could someone with a little more knowledge confirm this?)

    From what I've gleemed is that there were Zentradi seditionist elements on colonies and were to be put back into the fold but it turns out the real enemy is a faction within UN Spacy that was preforming a coup to consolidate power.

  11. Upon viewing the deculture edition of episode 1 again. When Sheryl is about to board frontier you hear Howard speaking to Cathy over comlink. He tells her if anything were to happen to Sheryl, it'd turn into an international problem. (Between frontier and galaxy most likely?) While not much to go on, the keyword international does imply that fleets could be viewed like 'nations', and that Glass is not "Head of state" of at least some other entity (Galaxy). Thoughts?

    Good pointing that out.

    The only other case I can possibly see is Zola which is a planet that joined the UN.

    Certainly it has its own autonomous government because Zolan's were not involved in the events of Space War 1. Also perhaps Chlore's Meltran fleet.

    Perhaps the correct term for this city state system is a hedgemony.

    While technically they are independent they still serve under the New UN banner.

    For Reaction Weapons. Something tells it will take both authority of NUNS and the civilian goverment to launch them now.

    They did say it was NUNS that recommended the use of Reaction Weapons.

    In Macross 7 they said there was a treaty to handle reaction weapons not as first strike weapons.

    They still had to get permission from UN Spacy Headquarter.

  12. another thing. have they even said there IS a battle 25? they already have the hero ship (Macross Quarter) but have they said the fleet has it own battle fortress? that bow deal may or may not be vessel at all.

    Because it comes standard with shelldome cities.

    Look at it it has Macross canon gunship. Though not exactly the same as we've seen on Macross 7 and VFX-2


    Macross Quarter is a PMC warship of SMS.

    Battle 25 or Frontier is the flagship of Frontier's NUNS.

    The better question is where is Macross Galaxy's New Macross class battleship placed.

    In the prologue Macross Galaxy is classfied as a New Macross class but is radically different from shelldome types as we've seen on episode 6 and 7.

  13. The Battle 25 exists. It was clearly animated in CGI in the first episode and we've seen shots of it since, though typically far away or very brief. Can someone get a close shot of the Battle 25 during the flyby of Macross Frontier?


    DarkReaper has the picture I'm currently using on my website (taken from RC), but I was hoping for a closer shot.

    Indeed I was wondering if Battle 25 is the same as Battle 7 or the variant Macross 13.

    I wouldn't put it pass them though for a new variant of the New Macross class.

  14. When the heck did this turn to the food thread?

    Just to add another food.

    Hotdogs always fall when there is a chick or one sided love around.

    Macross 7- Akiko possesed by Sivil tries to seduce Basara unfortunately for her Basara is more concerned about the hotdog that he was eating that she is steping on than her.

    Macross Frontier - Luca drops his hotdog lunch when he is around Nanase.

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